Welcome to my fourth milestone project. In this project, I have created a hotel booking system where users can register an account, book a room, and manage their bookings.
It will use the Django framework, Python, HTML, and JavaScript languages.
This project aims to show the use of CRUD functionality (Create, Read, Update, Delete). After registering an account, the user can create, read, update and delete their hotel booking.
A live website can be found here.
- 1 UX
- 2 Features
- 3 Technologies Used
- 4 Testing
- 5 Development and Deployment Steps
- 6 End Product
- 7 Bugs
- 8 Credits
Travelling is by far the thing that I like to do most, and a big part of any trip is about the accommodation you choose to stay in. When you visit a new city, you need a place to stay, and nowadays the easiest way to book a hotel room is online.
This project will demonstrate how simple and easy a hotel booking system can be.
This project aims to allow users to register a new account, perform a sign-in and sign-out action, book a hotel room, and manage their bookings (see past and future bookings, make an update on an upcoming booking, or cancel the booking).
First Time Visitor Goals
- As a first-time visitor, I want to book a room for a chosen date.
- As a first-time visitor, I want to view pictures of the hotel room and prices per night.
- As a first-time visitor, I want to view information about the hotel so I can decide to book a room.
- As a first-time visitor, I want to get the hotel's contact information.
Returning Visitor Goals
- As a Returning Visitor, I want to view my booking details.
- As a Returning Visitor, I want to update an upcoming booking.
- As a Returning Visitor, I want to cancel an upcoming booking.
Frequent User Goals
- As a Frequent User, I want to see my past bookings or book a new stay.
The following user expectations were considered while designing the site:
- The menu is clear to read and easy to navigate.
- The site structure is designed to be simple and easy to use.
- The user interface is easy to navigate.
- The website is responsive on all devices.
- All images on the website are of high quality.
- Easy to find contact information and hotel location.
I used GitHub kanban board to log all user stories for my project. It was an excellent tool to visualize what to focus on first. The user stories would go directly to the "To Do" lane when created. I would move them to the "In progress" lane when working on the story, and once completed, I would move them to the "Done" lane.
I decided to divide this project into two phases. I included the features that I have identified as a minimum viable product in the first phase. In the second, I included the features that I thought would make a good improvement for the web application.
- Display pictures of the hotel rooms
- Display hotel information, including location and contact
- Allow users to register a new account
- Responsive design
- Ability to create a booking
- Ability to update a booking
- Ability to cancel a booking
- Display past bookings
- Display alerts for each step of CRUD operations
- Register account email confirmation
- Email confirmation for new bookings
- Create a new Django view to confirm booking deletion instead of using a JavaScript function
- Calculate the total price of the booking and display it to the user
- A button on the "Update booking" page to go back to "My Bookings" page if the user changes their mind.
- All pages of this project are responsive using different screen sizes. In addition, fonts and color scheme are consistent throughout all pages, guaranteeing the best user experience.
- Navbar is positioned at the top, and Footer at the bottom of all pages.
- Buttons have self-describing text for easy navigation.
- Planned database structure:
- Final database structure:
class Booking(models.Model):
''' Model for user bookings '''
today = date.today()
user = models.ForeignKey(
User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="user_bookings")
created_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
number_of_guests = models.PositiveIntegerField(
default=1, validators=[MaxValueValidator(15), MinValueValidator(1)])
check_in_date = models.DateField(default=date.today)
number_of_nights = models.PositiveIntegerField(
default=1, validators=[MaxValueValidator(30), MinValueValidator(1)])
('Twin', 'Twin Room'),
('Double', 'Double Room'),
('Family', 'Family Room'),
type_of_room = models.CharField(
''' Display objects using the check-in date'''
def __str__(self):
return str(self.check_in_date)
class Meta:
""" Meta class used for organizing bookings by check-in date """
ordering = ['check_in_date']
Home Page mobile:
Our Rooms Page mobile:
My Bookings Page mobile:
Book Now Page mobile:
Sign in/out and Register Page mobile:
Only the index page and my bookings page have a difference in design compared to the mobile version.
Index Page desktop top:
The index page has a bigger hero image covering most of the page, a margin on both sides of the page, and the hotel info is displayed on top of the hero image.
Index Page desktop bottom:
My Bookings Page desktop:
My bookings page displays booking cards in rows of up to four cards.
I used ColorSpace to generate this colour scheme.
The following colors were used to design this website:
- #E9DBC9
- #005B4B
- #e9dbc9c9
- #f8f9fa
I decided to use Google fonts "Karla" for all pages with "Sans Serif" as the backup font.
Google fonts link here
Navigation bar:
- Is placed at the top of the screen at all times
- If the user is logged in, the "Sign-in" link will change to "Sign out" and the "Register" link will disappear.
- The link in the navbar will have a class attribute to show as active when the user is the specific page. The "Home" and "Contact Us" links will be activated together as both links belong to the same page but in different sections.
- The restaurant logo works as a link for the home page.
- In the mobile version, the logo is positioned at the center of the navbar, and a hamburger icon is placed on the left.
- All links are displayed when the hamburger icon is clicked, as shown below.
Navbar Logged:
Navbar not Logged:
Navbar showing "Our Rooms" link active:
Navbar mobile:
Navbar hamburger icons mobile:
- The footer is placed at the bottom of the screen at all times.
- It has three social links placed at the center of the page that opens in a new page.
- The Home page has a short description of the hotel and two action buttons.
- A button for booking a room and a button that will send the user to the "Our Rooms" page, where they can see information and pictures of the rooms.
- For larger screens the hotel information is displayed inside a container on top of the hero image to increase readability.
- Below the hero image, you can find an iframe containing the google maps location of the hotel.
- At the bottom of the page, you can find the hotel's contact information: address, email and phone number.
- On the "Our Rooms" page, you will find pictures of the three types of rooms the hotel has: Double Room, Twin Room and Family Room.
- Under each picture, there is the price per night for the room and a short description of the room.
- If the user is not logged in, a call for sign-in is displayed on the page.
On the "Book Now" page, the user will be asked to fill up a form with:
- Check-in date (date must be for the next day onwards)
- Number of nights (up to 30 nights)
- Number of guests (up to 15 guests)
- Type of room (Choose between double, twin or family rooms)
- When clicking the "Book Now" button the thank you page will be displayed.
- On the "thank you" page, the user can find a button to manage their bookings.
- An alert error message will show if the user inserts any invalid information.
- If the user is not logged in, a call for sign-in is displayed on the page.
On the "My bookings" page, the bookings are separated into two categories: Upcoming and Past.
- If the user has no bookings, a message is displayed instead of the cards.
- For upcoming bookings, the card will have two buttons at the bottom for updating and deleting the booking.
- The cards are ordered by the nearest check-in date.
Bookings will be displayed in rows of up to four cards, depending on the screen size. Each booking is displayed on a card containing:
- Check-in date
- Number of Nights
- Room Type
- Number of Guests
- If the user clicks on the "Update" button, the "Update Booking" page will show containing a form to update the booking.
- An alert will show when the update is done.
- If the user clicks on the "Cancel" button, a JavaScript onclick function will be called, and a popup to confirm the cancellation will show.
- An alert will show when the cancelation is done.
On the registration page, the user will need to fill in a form containing:
- Username
- Email(optional)
- password
- password(again)
When clicking the sign-up button, two alerts will show.
This project doesn't have an e-mail confirmation management system yet. Because of this, the line of code below was added to settings.py.
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'
The e-mail confirmation is handled in the console, as seen below.
On the "Sign in" page, the user will need to fill up a form containing:
- Username
- Password
An alert will show once the sign-in is completed.
If the user clicks on the sign-out link in the navigation bar, the "Sign out" page will be displayed.
If the user confirms the sign-out, an alert will show.
- The project uses HyperText Markup Language.
- CSS3
- The project uses Cascading Style Sheets.
- Django 3.2
- Django was used as the web framework to develop this project.
- Below you can find the Django libraries and packages used in this project.
- Gunicorn
- Used to run server on heroku
- Dj_database_url
- Utility to utilize the DATABASE_URL environment variable to configure Django application.
- Psycopg2
- Library to connect to PostgreSQL
- Cloudinary
- Library to host pictures on Heroku
- django-allauth
- Library used for authentication and registration
- django-crispy-forms
- Library used to format forms in Django.
- WhiteNoise
- Allows web app to serve its own static files.
- Gunicorn
- JavaScript
- The project uses JavaScript.
- Python
- The project uses Python.
- Boostrap 5
- The project uses Bootstrap 4.6.
- Cloudinary
- Cloudinary was used as cloud-based service to store the images used in this project.
- PostgreSQL
- The project uses PostgreSQL as a database.
- Gitpod
- The project uses Gitpod.
- Chrome
- The project uses Chrome to debug and test the source code using HTML5.
- Balsamiq
- Balsamiq was used to create the wireframes during the design process.
- Canva
- Canva was used as the image provider for this project.
- Google Fonts
- Google fonts were used to import the "Karla" font into the style.css file which is used on all pages throughout the project. Heroku
- Heroku was useed as a cloud platform service for this project.
- GitHub
- GitHub was used to store the project's code after being pushed from Git.
I used the developer tools to debug my code and try different styles. When something in my code didn't behave as I expected, I would inspect it and try out other solutions. Finally, when I was happy with the results, I would copy and paste the code into the project file.
I used Am I Responsive in conjunction with Chrome DevTools to check how the website behaved in different screen sizes.
I used W3C Markup to check my code for any errors in the HTML pages.
- All pages were tested using the Heroku live link
- I found an error within my index.html iframe.
- This error was fixed by moving all the iframe src path to one single line.
- All other template pages came back with no errors.
I used W3C CSS Validation to check my code for any errors in my style.css page.
I had no errors in my CSS file:
I used JS Hint to check for any errors in the base.html file JavaScript script tag. JS Hint showed warnings below:
As these warnings were related to the esversion, they were ignored.
I used PEP8 online to check for errors within my Python files.
Three errors were found in this file
All errors were fixed by removing trailing space and whitespace from the specific lines.
Multiple "line too long" errors were found in this file
I decided to make no changes to the settings.py as the errors were in a critical part of the code.
No errors were found
No errors were found
No errors were found
I have tested this website's features in multiple screen sizes.
These include:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari
The following test process was done on all pages using pc and mobile:
- The navigation bar was tested on all pages.
Home page | When clicking on the "Home" button in the navigation bar, the browser redirects me to the home page. The is-active styling class will be added to the nav-link, making it display text in bold. | PASS |
Logo | When clicking on the "Logo" in the navigation bar, the browser redirects me to the home page. The logo is placed at the center of the navbar on small screens. All links are placed in the hamburger menu on small screens | PASS |
Contact Us | When clicking on the "Contact Us" button in the navigation bar, the browser redirects me to the contact us section of the page. The is-active styling class will be added to the nav-link making it display text in bold. | PASS |
Our Rooms | When clicking on the "Our Rooms" button in the navigation bar, the browser redirects me to the our rooms page. The is-active styling class will be added to the nav-link making it display text in bold. | PASS |
Book Now | When clicking on the "Book Now" button in the navigation bar, the browser redirects me to the book now page. The is-active styling class will be added to the nav-link making it display text in bold. | PASS |
My Bookings | When clicking on the "My Bookings" button in the navigation bar, the browser redirects me to the my bookings page. The is-active styling class will be added to the nav-link making it display text in bold. | PASS |
Register | When clicking on the "Register" button in the navigation bar, the browser redirects me to the register page. The is-active styling class will be added to the nav-link making it display text in bold. | PASS |
Sign-in / Sign-out | When clicking on the "Sign-in" or "Sign-out" button in the navigation bar, the browser redirects me to the Sign-in or sign-out page. The register link is only displayed if the user is signed-in. The is-active styling class will be added to the nav-link making it display text in bold. | PASS |
Text | Checked that all fonts and colours used are consistent. | PASS |
- The Footer was tested on all pages.
When clicking on the Facebook icon, a new tab opens and redirects to the Facebook website. | PASS | |
When clicking on the Twitter icon, a new tab opens and redirects to the Twitter website. | PASS | |
When clicking on the Instagram icon, a new tab opens and redirects to the Instagram website. | PASS |
Media | All media assets are correctly displayed, have no pixelation or stretched images and are responsive on all devices. | PASS |
Buttons | Checked that both buttons "Book Now" and "Our Rooms" redirect the user to the correct page and display the bootstrap hover effect when hovered. | PASS |
Responsiveness | Check every element on the page for consistent scalability in mobile and desktop view. | PASS |
Iframe | Check that Iframe displays the correct google maps link. | PASS |
Text | Checked that all fonts and colours used are consistent. | PASS |
Media | All media assets are correctly displayed, have no pixelation or stretched images and are responsive on all devices. | PASS |
Text | Checked that all fonts and colours used are consistent. | PASS |
Responsiveness | Check every element on the page for consistent scalability in mobile and desktop view. | PASS |
Authentication | Check that content is only displayed if the user is authenticated. A call to sign in is displayed if the user is not authenticated. | PASS |
Form | Check-in field only accepts dates starting on the next day. The "Number of nights" field only accepts up to 30 nights. The "Number of guests" field only accepts up to 15 guests. The form is only submitted when all required fields are filled out. | PASS |
Buttons | "Sign in" button redirects to the sign-in page. The "Book now" button redirects to the "Thank you" page. | PASS |
Alerts | Checked if all fields display the correct error message if the user inserts invalid information. | PASS |
Text | Checked that all fonts and colours used are consistent. | PASS |
Responsiveness | Check every element on the page for consistent scalability in mobile and desktop view. | PASS |
Text | Checked that all fonts and colours used are consistent. | PASS |
Responsiveness | Check every element on the page for consistent scalability in mobile and desktop view. | PASS |
button | Check if the "Manage Bookings" button redirects to my bookings page. | PASS |
Authentication | Check that content is only displayed if the user is authenticated. A call to sign in is displayed if the user is not authenticated. | Pass |
Cards | Check that booking cards are displayed in rows of up to 4 cards. | PASS |
Cards | Check that booking cards are separated into two groups by older than today. | PASS |
Cards | Check that cards are ordered by check-in date. | PASS |
Buttons | Check that the "Update" button redirects to the update booking page. The "Cancel" button opens a confirmation pop-up. The booking is deleted from the database after user confirmation. | PASS |
Text | Checked that all fonts and colours used are consistent. | PASS |
Responsiveness | Check every element on the page for consistent scalability in mobile and desktop view. | PASS |
Form | The form is prepopulated with booking information. Check-in field only accepts dates starting on the next day. The "Number of nights" field only accepts up to 30 nights. The "Number of guests" field only accepts up to 15 guests. The form is only submitted when all required fields are filled out. | PASS |
Button | The "Update Booking" button updates the booking and redirects to the my bookings page. | PASS |
Alerts | Checked if all fields display the correct error message if the user inserts invalid information. Check if the form is still prepopulated after the alert reloads the page. Check if the correct alert is displayed after successfully updating the booking | PASS |
Text | Checked that all fonts and colours used are consistent. | PASS |
Responsiveness | Check every element on the page for consistent scalability in mobile and desktop view. | PASS |
Form | The form is only submitted when all the required information is filled out. | PASS |
Alert | A success alert is displayed when the user is registered. | PASS |
Text | Checked that all fonts and colours used are consistent. | PASS |
Responsiveness | Check every element on the page for consistent scalability in mobile and desktop view. | PASS |
Form | The form is only submitted when all the required information is filled out. | PASS |
Alert | A success alert is displayed when the user is logged in and signs out. | PASS |
Text | Checked that all fonts and colours used are consistent. | PASS |
Responsiveness | Check every element on the page for consistent scalability in mobile and desktop view. | PASS |
Create a new Github repository
Open a new Gitpod workspace
Install Django and the supporting libraries
- Install Django and Gunicorn. Gunicorn is used to run Django on Heroku.
- Install support libraries, including dj_database_url and psycopg2. This is used to connect to the PostgreSQL database.
- Install Cloudinary libraries to host pictures on Heroku.
- Create the requirements.txt file. Here you include the project's dependencies so Heroku can recognize them.
Create a new, blank Django Project
- Create a new project
- Create the bookingsystem app
- Add bookingsystem app to the installed apps in settings.py
- Migrate all new changes to the database
- Run the server to test
Setup project to use Cloudinary and PostgreSQL
- Create new Heroku app
- Sign into Heroku
- Click on the "New" button
- Select create new app
- Enter a relevant app name
- Select appropriate region
- Click on the "Create app" button
- Create new Heroku app
Attach PostgreSQL database
- In Heroku go to resources
- Search for Postgres in the add-ons box
- Select Heroku Postgres
- Click on the "Submit Order Form" button
Prepare the environment and settings.py file
- In the settings tab of the heroku app click on "Reveal Config Vars" button
- Copy the DATABASE_URL VALUE string
- Create env.py file
- Add DATABASE_URL with the Postgres URL from Heroku
- Add SECRET_KEY to env.py
- Add SECRET_KEY to the config vars in Heroku
- Add if statement to settings.py to prevent the production server from erroring
- Replace insecure key with the environment variable for the SECRET_KEY
- Add Heroku database as the back end
- Migrate changes to new database
Get static media files stored on Cloudinary
- Create a Cloudinary account
- From the dashboard, copy the API Environment variable
- In the env.py file create a new environment variable for CLOUDINARY_URL
- Add the CLOUDINARY_URL variable to Heroku
- Add a temporary config var for DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC
- In settings.py add Cloudinary as an installed app
- Add static and media file variables
- Add templates directory
- Change DIR's key to point to TEMPLATES_DIR
- Add Heroku hostname to allowed hosts
- Create directories for media, static and templates in the project workspace
- Create a Procfile
- Have all installed packages added to requirements.txt using pip3 freeze --local > requiremnets.txt
- Set debug = False in settings.py file
- Commit and push all files to GitHub
- In Heroku, remove the DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC config var.
- In the deploy tab, go to the manual deploy sections and click deploy branch.
When deploying the website to Heroku, all my static files were missing. This problem was fixed by installing the WhiteNoise package allowing the web application to serve its static files.
Book Now page:
My Bookings page:
After a Heroku maintenance, trying to connect to the PostgreSQL database would give an authentication error. Fixed problem by copying the new password from config vars on Heroku to DATABASE_URL in envy.py.
When trying to register a new account using django-allauth you would get an error when django-allauth tried to send an automatic confirmation e-mail to the new e-mail registered.
- Fixed the problem by adding EMAIL_BACKEND in settings.py, printing the e-mail to the console instead.
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend
- Two alerts are created when registering a new account, one for successfully signing up with the new user and sending a confirmation e-mail to the newly registered e-mail account. Only one of the alerts is automatically dismissed.
- This bug hasn't been fixed yet and will be dealt with in phase 2 of this project.
- Bootstrap grid, buttons, navbar and footer features were used in this project.
- Font Awesome icons were used in this project.
- JavaScript code for dismissing alerts was taken from the CI walkthrough projects.
- Canva were used for all images and the logo in this project.
- Google maps were used for the iframe content on the home page.
- My mentor Marcel Mulders for the support given in this project.