ACA is an acronym for Access Control Application.
It is an authentication and authorization solution for Ruby on Rails apps.
How to use my plugin.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'aca_rails'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install aca_rails
Run the generator to install:
$ rails generate aca_rails:install
Aca_Rails uses the application default configuration to send emails. Configure it before installing it.
With the email properly configured, you can now create the To create arootadmin user, run the use_root aca_rails rake task:
$ rake aca_rails:use_root
To create a namedadminadministrator user, run the use_admin aca_rails rake task:
$ rake aca_rails:use_admin
If you want to create both users:
$ rake aca_rails:all
The admin user is created with the default passwordadmin.
The root user is created with the default passwordroot.
The password will be asked to be changed in the first login
Contribution directions go here.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.