Fast and flexible Pyhon library for text tables.
There's also PHP version of ths library.
Table of contents
- Simple API, easy to use,
- Lightweight (no additional dependencies),
- Production ready.
Simples possible usage:
from flextable.table import FlexTable # Import FlexTable root class
table = FlexTable(['ID', 'NAME', 'SCORE']) # Define table with 3 columns
[1, 'John', 12], # Add 2 rows, 3 columns each
[2, 'Tommy', 15],
print(table.render()) # Render table as string and print
would produce nice text table:
│ 1 │ John │ 12 │
│ 2 │ Tommy │ 15 │
See more usage examples.
- Written and copyrighted ©2023 by Marcin Orlowski <mail (#) marcinorlowski (.) com>
- Flex Text Table is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license