Datamining tool for the game "Eve Online" using public pvp data.
This tool pulls public killmail data from to analyze PvP activity in wormhole space.
It is intended to be used as the back end with the EveIntel branch of Limbo, a slack client, as the front end, but it is not dependant on slack or any other particular front end
EveCommon library is used to pull killmails from and connect to the Eve static database
EveLink is used to connect to Eve's xml api for some data imports, but may be dropped as a requirement in the future
The Eve Static Data Export (sqlite) is used to help populate the db
tabulate is used to format reports into nice ascii tables
ascii_graph is used to graph certain reports for easy representation on slack
EveIntel runs off of a sqlite database that must be populated with data before use. As of 7/30/2015 the db size is 5.25GB for all kills in wspace, so I recommend only downloading what you actually need since Zkillboard is nice enough to offer the killmails for free.
To setup the database:
- create a new sqlite3 db and use the make tables script to setup the schema
- modify pullWHKills() in to select the systems you want
- modify sqlinterface to point to your sqlite3 db
- modify sdeinterface to point to your Eve static sqlite db
- populate systems in the db
- set a custom useragent in
- run dbpopulate and wait
Once setup, EveIntel is primarally used via the report interface.
Current reports:
- Entity home report: find entity home
- Solar system report: find entity that lives in system
- FC/PvP report: find players best at following primaries. FCs tend to rank highly
- Hr report: creates a graph showing when entity is most active
- Siege report: lists who has sieged who in the last two days and killed structures
Example usage: All reports are called via a reportInterface() object.
from eveIntel.reportinterface import reportInterface
data = reportInterface()
report = data.getHomeReport(entity)
System NumKills+Losses DaysRepresented Class Confidence Rating Most recent kill/loss
J151909 792 225 C5 (buggy) 4.1123e+36 2015-9-14
J124046 130 16 C5 (buggy) 33280 2015-9-16
J105934 173 15 C6 (buggy) 22144 2015-9-13
Thera 205 13 Thera 1640 2015-8-24
J125544 56 15 C5 (buggy) 896 2015-8-25
J110018 62 10 C5 (buggy) 496 2015-9-1
J213226 98 10 C5 (buggy) 196 2015-8-13
J115405 48 6 C5 (buggy) 192 2015-9-3
J170540 46 7 C5 (buggy) 184 2015-9-5
J164430 71 9 C5 (buggy) 142 2015-8-22
J171013 35 7 C5 (buggy) 140 2015-9-4
J152820 136 5 C5 (buggy) 136 2015-8-30
J152111 59 6 C5 (buggy) 118 2015-8-28
J135540 50 9 C5 (buggy) 100 2015-8-22
J111518 25 7 C5 (buggy) 100 2015-9-5
corporation Kills+losses Days Represented Confidence Rating Most recent kill/loss
Sleeper Social Club 1882 497 inf 2015-09-13
Future Corps 1866 496 inf 2015-09-13
Lazerhawks 84 22 21504 2015-07-25
R3d Fire 16 3 32 2015-09-09
Vision Inc 16 4 32 2015-08-24
Hole Control 16 4 32 2015-08-24
WormHole Occupation and Resource Exploitation 8 4 16 2015-08-21
Ixtab. 52 9 13 2015-06-23
Ministry of War 6 4 6 2015-08-16
Radical Astronauts Plundering Eve 6 3 6 2015-08-21
print(data.getLeadershipReport("hard knocks inc."))
Pilot KillCount PossibleKills Whore % NumFights Confidence
Braxus Deninard 847 1173 0.72208 115 1.55933e+06
sHanQ Myteia 710 988 0.718623 105 1.10559e+06
Gewik O'Drakar 418 740 0.564865 64 603912
NoobMan 406 726 0.559229 66 580710
DaJokr 308 684 0.450292 52 505825
Josh Tsutola 469 636 0.737421 47 459632
Pantuf 369 555 0.664865 48 345638
gr33nCO 301 548 0.54927 62 330292
Jaiimez Skor 305 547 0.557587 47 329562
Franky Saken 246 546 0.450549 35 322324
J3rz11 278 493 0.563895 42 267998
Blizzaro 215 493 0.436105 39 262128
matt jaker 358 476 0.752101 53 258116
Turd Destroyer 207 483 0.428571 33 251274
EMU EVIL 191 466 0.409871 31 233140
System Besieged Siege Date Siegers num Structures killed num Attackers
J212319 Sacred Soldiers 2015-09-15 SUPREME MATHEMATICS 39 8
J113701 Sleeper Slumber Party 2015-09-15 Hard Knocks Inc. 23 4
J110016 G.F.Y 2015-09-15 Bros Before Holes 12 2
J125634 Dredge X INC 2015-09-16 Haywire. 11 2
J164613 FREE BURRITO LTD. 2015-09-15 Blackwater Associates 8 1
J231137 Night cats 2015-09-16 SUPREME MATHEMATICS 8 1
J144153 NanoTapkiCorp 2015-09-16 Exit-Strategy 7 1
J123249 Chaos Order 2015-09-15 EyEs.FR 7 3
J163641 Panga Management 2015-09-16 Polarized 7 2
J212906 Orcus Initiative 2015-09-15 Funny Scramble Inc. 6 1
J155616 The Alabaster Albatross 2015-09-15 Russian industrial corporation a name of G-gurda 5 1
J132458 Low-Life Mining Company 2015-09-15 Nehalem Inc. 5 7
J100237 D.I.E.S.E.L. 2015-09-16 The Short Bus Squad 5 2
J133613 Revelaetions 2015-09-16 Major League Infidels 4 3
J145848 JinRoh Raiding Command 2015-09-15 Polarized 3 4
Because the db is powered by sqlite it doesn't handle multiple users very well, but a switch to postgres is planned for later.