'AskR' is an interface that helps you make those important life-decisions using R.
Aren't you tired of making all those difficult life decisions yourself? Aren't you tired of weighing the pros and the cons of everything all the time?
Well you no longer have to! Just use AskR!!
Currently there isn't a release on CRAN,
and I don't think there ever will be. You can
download the zip
or tar ball.
Then decompress and run R CMD INSTALL
on it,
or use the devtools package to install the development version
(following code courtesy of dasonk ).
## Make sure your current packages are up to date
## devtools is required
Or find the relevant functions in /R and just add the source code to your .Rprofile.
Interface is currently limited to yes/no answers
AskR(question="Will this package be a great success?")
#R says: Very doubtful