MathsCaptcha is a simple PHP Class for using captchas in php forms. It works by creating a simple maths task displayed as SVG. The correct answer is served as hashed value with the SVG and can be compared after form submition with user input by classown method.
$captcha=new MathsCaptcha("+|-|x|:")
The class-Constructor expects an optional maths operator for the Captcha.
Calculates the hashvalue from captcha input and compares it with given hash.
Returns json-String with svg in field "_captcha_svg" and hash in "_captcha_hash"
Echoes a complete HTML-Snippet with SVG-Captcha, hidden hash input named "_captcha_hash" and solution input named "_captcha_solution". Uses all following methods.
Returns the captcha result hash
Returns the captcha task as plain letters.
Returns the captcha task as SVG
In your form:
$captcha=new MathsCaptcha();
In your form validation: