Program used for simplifying CFG grammar by applying Alg 4.3
Usage: simplify-bkg (-i | -1 | -2) [FILENAME] Program reads CFG grammar from file given as second argument or standart input in case filepath is not specified. Depending on the first argument given output is:
- i parsed grammar
- 1 grammar consisting only from necessary nonterminals (Alg 4.1)
- 2 grammar consisting only from reachable symbols (Alg4.2)
For ease of use makefile is provided with following rules to run program: make all - compiles program make run1 - runs program with -i parameter on sample input make run2 - runs program with -1 parameter on sample input make run3 - runs program with -2 parameter on sample input make doc - creates documentation in doc folder created by haddock
Algorithms referenced:
- Program uses optparse-applicative for parsing program arguments
- Program uses ReadP parser for parsing program input
- Program was developed and tested on haskell-platform package from Ubuntu repositories using ghci version 7.10.3
- Method of parsing program input and using data types
- Method of parsing program arguments