This repository contains R tools and workflows for spatial analysis of cell-types using single-cell spatial transcriptomic Xenium data. To know more about Xenium technology, check out the Xenium workflow.
We will use the anterodorsal nucleus of the anterior thalamic nuclei (ATN) within two brain slices from our Cell Reports paper to demonstrate how to examine gene expression gradients. You can also check out the raw data and full Seurat processed object at our GEO portal, or download just the anterodorsal nucleus of the ATN in two slices here in .rds
file format to follow the tutorial.
July 9th 2024: New Beta functions (analyzeLayer and object_FOV_to_coordinates) have been added with tutorials coming soon!
allows you to extract cell ID, cluster ID, cell coordinates, etc. for cells from a specified FOV in your Xenium object.analyzeLayer
allows you to compute cell normalized distances along along a cortical layer, and away from a boundary that you define to examine superficial-deep differences in cell-type composition or spatial organization.
The following can be performed with this suite of tools:
- create publication ready plots
- merge and analyze data across multiple slices, via UMAP dimensionality reduction and applying cluster-based algorithms
- highlight UMAP clusters of interest in situ across selected FOV(s)
- tally the number of cells in each Xenium Assay Seurat object
- find marker genes for unique UMAP clusters
- create boxplots for cluster-specific marker genes (using sequencing depth-corrected or raw counts)
- calculate the midline of any group of cells in situ
- compute gene expression as a function of distance away from a computed midline
- perform a gene expression gradient analysis (via computing 1-Dimensional UMAP embeddings values for cells)
- compute UMAP_1 embeddings as a function of distance away from a computed midline
- ... and more!
If you find this Xenium Toolkit useful, please cite our paper:
Kapustina, M., Zhang, A.A., Tsai, J.Y.J., Bristow, B.N., Kraus, L., Sullivan, K.E., Erwin, S.R., Wang, L., Stach, T.R., Clements, J., et al. (2024). The cell-type-specific spatial organization of the anterior thalamic nuclei of the mouse brain. Cell Reports 43, 113842–113842.
Please ensure that your R version >= 4.3.2.
To install and load package:
When updating to a newer version of the repo:
#remove old version
#reinstall from here or from the cembrowskilab/XeniumSpatialAnalysis github
Read in raw Xenium data using Seurat's LoadXenium()
function. Make sure to set unique FOV names for each slice for easier downstream processing. The code here also removes cells with zero counts, and saves data as .rds file in a specified directory.
For each replicate assign a unique FOV for easier downstream processing:
#Author: Margarita Kapustina, UBC, 2023
#read in xenium data, and remove cells with 0 counts, save rds files.
#load packages
#specify folder location (home) and where to save .rds object (save.location)
home = "XeniumOutputFolder.path"
save.location = "SaveLocation.path"
#for each replicate assign a unique FOV for easier downstream processing:
filename = 'output-XETG00098__0018569__rep1_atn_ant__20231129__015936'
obj <- LoadXenium(filename, fov = "fov")
# remove cells with 0 counts
obj <- subset(obj, subset = nCount_Xenium > 0)
saveRDS(obj, 'output-XETG00098__0018569__rep1_atn_ant__20231129__015936-obj.rds')
Read in data from .rds
files, add sample metadata
to differentiate slices, and merge
#load packages
#read in data from saved .rds files and merge all slices
data.dir = "myobjpath1.rds"
S1_ant = readRDS(data.dir)
data.dir = "myobjpath2.rds"
S1_int = readRDS(data.dir)
data.dir = "myobjpath3.rds"
S1_post = readRDS(data.dir)
#add sample metadata$sample = 'S1_ant'$sample = 'S1_int'$sample = 'S1_post'
#merge slices
merge = merge(S1_ant, S1_int)
merge = merge(merge, S1_post)
Analyze data across multiple slices, via UMAP dimensionality reduction and applying cluster-based algorithms. Continue until you have desired UMAP embeddings. For more info see Seurat's vigentte.
#normalize merged data
merge <- SCTransform(merge, assay = "Xenium")
#remove oligos and endothelial cells - your genes of choice here
xenexc = merge %>% subset(Slc17a6 > 0 & Opalin ==0 & Sox10 ==0 & Sox17 ==0)
#visualize subset of cells in specified FOV
ImageDimPlot(xenexc, fov = 'X1fov')
#run analysis
xenexc <- RunPCA(xenexc, npcs = 30, features = rownames(xenexc))
#select your number of dims based on elbow plot
#fyi elbow plot: a ranking of principle components based on the
#percentage of variance explained by each one (see:
ElbowPlot(xenexc, ndims = 30, reduction = "pca")
xenexc <- RunUMAP(xenexc, dims = 1:30)
xenexc <- FindNeighbors(xenexc, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)
xenexc <- FindClusters(xenexc, resolution = 0.03)
#visualize UMAP
DimPlot(xenexc, raster = FALSE, cols = 'glasbey') + DarkTheme() +coord_fixed()
#find the number of cells in your object
dim(xenexc) #75058 - excitatory neuronal cells
To highlight a cluster in your Xenium object, use HighlightCluster()
and specify:
: Xenium objectcluster_id
: Identity of cluster to highlightFOV
: FOV(s) of choice to vizualise cells within
Following are optional to specify:
: Size of the highlighted cells in the plotalpha_value
: Alpha (transparency) value of the highlighted cellscolor_palette
: Color palette for the plotsave_plot
: Option to save plot as .pdf in working directory (TRUE, FALSE)
highlightCluster(obj = xenexc, cluster_id = c('2', '6'), size = 2, FOV = c('X1fov', 'fov'))
Subset clusters from a Xenium object with subset()
#subset clusters
xen_atn = xenexc %>% subset(idents = c("2", "6"))
: the object you want to highlight (ie subset cells)within_obj
: the object you want to highlight your object within (ie cells plotted but not highlighted; original object)FOV
: FOV of choice to vizualise cells within
Optional to specify:
: Size of the highlighted cells in the plotalpha_value
: Alpha (transparency) value of the highlighted cellscolor_palette
: Color palette for the plotsave_plot
: Option to save plot as .pdf in working directory (TRUE, FALSE)
#highlight subset of cells within original object (or any smaller object within a larger object)
highlightCells(highlight_obj = xen_atn, within_obj = xenexc, size = 1)
Create boxplots for gene of interest across all clusters, using XeniumBoxPlot()
or XeniumBoxPlotRaw()
#create vector of genes
my_genes= c('C1ql2','Foxp1', 'Gng13')
#generate boxplots using sequencing depth corrected counts (these are SCT$counts)
BoxPlots = XeniumBoxPlot(object = xen_atn, genes = my_genes)
#or using raw counts (these are Xenium$counts)
BoxPlotsRaw = XeniumBoxPlotRaw(object = xen_atn, genes = my_genes)
Before performing your spatial gradient analysis or compute the spatial midline, visualize your cells in space with highlightCells()
#subset cells in specific clusters (see 3a)
AD = xen_atn_subregions %>% subset(idents = c('5', '6'))
#visualize the subset
ImageDimPlot(AD, cols = "polychrome", size = 2, fov = 'X1fov')
#highlight cells that we subset
highlightCells(highlight_obj = AD, within_obj = xen_atn_subregions)
Prior to running any 1D UMAP plots (i.e. plotUMAP1_inSituMidline) UMAP_1 embeddings must be computed.
User can compute UMAP_1 embeddings using Seurat
#subset your cluster(s) of interest AD = xen_atn_subregions %>% subset(idents = c('5', '6'))#(optional) visualize and check cells included in subset Seurat::ImageDimPlot(AD, cols = "polychrome", size = 2, fov = 'X1fov')
#load required package library(Seurat) #compute 1D UMAP embeddings AD<- Seurat::RunPCA(AD, npcs = 30, features = rownames(AD)) #choose number of dims for UMAP accordingly Seurat::ElbowPlot(AD, ndims = 30, reduction = "pca") AD <- Seurat::RunUMAP(AD, dims = 1:15, n.components = 1)
For more more info on Seurat functions see (
Here, we will:
i. Create a 1-dimensional UMAP
ii. Plot the corresponding histogram of UMAP_1 embedding values & the UMAP_1 embedding values in situ within specified FOV
iii. Compute the midline intersecting cells within specified FOV
First, run plotUMAP1_inSituMidline()
, making sure to check how your spatial midline looks. If it looks off - please adjsut degs
parameter. When using the function specify:
a Xenium objectgene
s Character vector of gene names to fetch expression data forFOV
FOV to extract coordinates fromdegs
User-defined angle, defined in degrees, that intersects centrepoint in midline computation
Option to save plot as .eps in working directory (TRUE, FALSE)
#Plot 1D UMAP, corresponding histogram of UMAP_1 embedding values, UMAP_1 embedding values in situ (within specified FOV), and compute the midline intersecting cells (within specified FOV).
#note: please compute UMAP_1 embeddings beforehand.
AD_df_midline = plotUMAP1_inSituMidline(object = AD, FOV = 'X1fov', degs = 45, save_plot = TRUE)
You can also create the above plots without computing the spatial midline using plotUMAP1_inSitu()
When using the function specify:
a Xenium objectFOV
FOV to plot UMAP_1 embedding values in
title for UMAP_1 Embeddings plotHistogramPlotTitle
title for UMAP_1 Embeddings Histogram plotinSituPlotTitle
title for UMAP_1 Embeddings in situ plotsave_plot
Option to save plot as .eps in working directory (TRUE, FALSE)
#Plot 1D UMAP, corresponding histogram of UMAP_1 embedding values, UMAP_1 embedding values in situ (within specified FOV)
#note: please compute UMAP_1 embeddings beforehand.
AD_df = plotUMAP1_inSitu(object = AD, FOV = 'X1fov', save_plot = TRUE)
First generate Gene Expression vs Midline data for individual FOVs using getExpressionvsMidline()
. Make sure to visually assess whether your midline intersects your cells appropriatley. When using this function, please specify:
a Xenium objectgenes
Character vector of gene names to fetch expression data forFOV
FOV to extract coordinates fromdegs
User-defined angle, defined in degrees, that intersects centrepoint in midline computation
#generate gene expression vs spatial midline data for individual FOVs, for any gene(s) in your assay
geneExpression_X1fov <- getExpressionvsMidline(AD, FOV = "X1fov", genes = c("Epha1", "Cntnap4", 'Pcp4', 'Mdga1'), degs = 45)
geneExpression_fov <- getExpressionvsMidline(AD, FOV = "fov", genes = c("Epha1", "Cntnap4", 'Pcp4', 'Mdga1'), degs = 60)
Then, use plotGeneExpressionVsMidline()
to create a pooled dataframe containing Cell IDs, coordinates (X,Y), gene expression counts for specififed gene(s), and computed distance away from spatial midline of each cell, across all FOVs in data. Running getExpressionvsMidline()
will also plot gene expression data for cells and their distance away from Spatial Midline across multiple FOVs. When using this function, please specify:
List of dataframes generated with getExpressionvsMidline() across multiple FOVsgenes
Character vector of gene names to fetch expression data for
Optional to specify:
Number of bins to use for histogram (bars). Suggested binNumber = total # cells in pooled data/binwidth (default: 7)binwidth
Width of bins for gene expression averaging (lines) Suggested binwidth = 40 for 40micron bins (default: 40)save_plot
Option to save plot as .eps in working directory (TRUE, FALSE)xlim
Define x-axis limits as vector (default: -500 to 500)
#pool data and plot gene expression vs spatial midline data for multiple genes, across multiple FOVs
#lines are gene expression values (averaged gene counts per binned cells) & histogram is number of cells in each bin
pooled_GeneExpression = plotGeneExpressionVsMidline(geneExpressionData = list(geneExpression_fov, geneExpression_X1fov), genes = c("Epha1", "Cntnap4", 'Pcp4', 'Mdga1'))
You will also get a readout of the colour legend per genes and the number of cells per bin when running this function
Colour Scheme (Gene : colour): Epha1 : red Cntnap4 : green Pcp4 : pink Mdga1 : black [1] "Generating plot..." Number of cells in each bin (note: plotted are counts/100): Beginning on left-most bin... Bin: 1 , Count: 11 Bin: 2 , Count: 28 Bin: 3 , Count: 66 Bin: 4 , Count: 78 Bin: 5 , Count: 29 Bin: 6 , Count: 21 Bin: 7 , Count: 1
You can also run the function on just a single genExpression dataframe:
#pool data and plot gene expression vs spatial midline data for multiple genes, for one FOV
#lines are gene expression values (averaged gene counts per binned cells) & histogram is number of cells in each bin
pooled_GeneExpression = plotGeneExpressionVsMidline(geneExpressionData = list(geneExpression_fov), genes = c("Epha1", "Cntnap4", 'Pcp4', 'Mdga1'))
It's recommended that you specifiy the same
. If you would like to get gene expression data for more genes, rungetExpressionvsMidline()
with your new desired genes, and then runplotGeneExpressionVsMidline()
after. If you keep the dataframe name the same, running the function will overwrite the previous gene expression dataframe stored in your environment.
In a similar fashion to plotting gene expression data as a function of distance away from spatial midline, you can also plot the UMAP_1 embeddings as a function of distance away from midline. To do this, use getUMAP1_MidlineData()
then plotUMAP1_vsMidline()
When using getUMAP1_MidlineData()
please specify:
a Xenium objectFOV
FOV to extract coordinates and UMAP_1 embeddings values from
Optional to specify:
Number of bins to use for histogram (bars). Suggested binNumber = total # cells in pooled data/binwidth (default: 7)binwidth
Width of bins for gene expression averaging (lines) Suggested binwidth = 40 for 40micron bins (default: 40)save_plot
Option to save plot as .eps in working directory (TRUE, FALSE)
#generate UMAP_1 embedding values vs spatial midline data for individual FOVs, specifying degrees to define spatial midline for each individual FOV
#will also plot coloured coordinates according to UMAP_1 embeddings and histogram of UMAP_1 embeddings values per binned distance for single FOV specified
##note: please compute UMAP_1 embeddings beforehand
UMAP1_midline_data_fov <- getUMAP1_MidlineData(AD, FOV= c('fov'), degs = 65)
UMAP1_midline_data_X1fov <- getUMAP1_MidlineData(AD, FOV= c('X1fov'), degs = 45)
When using plotUMAP1_vsMidline()
please specify:
List of dataframes generated with getUMAP1_MidlineData() across multiple FOVs
Optional to specify:
Number of bins to use for histogram (bars). Suggested binNumber = total # cells in pooled data/binwidth (default: 7)binwidth
Width of bins for gene expression averaging (lines) Suggested binwidth = 40 for 40micron bins (default: 40)save_plot
Option to save plot as .eps in working directory (TRUE, FALSE)
#pool data and plot histogram of UMAP_1 embeddings values per binned distance across multiple FOVs
pooled_UMAP1_vsMidline = plotUMAP1_vsMidline(list(UMAP1_midline_data_fov, UMAP1_midline_data_X1fov))
To examine whether your cells exhibit superficial-deep transcriptomic differences, the following examples will guide you through extracting cell coordinates with relevant information and computing distance along a cortical layer and cell distances away from a boundary that you define.
First, use object_FOV_to_coordinates()
to create a dataframe with cell ID coordinates and cluster IDs from a Xenium Seurat object. This function will also allow you to define a boundary for each FOV, that you specifiy if you are interested in assessing whether cell cluster IDs differ above, and below, a regional boundary that you define. The function will return a dataframe with cell ID, coordinates, cluster ID, and a plot with UMAP_1 embedding values and the boundary that you define. Please make sure that you have already run dimensionality reduction and clustering on your Xenium object before running this function.
When using object_FOV_to_coordinates()
please specify:
Xenium object to extract cell coordinates fromthisFOV
Name of the FOV to extract coordinates fromthreshold_y
Boundary that you define to compute cells that are above and below thisangle_adjust
Option to adjust the angle of your cell coordinates (TRUE, FALSE)theta_deg
Specify the degrees you wish to rotate your slice byflip_x_coordinates
Option to flip your slice in the horizontal plane (TRUE, FALSE)
distanceData_X11fov = object_FOV_to_coordinates(object, thisFOV = 'X11fov', threshold_y = 1911,
angle_adjust = TRUE,
theta_deg = 20,
flip_x_coordinates = TRUE)
Once you have run object_FOV_to_coordinates() on all slices, merge your FOV-specific dataframes using rbind(), and compute the normalized distance away from the boundary for each of the slices.
#merge all distancedistanceData
distance_data_all = rbind(distanceData_X2fov, distanceData_X3fov)
distance_data_all= rbind(distance_data_all, distanceData_X4fov)
distance_data_all= rbind(distance_data_all, distanceData_X11fov)
#add normalized distance
distance_data_all$normalized_distance = (distance_data_all$y - distance_data_all$threshold)
Now, use analyzeLayer()
to compute the cell normalized distances along the cortical layer and away from a boundary that you define. To define your boundary, click sequential points in your plot screen, and hit ESC
when complete. The boundary defined will be showed in the plot screen.
When using analyzeLayer()
please specify:
Name of our FOV to extract coordinates from
Make sure that you have your merged distanceData stored as distance_data_all
#make sure that you have merged distanceData stored as distance_data_all
#if you only have one FOV, rename the dataframe to distance_data_all
#save your working directory to where plot output wil be saved
cellDataX11fov <- analyzeLayer("X11fov")
dev.copy2eps(file = 'X11fovAnalysis.eps')
Upon running this function, several plots will be saved. These plots show:
- normalized distance along the cortical layer
- normalized distance to boundary of the cortical layer
- histogram of distances along the cortical layer
- histogram of distances to the boundary of the cortical layer
Next, you can merge FOV-specific cell data into a merged dataframe to compare cell cluster ID and normalized distance along the neocoritcal layer, or away from the defined boundary
#merge all cellData
allCellData = rbind(cellDataX2fov, cellDataX3fov)
allCellData= rbind(allCellData, cellDataX4fov)
allCellData= rbind(allCellData, cellDataX11fov)
- highlight cluster(s) of choice in a Xenium object
{cluster of interest labelled "this cluster" & all other clusters in the object labelled "all else"}
- highlight subset cells from a Xenium object of choice -- useful when subsetting cells for downstream analysis
{cells from subset object labelled "these cells" & all other cells labelled "all else"}
- plot boxplots of given genes per cluster using sequencing-depth corrected counts
- plot boxplots of given genes per cluster using raw Xenium counts
- generates gene expression data away from the computed spatial midline. Supports one FOV at a time
- plots gene expression data for cells and their distance away from Spatial Midline across multiple FOVs
- fetches UMAP_1 embedding values for cells, and their distance away from the computed spatial midline. Supports one FOV at a time
- plots UMAP_1 embedding values for cells and their distance away from Spatial Midline across multiple FOVs
- plots 1-dimensional UMAP, the corresponding histogram of UMAP_1 embedding values, and the UMAP_1 embedding values in situ within specified FOV
- plots gene expression data for cells and their distance away from Spatial Midline across multiple FOVs
- plots gene expression data for cells and their distance away from Spatial Midline across multiple FOVs
- plots gene expression data for cells and their distance away from Spatial Midline across multiple FOVs
Interested in recreating the tutorial from our processed Xenium seurat object?
#read in seurat obj from .rds file (access via GEO portal)
xen_atn_analysis = readRDS('xen_atn_analysis.rds')
#increase resolution "high/fine resolution"
xen_atn_subregions = xen_atn_analysis
xen_atn_subregions <- FindClusters(xen_atn_subregions, resolution = 0.7)
AD = xen_atn_subregions %>% subset(idents = c('5', '6'))
## or read in AD data directly (fovs included: fov, X1fov) access via OSF portal
AD = readRDS('exampleAD.rds')