This extension is a Norminette (version 3.x) decorator for 42 in VSCode.
If there are changes to the file, the norm is automatically checked on file save.
To enable or disable the highlighter you can press Shift+⌘+p
If you want to ignore norminette errors in specific files in your project you can add a .normignore
This files works in the same way as a .gitignore
View a summary of all the Norminette errors in your workspace.
In VSCode's settings.json you can add these lines if you want to customize your configuration. how-to
"codam-norminette-3.command": "norminette", // command that the highlighter executes to get the norm errors
"codam-norminette-3.commandTimeoutMs": 10000, // Kill norminette process after this time (in ms) default 10000
"codam-norminette-3.fileregex": "\\.[ch]$", // regex that matches the files you want to norm check
"codam-norminette-3.ignoreErrors": [ // do not highlight these norm errors
"codam-norminette-3.highlight-color": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)", // highlight norm errors in custom color. Can be in rgba, hex, or vscode.ThemeColor format.
"codam-norminette-3.displayErrorName": false // display name of error on hover
This extension can be found at: The VSCode Marketplace and The OpenVSX Marketplace
Or launch Quick Open with ⌘+P and enter
ext install codam-norminette-3
This extension can also be installed from a VSIX package, which can be found on the Releases page. Open the Command Pallette (⌘+Shift+P) and search for VSIX
To report a bug or ask for a feature, please open a Github issue