Configurable multiline choice selector with a prompt.
With fisherman
fisher choices
choices --prompt="Which profile should I erase? " \
--error="The only profiles I know are: %(choices)" \
--literal 1 "Mike" "Dave" "Bruce"
Which profile should I erase? Wade
The only profiles I know are: Mike Dave Bruce
Selection by item index.
choices --prompt="Which library do you want to install? Default: All" \
--default=6 \
"Node" "Ruby" "Python" "Groovy" "Clojure" "All of the above"
1) Node
2) Ruby
3) Python
4) Groovy
5) Clojure
6) All of the above
Which library do you want to install? Default: All # Press Enter
=> 6
-p, --prompt: The message prompted to the user requesting the input. String. Default: "Select one : "
-e, --error: The message displayed to the user when the selection is not valid. String. Default: "Invalid selection. Must be one of %(choices)!"
-l --literal: Switches between selection by index or explicitly by one of the literal choices sent, by default the selection is done by it's index. Boolean defaults to 0
-d, --default: The default value if the user just presses enter without any value. String. Default: None.
-h, --help: Show usage information.