- Charity - Organizations having funds provided by contributors, can distribute their money from various relief funds to social workers in different categories like Health,Supermarket, Transport and Food.
- Social Worker - Will Spend the received money by charity firms, in purchasing vouchers of different categories mentioned above from vendors,and further distribute the vouchers to needy families (or beneficiaries associated to social worker).
- Vendors - Vendors will be having vouchers of different categories about health, food ,transport and Supermarket and things useful to beneficiary in day-to-day life.
- Needy Family (Beneficiary) - They can use the vouchers of different catgories assigned by social worker according to their reuuirements through QR Code Scan or Voucher Code. They can redeem vouchers by showing voucher QR Code or directly voucher code, to vendor which will scan it from their in-built integrated QR Scanner.
- Charity - Graphical Data (Bar Graph) about funds in different relief funds and also in various categories, and dashboard data about available credits on home screen.
- Social Worker - Social Worker History of assigned vouchers in profile tab along with beneficiary name to whom voucher is assigned, in addition to it, it can be filtered also through month, list of beneficiaries associated with him on home screen, clicking on beneficiary will open beneficiary full details and their voucher usage data which can be filtered by type ( expired,redeemed & active) and can assign new vouchers to beneficiary, also can add notes on particular beneficiary for his use.
- Vendors - List of transactions on home screen and dashboard stats on the same and in-built QR code scanner and becomes a medium through which needy family could redeem their vouchers, whether by Voucher Code or QR Code.
- Needy Family - Get to know how much vouchers are available and total credits left on dashboard stats on home screen, and can redeem voucher by showing QR appearing in app tp vendor to successfully redeem the voucher or by providing the voucher code.
For Project & Code Structure Maintainance Used : GetX CLI
For Daily Task reporting used Orli PM - This Create somewhat similar to Agile Environment. Thanks for the wonderful starterkit @deepss1 for faster development. Integrated Discord Bot for reporting the bugs users faces while using App to developers errors group in discord instantly on app crash.