to easily turn markdown files into beautiful slides using the power of Reveal.js!
MkSlides is a static site generator that's geared towards building slideshows. Slideshow source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. The workflow and commands are heavily inspired by MkDocs and reveal-md.
- Build static HTML slideshow files from Markdown files.
- Turn a single Markdown file into a HTML slideshow.
- Turn a folder with Markdown files into a collection of HTML slideshows.
- Publish your slideshow(s) anywhere that static files can be served.
- Locally
- On a webserver
- Deploy through CI/CD with GitHub/GitLab (like this repo!)
- Preview your site as you work, thanks to python-livereload.
- Use custom favicons, CSS themes, templates, ... if desired.
- Support for emojis π π π β¨ thanks to emoji
- Depends heavily on integration/unit tests to prevent regressions.
- And more!
Youtube link in case you want to look at 2x speed.
Want more examples? An example repo with slides demonstrating all possibilities (Mermaid.js and PlantUML support, multicolumn slides, image resizing, ...) using Reveal.js with the HOGENT theme can be found at .
pip install mkslides
E.g. when your Markdown files are located in the docs/
mkslides build docs/
E.g. when you have a single Markdown file called
mkslides build
mkslides serve docs/
mkslides serve
mkslides build -h
mkslides serve -h
Just create a mkslides.yml
. All options are optional, you only have to add what you want to change to mkslides.yml
Here's an example showcasing all possible options in the config file:
# Configuration for the generated index page
# Favicon of the generated index page: file path or public url to favicon
# file
favicon: ./example-index-favicon.ico
# Jinja 2 template to generate index HTML: file path to Jinja2 file
template: ./example.jinja
# Theme of the generated index page: file path or public url to CSS file
theme: example-index-theme.css
# Title of the generated index page: string
title: example-title
# Configuration for the slides
# Charset of the slides: string
# (see
charset: utf-8
# Favicon of the slides: file path or public url to favicon file
favicon: ./example-slides-favicon.ico
# Theme for syntax highlighting of code fragments on the slides: file path
# to CSS file, public url to CSS file, or one of the highlight.js built-in
# themes such as `monokai`, `obsidian`, `tokyo-night-dark`, `vs`, ...
# (see
highlight_theme: example-slides-highlight-theme.css
# Relative path to a python script containing a function
# Callable[[str], str] named `preprocess`. For each Markdown file, the whole
# file content is given to the function as a str. The returned string is
# then further processed as the markdown to give to Reveal.js
preprocess_script: tests/test_preprocessors/
# Separator to determine notes of the slide: regexp
# (see
separator_notes: "^Notes?:"
# Separator to determine end current/begin new vertical slide: regexp
# (see
separator_vertical: ^\s*-v-\s*$
# Separator to determine end current/begin new slide: regexp
# (see
separator: ^\s*---\s*$
# Jinja 2 template to generate index HTML: file path to Jinja2 file
template: ./example.jinja
# Theme of the slides: file path to CSS file, public url to CSS file, or one
# of the reveal.js themes such as `black`, `white`, `league`, `solarized`,
# `dracula`, ... (see
theme: example-slides-theme.css
# Options to be passed to reveal.js: options in yaml format, they will be
# translated to JSON automatically (see
height: 1080
width: 1920
transition: fade
example_plugin_option_A: true
example_plugin_option_B: qwerty
# Plugins or additional CSS/JavaScript files for the slides. These are given as
# a list.
# Name of the plugin (optional, see plugin README): plugin id string
# (see
- name: RevealExamplePlugin
# List of CSS files of the plugin (optional, see plugin README):
# public url to CSS file per entry
# List of JavaScript files of the plugin (optional, see plugin README):
# public url to JavaScript file per entry
- name: RevealMermaid
- extra_javascript:
Default config (also used if no config file is present):
title: Index
template: assets/templates/index.html.jinja # Comes with the pip package
theme: black
highlight_theme: monokai
template: assets/templates/slideshow.html.jinja # Comes with the pip package
history: true
slideNumber: c/t
It is also possible to override slides
, revealjs
, and plugins
options on a per Markdown file base using it's frontmatter:
title: frontmatter title
theme: solarized
highlight_theme: vs
separator: <!--s-->
height: 1080
width: 1920
transition: zoom
# Slides with frontmatter
## Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
here is a frontmatter-only available option to set the title of this slideshow in the generated index page. This option is not available inmkslides.yml
.- The precedence is frontmatter >
> defaults.
Usage: mkslides [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
MkSlides - Slides with Markdown using the power of Reveal.js.
-V, --version Show the version and exit.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
build Build the MkDocs documentation.
serve Run the builtin development server.
Usage: mkslides build [OPTIONS] FILENAME|PATH
Build the MkDocs documentation.
FILENAME|PATH is the path to the Markdown file, or the directory containing
Markdown files.
-f, --config-file FILENAME Provide a specific MkSlides-Reveal config file.
-d, --site-dir PATH The directory to output the result of the slides
-s, --strict Fail if a relative link cannot be resolved,
otherwise just print a warning.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: mkslides serve [OPTIONS] FILENAME|PATH
Run the builtin development server.
FILENAME|PATH is the path to the Markdown file, or the directory containing
Markdown files.
-f, --config-file FILENAME Provide a specific MkSlides-Reveal config file.
-s, --strict Fail if a relative link cannot be resolved,
otherwise just print a warning.
-a, --dev-addr <IP:PORT> IP address and port to serve slides locally.
-o, --open Open the website in a Web browser after the
initial build finishes.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.