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IoT Cloud

Privacy friendly framework for IoT Cloud.

In this repository you can find server application (app directory) and client for both user (client/user) and device (client/device and node-red) for the framework. For more information, please see my Diploma Paper.

For "Quick Start" of the application please see try-it-out branch


For server:

  • Docker
  • docker-compose

For running tests:

  • Python 3.x
  • PBC
  • Charm-Crypto

Additional information

For more information about each module, please see READMEs in other modules:

Setting up certificates

  • You need to provide certificate and key for Nginx server to be accessible - this should be done by replacing dummy files in ./webserver/ssl folder
  • To generate self-signed certificate:
    • change directory to ./webserver/ssl
    • run sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./private/webserver.key -out ./certs/webserver.crt
    • copy webserver.crt to ./mosquitto/certs/server/ and rename to server.crt
    • copy webserver.key to ./mosquitto/certs/server/ and rename to server-nopass.key
    • copy webserver.key to ./client/user/certs/ and rename to server.key

Running using Docker

  • First follow steps to bring up PostgreSQL database
  • Next, get images: docker-compose pull
  • Create ./app/config.env based on config.env.sample
  • Create data and log folder in mosquitto folder (folders have to have same access rights as logged in user)
  • Next, from root directory run: CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) docker-compose up
    • NOTE: CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) is necessary because test container needs to run under current user to write reports
  • to clean up _pycache_ and .pytest_cache directories created by docker use following commands:
    • sudo find . -path '*/__pycache__*' ! -path "./venv*" -delete
    • sudo find . -path '*/.pytest_cache*' ! -path "./venv*" -delete
    • NOTE: run commands first without -delete flag to test, to make sure you don't damage your system

Running tests

  • Before running tests:
    • create python venv and activate it
    • run apt-get -y --allow-unauthenticated install python-psycopg2 libpq-dev flex bison libgmp3-dev libpq-dev (This is for Ubuntu, for other distros use alternative libraries)
    • install PBC:
    tar xf pbc-0.5.14.tar.gz
    cd pbc-0.5.14
    ./configure && make && sudo make install
    • install Charm-Crypto:
    cd venv
    git clone
    cd charm/
    make install
    sudo ldconfig
    • install requirements - pip install -r requirements.txt
    • use export ENV_TYPE=development or use CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) ENV_TYPE=development docker-compose up to override env type used when running normally
    • Next, follow steps in previous section (Running using Docker)
  • Set environment variable TESTING_ENV to host_testing(, export TESTING_ENV=host_testing, defaults to testing), so the application uses config.env variables needed for running tests on host. If not set, tests will run as if they were inside docker container ( = with different URLs).
  • To run (from ./tests directory) use
    pytest . --junitxml=./reports/test_report.xml --html=./reports/test_report.html --self-contained-html --cov=../ --cov-config=../.coveragerc --cov-report term
    • This generates XML and HTML test reports and prints simple coverage report to terminal
    • To see full HTML coverage report use --cov-report=html instead of --cov-report term, which creates whole directory (cov_report.html) which contains graphical coverage report for each file in project
  • To see HTML or XML test and coverage reports check ./tests/reports directory
  • NOTE: When running tests on Docker host it's necessary to have server application running, because CLI tests are ran against this instance
  • NOTE #2: These test runs modify DB, so when using server application, it's always better to work with fresh app (with no test runs).

Certificates and security

All of the READMEs here assume usage of self-signed certificates which are not secure, in any publicly available environment, therefore all certificates should be created using certbot.

In publicly available environment these values should be changed:

  • set require_certificate true in mosquitto.conf and provide client certfile and keyfile to client.tls_set in through CLIENT_CERTFILE_PATH and CLIENT_KEYFILE_PATH config attributes
  • set SSL_INSECURE attribute in config to False, and when generating certificates, make sure that broker name (hostname) matches name on certificate


  • If you have issues running tests inside container (there are some tests that need to be excluded when running inside container), try docker container prune and CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) docker-compose up again
  • If testing DB inside docker container is not being created by, you need to first remove persistent volume (docker volume rm iot-cloud_data_test and docker volume rm postgres_data) and prune containers (docker container prune)
  • if you encounter this error message: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, make sure you run ldconfig after installing pbc, if that doesn't help:
    • check whether path to pbc is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH )
    • if not, then run sudo find / -name
    • add path outputted by previous command to LD_LIBRARY_PATH - e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib and export it
    • if that solves the issue, add LD_LIBRARY_PATH to ~/.bashrc and source it
  • if you encounter error message when installing Charm (running ./ stating that you don't have python3-dev or python3-config:
    • check whether you have any other version installed e.g python3.6-config, if yes, replace occurrence(s) of python3-config in ./ with the one you have installed and run it again