Last update: January 2024
I'm a french 🇫🇷 young adult. I started learning programming on my own in 2018, then joined university in 2023. I've always liked to scratch my head, or more precisely that feeling you get when you achieve something 😀.
- started coding with Java in September 2018 (+ JavaFX, SQLite, ORMLite, ...)
- worked on my first personal project named PRODUCTS., an assembly-line game (during 1.5 years!) [Java]
- learnt web development (JavaScript first, then HTML & CSS)
- added some projects to my library, such as
- a web-based calculator [Web]
- a vanilla JS todo-app [Web]
- a web-based minesweeper game [Web]
- a web-based slideshow explaining log4j's vulnerability in 2021 [Web]
- improved my web skills by learning ReactJS, Typescript, Sass and making even more projects :
- Révispace, an app for revising high-school courses [Web]
- a literal calculator : develops, reduces and simplifies mathematical expressions [Web]
- a website representing common data structures [Web]
- joined a french non-profit association called LaToileScoute to work with other people :
- a coding/decoding app for common scout codes (cesar, morse, images...) [Web]
- a tool for creating grid of images (e.g coins) for IRL games organizers [Web]
- a group car-sharing platform for scout events [Web + Python (back)]
- joined university in September 2023
- learnt Python and C in "Algorithms & Programming" course