This is the RapidLib C++ machine learning library wrapped into a Max/MSP object, for use with Windows. (
Access to the MacOS RapidMax repo can be found here:
Visual Studio solution and project files are located inside /rapidmax/.
The solution file contains the relative file path info needed to compile and build the Max x64 External object. On building, a bin folder will be created and the rapidmax object will be placed inside.
Ensure you have pulled the submodule RapidLib.
If met with the compilation error C2039 referring to the [searchWindow.cpp] file: include the algorithm header to this file, clean the solution, and rebuild.
- Inside your packages folder (/Users/MyDocuments/Max8/Packages), designate a new folder for your new rapidmax object, and name it something like 'rapidmax'
- Create a subfolder 'externals' and place the rapidmax x64 file inside here
- Also place the folder named 'help' from this repo alongside the 'externals' folder
Now alt-clicking on the rapidmax object (in Max) should present you with the help file.