This is an Android card flipping memory game application,finished in 4 days by SA50 Team 8 after 6-day course.
We use Android studio and test via emulator API 28.
Made with contributors-img.
- VideoSplash (launcher)
- Home (menu)
- imagePicking
- game
- leaderboard
- credits
- DBService for score (SQLite)
- BGMusicService (impl. binder & connected with all the actvities around)
- image
- score
- imageAdaptor
- scoreAdaptor
- color filter for imagePicking
- filpview for game and music setting icon
- video play as welcoming page
- gif image in menu
- email implicit intent
- intent with flags for Game activity
- finish() OnCreate OnResume OnPause OnStop etc.
- Notification
- Toast Messages
- Thread & UniThread
- EasyFlipView
- gifDrawable