TodoAPI is a RESTful API built on PHP SlimFramework. GET, POST, PUT and DELETE HTTP verbs are used for communication and XML for data structure.
GET /api/v1/tasks Returns all tasks from the database as tasks element with task elements as children
GET /api/v1/task/:id Returns one specific task element from the database by :id.
POST /api/v1/task Creates a new task with valid XML data based on the specified structure provided in request body
PUT /api/v1/task/:id Updates an existing task valid XML data based on the specified structure provided in request body
DELETE /api/v1/task/:id Deletes a task from the database with an id of :id
All data objects (tasks) for replies and request are made of the following example structure:
<link rel="get" href="/api/v1/task/1"/>
<link rel="delete" href="/api/v1/task/1"/>
<link rel="put" href="/api/v1/task/1"/>
Object collections:
<link rel="get" href="/api/v1/task/1"/>
<link rel="delete" href="/api/v1/task/1"/>
<link rel="put" href="/api/v1/task/1"/>
<link rel="get" href="/api/v1/task/2"/>
<link rel="delete" href="/api/v1/task/2"/>
<link rel="put" href="/api/v1/task/2"/>