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Markus Westerlind edited this page Nov 30, 2019 · 5 revisions

This is all about the data to parse and how to feed it into the parser.

For many use cases the full input data is available as &str or &[u8]. This is like the best food for any parser implementation because the parser can happily jump back to previous positions in the input data and can efficiently match constant subslices with memcmp because the input data is laid out in contiguous memory.

In addition to parsing slices combine also wants to support more constrained environments:

  • The input could be stored in a fixed size ring buffer. Then the parser cannot use memcmp anymore because a ring buffers memory is not contiguous.
  • The input could come from a Read instance which only delivers its input byte by byte without any type of buffering (say a serial peripheral in a microcontroller).
  • The input could be in the form of an Iterator of tokens from an earlier lexical pass.

combine is also liberal in the type of the input data. It does not have to be a char or u8. Any type is allowed, as long as it is Clone and PartialEq.

To classify the abilities of the data source and to allow for more efficient parsing when the data source supports it, combine uses a trait hierarchy. You find all these traits under combine::stream.

   ----------------------------- more capable ------------>

   StreamOnce    Positioned    ResetStream    RangeStreamOnce
         ^          |              ^             |  |         
         |----------┘              └-------------┘  |         
         └------------------------------------------┘            <--- these arrows mean "requires"

Every data source need to implement the base trait StreamOnce. Depending on the capabilities of the data source, it may also implement the traits listed right of StreamOnce. The traits are ordered; traits to the right require more and more. Stream and RangeStream are abbreviations and are automatically implemented for data sources that implement all the traits enclosed by the braces \__/.

The basic stream

StreamOnce provides a method to gather one input element at a time. An input element is char, u8 or any self defined type that implements Clone and PartialEq as is defined by the Token associated type. The data source does not need to provide slices of multiple elements, nor jumping back to previous positions in the stream. StreamOnce is also the trait that contains the most important associated types for a data source. (The Range and Position associated types are only meaningful if the data source implements Positioned / RangeStreamOnce. But because these types depend on the input Token type, they are all defined together. If a data source does not implement RangeStreamOnce, it simply sets it's Range type to &'static [Self::Token] or Token type.)

For reference, here is the StreamOnce definition:

pub trait StreamOnce {
    type Token: Clone + PartialEq;
    type Range: Clone + PartialEq;
    type Position: Clone + Ord;
    type Error: ParseError<Self::Token, Self::Range, Self::Position>;
    fn uncons(&mut self) -> Result<Self::Token, StreamErrorFor<Self>>;
    fn is_partial(&self) -> bool { ... }

Next up the hierarchy is Positioned. The stream position is mostly opaque to the parser. It is not used to return to some previous position in the input data or to calculate lengths/distances. The parser only ever uses it check which of two positions is further ahead in a stream (StreamOnce::Position : Ord). Because Position has so few constraints, combine uses it to track line and column numbers for &str input on the fly. Of course this extra work is Opt-In.

pub trait Positioned: StreamOnce {
    fn position(&self) -> Self::Position;

Next up is Resetable. With a Resetable data source, the parser can return to a previously seen position within the stream / look into the future. In context of Resetable such a position is called a checkpoint. This is used for combinators like attempt() or choice().

Note that the parser doesn't clone the stream, it can only reset the stream to some position it has previously seen. This trait requires that the data source does some kind of buffering but does not require the data source to use contiguous memory.

(Resetable may change in the next version of combine to handle errors if the past is already deleted:

pub trait Resetable {
    type Checkpoint: Clone;
    fn checkpoint(&self) -> Self::Checkpoint;
    fn reset(&mut self, checkpoint: Self::Checkpoint);

These first three trait combined becomes a Stream which is the constraint that most of combine's parsers need. Often though we want to use zero-copy parsing which is where the remaining traits come in.

Zero-copy streams

With a RangeStreamOnce data source, the parser becomes able to do zero copy parsing. The StreamOnce::Range type typically is a reference type as well as Clone + PartialEq and therefore allows for zero copy comparisions. It is possible to implement a Range type for non contiguous memory, but typically this type takes advantage of the continuity of the underlying memory.

RangeStreamOnce extends the Resetable mechanism by allowing to calculate a distance between checkpoints. The two usizes below refer to number of elements. In the case of &str, this refers to the number of bytes, not the number of unicode codepoints.

pub trait RangeStreamOnce: StreamOnce + Resetable {
    fn uncons_range(&mut self, size: usize) -> Result<Self::Range, StreamErrorFor<Self>>;
    fn uncons_while<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<Self::Range, StreamErrorFor<Self>>
        where F: FnMut(Self::Token) -> bool;
    fn distance(&self, end: &Self::Checkpoint) -> usize;

Provided implementations

combine supports &str, &[T], Iterator and Read as data source out of the box.

  • &str and &[T] (if T:Clone) can just be used as input for parsing.
    • If T in &[T] is not Clone or if cloning is expensive, the SliceStream wrapper comes to the rescue. Wrapping the input slice in this type makes the Token a &T.
  • Any Iterator can be turned into a data source by wrapping it in IteratorStream with IteratorStream::new(intoiter).
  • Any std::io::Read byte source can be turned into a data source by wrapping it in ReadStream with ReadStream::new(read).

The following table lists the implemented traits and the resulting types for each of the mentioned data sources.

pub struct SliceStream<'a, T: 'a>(pub &'a [T]);
pub struct IteratorStream<I>( ... ); // I : Iterator
pub struct ReadStream<R> { ... } // R : Read

|                         | &str               | &[T], T : Clone  | SliceStream<T>    | IteratorStream<I>  | ReadStream<R : Read>   |
| trait StreamOnce        | x                  | x                | x                 | x                  | x                      |
|   ↳ type Token          |  char              |  T               |  &T               |   I::Token         |  u8                    |
|   ↳ type Range          |  &str              |  &[T]            |  &[T]             |   I::Token         |  u8                    |
|   ↳ type Position       |  PointerOffset     |  PointerOffset   |  PointerOffset    |   ()               |  usize                 |
|   ↳ type Error          |  StringStreamError |  UnexpectedParse |  UnexpectedParse  |   UnexpectedParse  |  Errors<u8, u8, usize> |
|   ↳ fn is_partial       |  return false      |  return false    |  return false     |   return false     |  return false          |
| trait Positioned        | x                  | x                | x                 |                    |                        |
| trait Resetable         | x                  | x                | x                 | x if I : Clone     |                        |
|   ↳ type Checkpoint     |  &str              |  &[T]            |  &[T]             |                    |                        |
| trait RangeStreamOnce   | x                  | x                | x                 |                    |                        |
| trait DefaultPositioned | x                  | x                | x                 | x                  | x                      |
|   ↳ type Positioner     |  SourcePosition    |  IndexPositioner |  IndexPositioner  |  IndexPositioner   |  IndexPositioner       |

combine also provides some wrappers which add functionality to less capable stream types or alter their behaviour.

  • PartialStream: Wrapping the data source in this type changes the parser behaviour: If the parser hits the end of the input stream and has not found any error yet, it will gracefully ask for more data instead of erroring.
  • State: Wrapping in State changes the Position type. You can either choose your own Positioner by wrapping with State::with_positioner(s, x) or using the default positioner by wrapping with State::new(s). You find the used default positioner in the last row in the two tables above and below.
    • Because position tracking is stateful, the corresponding state (the struct that implements Positioner) must be included when creating checkpoints. The State wrapper is reused as Checkpoint type, but that is only an implementation detail.
    • Note that there are two kinds of default positioners at play here. First, the default positioner of a plain &str, ... which is PointerOffset (or usize for ReadStream or () for IteratorStream). Second the positioner that is applied when using State::new(s) which is SourcePosition or IndexPositioner.
    • PointerOffset is most simple but absolutely performant. It does not count anything but is just a raw memory address. If an error type contains position information in PointerOffet format, you need to call translate_position() on the PointerOffset, so that you can make sense of the information.
    • IndexPositioner will actively count the number of items from the start of the stream.
    • SourcePosition will track the line and column number on the fly by looking out for \n. This adds some additional work, but it obviates going through the whole input data again just for making a index based error message / position data human friendly.
  • BufferedStream: As you can see in the table above, IteratorStream and ReadStream don't implement Positioned and Resetable and therefore not Stream. But most of the parser combinators require the input type to be at least a Stream. BufferedStream helps with that. BufferedStream uses a fixed size VecDeque to add Resetable and Positioned to a StreamOnce data source.
    • What happens if the parser wants to reset to a checkpoint that has already been removed from the ring buffer? BufferedStream allows to reset() to any previous checkpoint, even when it points to deleted data. When the parser calls uncons() after it has been reset to a deleted data, uncons() returns Err() with the static string error message: "Backtracked to far".
    • When creating the wrapper, you must define the size of the ring buffer / the look ahead ability. The buffer size must fit your parsing problem. Note that BufferedStream does not read items from the underlying stream in advance, but only when needed, so the whole buffer size is available for backtracking.
  • easy::Stream (Don't confuse that with the trait Stream): This Wrapper changes the Error type to easy::ParserError. The default error type (except for ReadStream) is StringStreamError or UnexpectedParse. These error types are simple enums without any associated data. Therefore these errors types do not track the kind of error or the position of the error in the input data. This is good for no_std environments where allocating is difficult. But when you are interested in more exact details about the parser error and you are fine with allocating all error messages into a Vec<>, then just wrap a data source in an easy::Stream. See the chapter about the error machinery for more details.
pub struct PartialStream<S>(pub S);
pub struct State<I, X> {
    pub input: I,
    pub positioner: X,
pub struct BufferedStream<I> where I: StreamOnce + Positioned,  { /* fields omitted */ }
pub struct easy::Stream<S>(pub S);

|                         | PartialStream<S>         | State<S, X : Positioner>         | BufferedStream<S>        | easy::Stream<S>          |
| trait StreamOnce        | x if S : StreamOnce      | x                                | x                        | x if S : StreamOnce      |
|   ↳ type Token          |  S::Token                |  S::Token                        |  S::Token                |  S::Token                |
|   ↳ type Range          |  S::Range                |  S::Range                        |  S::Range                |  S::Range                |
|   ↳ type Position       |  S::Position             |  X::Positon                      |  S::Position             |  S::Position             |
|   ↳ type Error          |  S::Error                |  S::Error                        |  S::Error                |  easy::ParseError<S>     |
|   ↳ fn is_partial       |  return *true*           |  return S::is_partial            |  return S::is_partial    |  return S::is_partial    |
| trait Positioned        | x if S : Positioned      | x if S : Positioned              | x                        | x if S : Positioned      |
| trait Resetable         | x if S : Resetable       | x if S : Resetable               | x even if S : !Resetable | x if S : Resetable       |
|   ↳ type Checkpoint     |  S::Checkpoint           |  State<I::Checkp.., X::Checkp..> |  usize                   |  S::Checkpoint           |
| trait RangeStreamOnce   | x if S : RangeStreamOnce | x if S : RangeStreamOnce         |                          | x if S : RangeStreamOnce |
| trait DefaultPositioned |                          | x                                |                          |                          |
|   ↳ type Positioner     |                          |  IndexPositioner                 |                          |                          |

Best practices

First you need to answer a few questions about your data source s.

  • Is your data source neither a slice nor an Iterator nor a Read?

    • You could implement StreamOnce and siblings, but I recommend implementing Iterator or Read instead and use the wrappers:
    • let s = IteratorStream::new(i); if your source i is an Iterator + Clone.
    • let s = BufferedStream::new(IteratorStream::new(i), 100); if your source i is an Iterator.
    • let s = BufferedStream::new(State::new(ReadStream::new(r)), 100); if your source r is an io::Read.
  • Do you want nice human readable errors? (and you have std available)

    • let s = easy::Stream(s); if s : &str or s : &[T].
      • Also use map_err(|e| e.translate_position(s)) on all parser errors
    • let s = easy::Stream(State::new(s)); if s : &str and if you are interested in line/column information.
    • let s = BufferedStream::new(easy::Stream(State::new(IteratorStream::new(i))), 100); if i : Iterator
    • let s = BufferedStream::new(easy::Stream(State::new(ReadStream::new(r))), 100); if r : Read
  • Is your data source s : &[T] a slice but cloning T is too much overhead?

    • Use SliceStream(s) instead of s (and combine like easy::Stream(SliceStream(s)))
  • Is your data arriving in parts?

    • Does waiting for more data and retrying the parsing from the beginning is too much overhead? (> 1kb object size, more than 100 objects per second)
      • Use PartialStream(s). The tradeoff is that the parser output can't borrow from the input as we generally must assume the input to be shortlived.
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