This is an example on how to enable WhiteSource Renovate bot in a single Git repository hosted in Azure Repos. The renovate.json
should be placed in the root of your repo and can be configured further by following the documentation.
- Azure CLI
- Azure Devops extension for Azure CLI
- PAT for Azure DevOps CLI
Agent Pools
: ReadBuild
: Read & ExecuteCode
: ReadProject and Team
: ReadRelease
: Read, write, execute, & manage
# Login using your AAD account
az login
# Install Azure DevOps CLI
az extension add --name azure-devops
# Login to Azure DevOps using the extension - providing the PAT token created previously
az devops login
# Prepare your environment
AZURE_DEVOPS_ACCOUNT='<your ado org>/'
AZURE_DEVOPS_PROJECT='<your projects name in ado>'
GIT_REPO='<your azure repo name>'
GIT_BRANCH='<your default branch>'
az devops configure --defaults organization=<your ado org> project=<your projects name in ado>
# Create variable group for dependabot
az pipelines variable-group create --name dependabot --description "Pipeline variables for dependabot." --authorize true --variables LOG_LEVEL=debug ADO_REPO_NAME=$GIT_REPO
# Generate the Personal Access Token for following the instructions from here:
# Save it as secret variable 'GITHUB_COM_TOKEN'
GROUP_ID=$(az pipelines variable-group list --query "[?name=='dependabot']".id -o tsv)
az pipelines variable-group variable create --group-id $GROUP_ID --name GITHUB_COM_TOKEN --secret true
# Create subfolder for pipelines
az pipelines folder create --path "$FOLDER_PATH"
# Create pipeline for dependabot (WhiteSource Renovate)
# Before creating the pipeline, make sure to complete the following, manual step first from ADO UI
# 1) Project Settings: Code > Repositories
# 2) Select the git repo
# 3) Users > Project Collection Build Service (Qurate)
# 4) Enable the following permissions: Contribute to pull requests, Create branch, Force push
PIPELINE_DESCRIPTION_DEPENDABOT='Pipeline for automated dependency updates (WhiteSource Renovate).'
az pipelines create --name "$PIPELINE_NAME_DEPENDABOT" \
--repository "$GIT_REPO" \
--repository-type tfsgit \
--branch "$GIT_BRANCH" \
--folder-path "$FOLDER_PATH"