This was migrated from, which was host by me(Mask) an AOSP(Android Open Source Project) ported to Intel(Marvell) ARM XScale PXA270.
It was a complete build system for both embedded Linux and Android on PXA270, an open source for anyone but no responsibility for any damage resulting from any usage of the software.
The Study and Implementation of Operating System Porting for Android: to describe how the porting process for Android, so far it has been referred officially over 50 times(7 from Google Scholar in English "The Study and Implementation of Operating System Porting for Android", 6 from Google Scholar in Chinese "Android作業系統移植之研究與實現", 46 from 臺灣博碩士論文資訊網)
Android porting basis (Android移植基础)
GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)