HackerNews clone built with Micro, Mithril v1.1.1 and Pure Material.
This is a minimal and direct development. No fancy stuff. There is much that could be improved on it.
Mithril is a small but powerful framework and can be used for large projects, however, Pure Material is still in alpha state and I don't recommend it for its use in production.
- Site is served over HTTPS with now
- Pages are responsive on tablets & mobile devices with Pure Material
- Metadata provided for PWA like theme-color
- Content for scriptless environment
- Add to Home screen with Web Manifest
- Build icons on the fly with Favicons
- Views: Hacker News Top Stories, New, Show, Ask, Jobs & threaded Comments
- App must display 30 items per-page for story list views
- App must be a Progressive Web App
- App must score over a 90/100 using Lighthouse
- App must become aim to be interactive in under 5 seconds on a Moto G4 over 3G
- App must use the Application Shell pattern
- App must do its best to work cross-browser
- App supports offline caching of HN data
- App may use server-side rendering.
- Using Hackernews official firebase API with firebase-hackernews
- Framework/UI libraries: Micro + Mithril + Pure Material
- Module bundling: Webpack
- Service Worker: Application Shell
- Server-side rendering: No
- API: Hacker News Firebase API
- Hosting: Now
- Other details: Task runner Gulp. CSS Preprocessor Stylus.
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve at localhost:8000 with browserSync
yarn dev
# build for production with minification
yarn build
Author: Masquerade Circus. License Apache-2.0