Black is a highly optimized 2D framework for web, mobile games, and playable ads.
Most valuable when size matters
All engine code is written in ES6, fully GCC typed, allowing to eliminate all dead code from your app. For example the size of Donuts game is only 34KB gzipped for both engine and game code (GCC version).
Advanced scene graph and rendering pipeline
Dirty flag tracks scene changes and avoids unnecessary calculations and context calls. If no changes were made to the scene since last frame, no rendering will be done. Battery efficient.
Cache as bitmap
Automatically detects changes and updates bitmap cache. Allows to gain even more performance on heavy scenes and runs smoothly on old devices.
For more information about how to use Black Engine, please check the Blacksmith 2D website.
✔️ Extra lightweight
✔️ Display Resolution Awareness
✔️ Advanced Particle System
✔️ Vector Graphics
✔️ Vector Graphics Baking
✔️ Smart Cache As Bitmap
✔️ Tweens
✔️ Message Dispatcher
✔️ Sprite Animations
✔️ Asset Manager
✔️ Advanced Font Rendering and font metrics
✔️ Texture Atlas
✔️ Input
✔️ Clipping Rectangle
✔️ Component System
✔️ Audio Support
✔️ Audio Atlases
✔️ Bitmap Fonts
✔️ Graphics
✔️ Battery Efficient
✔️ Render Texture
✔️ Arcade Physics
✔️ Texture Wrap and Repeat
✔️ Nine slice grid
✔️ GCC Ready
The easiest way to start using Black Engine is by downloading ready-up game template:
git clone
cd Black-Template
npm install
npm start
Then open
in browser!
Feel free to chat with developers directly on Facebook, Discord or Telegram. Have other questions? Feel free to contact support by email. Remember to check Documentation before asking questions.
Written something cool using Black Engine? Please tell us about it via email.
Found a bug or issue — post them on Issues page.