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Made with Godot 3 Project Status: Completed Collaborators: 4 Winner of NITS Hacks 6.0 Views Play on

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📖 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

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📝 About The Project

"Pixel Harmony" is a 2D pixel art game inspired by Pokémon and Undertale, focusing uniquely on mental health issues and promoting healthy coping mechanisms. Players navigate through a nostalgic pixelated world, engaging with challenges that highlight anxiety, depression, and stress, while encouraging positive decision-making that impacts the protagonist's well-being and storyline. This game aims to blend retro gaming charm with thoughtful narrative, aiming to raise awareness and foster understanding of mental health through interactive gameplay.

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💡 Overview

🎨 Design Philosophy

  • Informing Users: The primary goal is to educate players about mental health and healthy coping mechanisms.
  • Inspiration from Duolingo: While Duolingo's gamified learning model served as inspiration, we recognized the limitations of merely providing lessons and rewards.
  • Learnify Gaming Approach: Our strategy involves transforming mental health education into a captivating gaming experience.
  • Full-fledged Video Game: Instead of a passive learning environment, our aim is to create an immersive gaming world that revolves around mental health themes.

🔄 Core Gameplay Loop

  • Facing Obstacles: Players encounter challenging obstacles and setbacks throughout the game.
  • Depletion of Mental Health Bar: As players confront obstacles, their mental health bar diminishes, reflecting the toll of these challenges on their well-being.
  • Replenishing Mental Health: To restore mental health, players engage in mindful coping activities.
  • Avoiding Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms: Players must steer clear of harmful coping mechanisms that could further deplete their mental health.
  • Coping Activities as Mini-Games: These coping activities are integrated as mini-games within the gameplay, providing an interactive platform for players to learn about and practice healthy mental health strategies.

🛠️ Implementation

  • Game Development Engine: Utilizing the open-source game development engine Godot for the creation of PixelHarmony.
  • Programming Language: Implementing game logic and mechanics using GDScript, a scripting language optimized for Godot Engine.
  • Open-Source and Free Game Art: Employing fully open-source and freely available game art assets to facilitate rapid prototyping during the hackathon phase.

To read more about the project, click here

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📷 Screenshots

Start Screen:

Start Screen image

Game Play:

Screenshot1 Screenshot2

Work on progress:

Screenshot during work

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📖 Getting Started

  • Prerequisites

    Before starting, ensure you have the following installed:

    • Godot Engine: Download and install the Godot Engine from
  • Clone the Repository

    $ git clone
  • Navigate to the Project Directory:

    $ cd pixel-harmony
  • Set Up Godot Engine

    Open Godot Engine:

    • Launch the Godot Engine application.

    Import the Project:

    • In Godot, click on Import and navigate to the cloned pixel-harmony directory.
    • Select the project.godot file and click Open
  • Run the Game

    • Click the Play button in the Godot Editor to run and test the Pixel Harmony game.
    • Interact with the game to explore its current features and functionality.

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🚀 Contributing to Pixel Harmony

We are currently not accepting active contributions, but if you have something significant to propose, please reach out to us in the issues section before starting work on the feature.

Steps to Contribute (for Future Reference)

  • Create a Branch: Before making changes, create a new branch to work on your contributions:
    $ git checkout -b my-feature-branch
  • Make Changes and Commit: Implement your changes in the project files:
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Add feature XYZ"
  • Push Changes: Push your committed changes to your forked repository:
    $ git push origin my-feature-branch
  • Create a Pull Request:
    • Visit the original repository on GitHub and create a pull request to merge your changes.
    • Provide a clear and descriptive title for your pull request.
    • Explain the motivation behind your proposed changes.
    • Reference any related issues or discussions.
    Once your pull request is submitted, it will be reviewed by the project maintainers. Thank you for contributing to Pixel Harmony!

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🎮 How to play?

Experience Pixel Harmony live on

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📚 References

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🌟 Credits

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🧑‍💻 Team Members