ALU (Autonomous Lung Ultrasound) is a project designed to autonomously perform lung ultrasound scanning using a robotic system.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the directory:
cd /ALU-Autonomous-Lung-Ultrasound
Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Ensure you have ROS2 Humble installed. You can follow the installation instructions here.
To set up the controllers, follow the instructions in this repository.
Note: By default, the controllers do not publish the current robot position information. To enable this feature, you need to modify the following flags in the cartesian_controller_base/src/cartesian_controller_base.cpp
//Line 104
auto_declare<bool>("solver.publish_state_feedback", false);
m_initialized = true;
//Line 129
auto_declare<int>("solver.iterations", 1);
auto_declare<bool>("solver.publish_state_feedback", false);
Both to:
auto_declare<bool>("solver.publish_state_feedback", true);
To build the packages navigate to ros2Packages
and do:
colcon build --symlink-install
Don't forget to source both the controller workspace and this one.
Note For the control logic to work correctly if using another end-effector you need to update the URDF in the ur_description
ros2 package.
To run the simulation controller using CoppeliaSim:
ros2 launch ur_coppeliasim
To launch the controller for the real robot:
ros2 launch ur-launch
The controller being used is the cartesian_compliance_controller
which allows the robot to not excert excesive force onto the phantoms.
Two nodes were created, one for the acquisition of the data necessary for the development of the system, and the other one for the implementation of said system.
To start data acquisition node:
ros2 run lung_us talker
The parameters for the movement can be changed when the program is running, but the base and center target position has to be updated in the
To start the autonomous acquisition nodes:
- Move the robot to a desired starting position, assuring contact with the skin
- Start the matlab ros2 node that constantly acquires the images and sends them. To do this run in matlab the file
- Start the acquisition node:
ros2 run lung_us listener
The system will perform N number of bayesian optimization cycles and early stop if the last 5 acquisitions have an error change of less than 0.02.
To resend the robot program if it closes:
ros2 service call /io_and_status_controller/resend_robot_program std_srvs/srv/Trigger {}