Rails gem for Initials Avatars (Gmail style) like those pictured below
Or crop and upload your own pictures.
Works with Vips or imageMagick, whickever you have installed.
This is not mandatory but it is needed to edit and upload images.
Otherwise you will work only with the initials avatar.
If they are not installed on your system include them into your headers.
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'jquery-ui-rails', '>= 4.0.0'
gem 'bootstrap', '~> 4.0'
//= require jquery3
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require bootstrap
Image analysis and transformation is made with ImageProcessing which depends on Vips or ImageMagick.
The gem will use whatever is configured in your ActiveStorage processor.
You can check this by running:
irb(main):001:0> Rails.application.config.active_storage.variant_processor
=> :vips
=> :mini_magick
If none of them are installed add to your Dockerfile:
RUN apt-get update -yq \
&& apt-get upgrade -yq \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends imagemagick libvips42 <--- One of them
Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'avatares', '~> 1.1.0', github: 'MateoLa/avatares'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
$ rails generate avatares:install
After installation verify your routes for: mount Avatares::Engine, at: '/avatares'
Options can be set to change the image size, the default text color or its font.
# app/config/initializer/avatares.rb.
Avatares.setup do |config|
# Method to get the avatarable in the controller
config.avatarable_instance = :current_user
config.size = "350x350"
config.color = "#FFFFFF"
config.font = "DejaVu-Sans"
Avatares assumes that current_user
can be used to access the avatarable in your controllers. If not, you must provide an alternative method in config.avatabrable_instance =
(eg. @user).
To use MiniMagick you must also configure one of its allowed fonts.
Check what fonts you can choose running $ convert -list font
on your terminal.
Over docker run:
docker-compose run --rm "your-app-service" bundle exec convert -list font
and avatar_string
methods should be added to your avatarable model.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
#Return any string you want to use to generate de "initals" avatar.
def avatar_string
return "You should add method :avatar_string in your Avatarable model"
The engine will extract at most 3 initials from the passed-in string (e.g. Bill James Pheonix MacKenzie will produce an avatar with the initials BJP).
You are not limited to the User model. You can use "acts_as_avatarable" in any other model or use it in several different models.
For rendering an user's avatar:
<%= image_tag main_app.url_for(@user.avatar), id: "avataresAvatar" if @user.avatar.attached? %>
For rendering the avatar form:
<div id="avataresEdit">Edit</div>
<%= render partial: 'avatars/form', object: @user, as: :avatarable %>
The form is implemented in a hidden JS PopUp so the avataresEdit
and avataresAvatar
IDs cannot be modified and must be present.
To remove your image and return to the default avatar:
<%= link_to "Delete", avatares.avatar_path, method: :delete if @user.avatar.attached? && !@user.avatar.filename.sanitized.include?("avatar-") %>
module Spree::UserDecorator
def self.prepended(base)
def avatar_string
self.addresses&.last&.full_name || self.email
Spree::User.prepend Spree::UserDecorator
virtual_path: "spree/users/show",
name: "Add Avatar to Users Show",
insert_top: "div.account-page > div:first-of-type",
text: <<-HTML
<div class="col-xs-12 col-lg-4" data-hook="account-avatar">
<%= image_tag main_app.url_for(@user.avatar), id: "avataresAvatar", size: 200 if @user.avatar.attached? %>
<div id="avataresEdit" class="text-primary ml-3"> <%= inline_svg_tag('edit.svg', width: 27.6, height: 24) %> </div>
<%= link_to inline_svg_tag("garbage_2.svg"), avatares.avatar_path, method: :delete, class: "ml-3" if @user.avatar.attached? && !@user.avatar.filename.sanitized.include?("avatar-") %>
<%= render partial: 'avatars/form', object: @user, as: :avatarable %>
For Spree versions ~> 4.4 another option to show the avatar is:
<%= image_tag main_app.cdn_image_url(@user.avatar), id: "avataresAvatar", size: 200 if @user.avatar.attached? %>
There are many Avatar gems, this one is mainly based on:
- Muhammad Ebeid blog
- AvatarMagick plugin
- Avatar For Rails plugin
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.