This project shows my solution to the Spaceship Titanic Kaggle competition.
I'm updating this repo with every major update I make, to record how I got to each score.
Attempt 1 [Score = 0.80243]: the focus was 100% on the EDA and Feature Engineering. I used a GradientBoostClassifier with no hyperparameter tuning.
Attempt 2 [Score = 0.80336]: Added a few more ML models to compare the results and also hyperparamter-tuning with cross validation for the model that best performed.
Attempt 3 [Score = 0.80406]: Added LGBM and model stacking, with some new features and deeper feature engineering. The model started to overfit a lot, with ~.9488 being my best local validation score, so I started removing some variables to try to addres this problem.
Attempt 4 [Score = 0.80967]: Added pandas profiling for variable exploration, played with features used in the model, fixed stackingclassifier validation.
Next steps: possibly adding a NN.