💤 My Custom LazyVim
You can install, update, and remove this configuration with a small Python script I created to more easily maintain this configuration. Config Manager
gruvbox / Configuration in lua/plugins/colorscheme.lua
- numToStr/Comment.nvim / Plugin to add or delete comments
- stevearc/oil.nvim / Plugin to manage folders and files
- mg979/vim-visual-multi / Plugin to use multi cursor
- machakann/vim-sandwich / Plugin to work with stuff that comes in pairs
- "bash"
- "html"
- "css"
- "scss"
- "javascript"
- "vue"
- "svelte"
- "astro"
- "json"
- "lua"
- "markdown"
- "markdown_inline"
- "python"
- "query"
- "regex"
- "tsx"
- "typescript"
- "vim"
- "yaml"
- "php"
- "git_config"
- "gitcommit"
- "gitignore"
- "sql"
- Lazygit / A simple terminal UI for git commands (No need to configure it in nvim. Just press space g g)
- Delta / To display changes made to a file
- Tutorial to configure lazygit with delta
- @ThePrimeTimeagen / English
- @devaslife / English
- @teej_dv / English
- @GentlemanProgramming / Spanish
- @Alpha_Dev / Spanish