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Multipass portable C lang compiler toolkit with IR code generator including backend, frontend, and optimizer phases. Designed to simple prototyping 16bit toy operating systems and games.

Currently supported architectures:

  1. X86 16bit real mode code emitter with floating point X87 coprocessor support

🚧 Warn! The project is unstable so please do not use it on production!

What does it offer? ⭐

  1. Reasonable assembly code quality in NASM syntax
  2. Simple prototyping boot sector games
  3. Designed especially for old-school 16bit computers with Intel 80286 (and newer) CPU and produces only simple ASM instructions
  4. Backend / Frontend architecture that allows you to add new backends in TypeScript (especially useful for homebrew FPGA CPU)
  5. Peephole optimization of IR code, precompute of constant expressions during compile time and optimizer phase
  6. Slow compile times - feel the vibe of old computing

What works? 🔥

  • Multi-pass branch optimisation (it uses jmp rel8 instructions when offset is smaller than rel16)
  • Local / Global variables
  • float / double operations using X87 stack-based registers
  • Advanced types struct, union, enum
  • Loops and if conditions while, if, do while, for, break, continue
  • Basic preprocessor with #ifdef, #define, #include
  • goto jumps
  • VA lists va_arg, va_end, va_start
  • In expression compound statements
  • Ternary operators a > 1 ? 1 : 2
  • Arithmetic operations a + b, a * b, a / b, etc.
  • Binary operations a | b, a & b etc.
  • Logic operations that are casted to numbers a && 2 || 2 > 1
  • Assign operators a += 1, a <<= b, etc.
  • Designated and C89 initializers
  • Dynamic stack alloc using alloca
  • Type aliasing typedef
  • Variable and function pointers
  • RVO optimization of larger structs
  • Peephole optimization of expensive instruction like a *= 2 -> a <<= 1
  • Constant expressions eval optimizations a = 2 * 4 -> a = 8
  • Constant branch optimization for loops and ifs for (;;) {} -> L1: jmp L1

What does not work? 🚧

  • Bitfields
  • Multiple files support
  • Linker

Online editor

Available at:



yarn add @ts-cc/cli @ts-cc/machine
Usage: ts-c [options] <source>

  source                       Relative or absolute path to source file

  -b, --binary                 Emits binary stdout
  -o, --output <string>        Relative path to your output binary
  -d, --debug                  Print AST tree and assembly output
  -ps, --print-assembly        Print assembly output
  -pjs, --print-jump-assembly  Print assembly output with jmps
  -bs, --bootsector            Generate 512B bootsector output. Remember to
                               have main entrypoint.
  -h, --help                   display help for command


Example main.c file:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <kernel/textmode.h>

int main() {
  int rows = 8, coef = 1, space, i, j;


  for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
    for (space = 1; space <= rows - i; space++) {
      printf("  ");

    for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
      if (j == 0 || i == 0) {
        coef = 1;
      } else {
        coef = coef * (i - j + 1) / j;

      printf("%4d", coef);


  for (;;) {}
  return 0;

Compile main.c and boot-it in 16bit VM available in web-browser:

npx ts-c main.c --bootsector --binary | APP_PORT=3002 npx run-x86_16-vm

Compile main.c to x86-16 binary:

npx ts-c ./main.c -o ./output.bin

Print assembly output without generate binary file:

npx ts-c ./main.c -ps

0x000000                      55                            push bp
0x000001                      89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000003                      83 ec 02                      sub sp, 0x2
0x000006                      c7 46 fe 04 00                mov word [bp-2], 0x4
0x00000b                      89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00000d                      5d                            pop bp
0x00000e                      c3                            ret


Simple macros with constant expressions optimization

#include "file.h"

#define PRINT_SUM 1
#define A 1
#define B 1

#define esum(...) sum(__VA_ARGS__)
#define internal_fn(name) internal_ ## name

#define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define sum(a,b) (min(a, b) + max(a, b))

enum {
  TEN = 10,
  FIVE = 5

#ifdef PRINT_SUM
  #if A + B == 12 || A - B == 0
    int main() {
      int k = esum(TEN, FIVE + 1);
#elifdef ABC
  int s = 2;
#elifndef DBEF
  struct Vec2 { int x, y; };

  struct Vec2 sum_vec(int k, struct Vec2 vec, int x) {
    struct Vec2 result = {
      .x = k + vec.x * vec.y - x,
      .y = vec.y * 3

    return result;

  int main() {
    struct Vec2 vec = { .x = 4, .y = 3 };
    struct Vec2 k = sum_vec(2, vec, 5);

    int d = k.x + k.y;
    asm("xchg dx, dx");
  int internal_fn(main)() {
    int k = 2;
IR Output
# --- Block main ---
def main(): [ret: int2B]
  k{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(k{0}: int*2B) = store %16: int2B
Binary output
0x000000                      55                            push bp
0x000001                      89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000003                      83 ec 02                      sub sp, 0x2
0x000006                      c7 46 fe 10 00                mov word [bp-2], 0x10
0x00000b                      89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00000d                      5d                            pop bp
0x00000e                      c3                            ret

Floating point operations

float calculate_pi(int nbofterms) {
  float x = 0.0;

  for (int n = 0; n < nbofterms; n++) {
    float z = 1.0 / (2 * n + 1);

    if (n % 2 == 1) {
      z *= -1;

    x = (x + z);

  return 4 * x;

int main() {
  float pi = calculate_pi(500);
  int trunc_pi = pi;
  asm("xchg bx, bx");
  return 0;
IR Output
# --- Block calculate_pi ---
def calculate_pi(nbofterms{0}: int*2B): [ret: float4B]
  x{0}: float*2B = alloca float4B
  *(x{0}: float*2B) = store %0: float4B
  n{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(n{0}: int*2B) = store %0: int2B
  %t{0}: int2B = load n{0}: int*2B
  %t{1}: int2B = load nbofterms{0}: int*2B
  %t{2}: i1:zf = icmp %t{0}: int2B less_than %t{1}: int2B
  br %t{2}: i1:zf, true: L2, false: L3
  z{0}: float*2B = alloca float4B
  %t{5}: int2B = load n{0}: int*2B
  %t{6}: int2B = %t{5}: int2B mul %2: char1B
  %t{7}: int2B = %t{6}: int2B plus %1: char1B
  %t{8}: float4B = cast %t{7}: int2B
  %t{9}: float4B = %1: float4B div %t{8}: float4B
  *(z{0}: float*2B) = store %t{9}: float4B
  %t{11}: int2B = %t{5}: int2B mod %2: char1B
  %t{12}: i1:zf = icmp %t{11}: int2B equal %1: char1B
  br %t{12}: i1:zf, false: L4
  %t{14}: float4B = load z{0}: float*2B
  %t{15}: float4B = %t{14}: float4B mul %-1: char1B
  *(z{0}: float*2B) = store %t{15}: float4B
  %t{16}: float4B = load x{0}: float*2B
  %t{17}: float4B = load z{0}: float*2B
  %t{18}: float4B = %t{16}: float4B plus %t{17}: float4B
  *(x{0}: float*2B) = store %t{18}: float4B
  %t{3}: int2B = load n{0}: int*2B
  %t{4}: int2B = %t{3}: int2B plus %1: int2B
  *(n{0}: int*2B) = store %t{4}: int2B
  jmp L1
  %t{19}: float4B = load x{0}: float*2B
  %t{20}: float4B = %t{19}: float4B mul %4: char1B
  ret %t{20}: float4B

# --- Block main ---
def main(): [ret: int2B]
  pi{0}: float*2B = alloca float4B
  %t{22}: float4B = call label-offset calculate_pi :: (%500: int2B)
  *(pi{0}: float*2B) = store %t{22}: float4B
  trunc_pi{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  %t{23}: float4B = load pi{0}: float*2B
  %t{24}: int2B = cast %t{23}: float4B
  *(trunc_pi{0}: int*2B) = store %t{24}: int2B
  asm "xchg bx, bx"
  ret %0: char1B
Binary output
0x000000  <──────╮            55                            push bp
0x00000189 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x00000383 ec 0c                      sub sp, 0xc
0x000006         │            d9 06 9b 00                   fld dword [@@_$lc_0]
0x00000a         │            d9 5e fc                      fstp dword [bp-4]
0x00000d         │            c7 46 fa 00 00                mov word [bp-6], 0x0
0x000012  <────╮ │            8b 46 04                      mov ax, word [bp+4]
0x000015       │ │            39 46 fa                      cmp word [bp-6], ax
0x000018  ─╮   │ │            7c 02                         jl 0x1c
0x00001a  ─┼─╮ │ │            7d 4b                         jge 0x67
0x00001c  <╯ │ │ │            8b 46 fa                      mov ax, word [bp-6]
0x00001f     │ │ │            89 c3                         mov bx, ax
0x000021     │ │ │            d1 e0                         shl ax, 0x1
0x000023     │ │ │            05 01 00                      add ax, 0x1
0x000026     │ │ │            89 46 f4                      mov word [bp-12], ax
0x000029     │ │ │            df 46 f4                      fild word [bp-12]
0x00002c     │ │ │            d9 e8                         fld1
0x00002e     │ │ │            d8 f1                         fdiv st0, st1
0x000030     │ │ │            dd c1                         ffree st1
0x000032     │ │ │            d9 5e f6                      fstp dword [bp-10]
0x000035     │ │ │            89 d8                         mov ax, bx
0x000037     │ │ │            bb 02 00                      mov bx, 0x2
0x00003a     │ │ │            66 99                         cdq
0x00003c     │ │ │            f7 fb                         idiv bx
0x00003e     │ │ │            83 fa 01                      cmp dx, 0x1
0x000041  ─╮ │ │ │            75 0a                         jnz 0x4d
0x000043   │ │ │ │            d9 46 f6                      fld dword [bp-10]
0x000046   │ │ │ │            d8 0e 9f 00                   fmul dword [@@_$lc_1]
0x00004a   │ │ │ │            d9 5e f6                      fstp dword [bp-10]
0x00004d  <╯ │ │ │            d9 46 fc                      fld dword [bp-4]
0x000050     │ │ │            d9 46 f6                      fld dword [bp-10]
0x000053     │ │ │            d9 c9                         fxch st1
0x000055     │ │ │            d8 c1                         fadd st0, st1
0x000057     │ │ │            dd c1                         ffree st1
0x000059     │ │ │            d9 5e fc                      fstp dword [bp-4]
0x00005c     │ │ │            8b 46 fa                      mov ax, word [bp-6]
0x00005f     │ │ │            05 01 00                      add ax, 0x1
0x000062     │ │ │            89 46 fa                      mov word [bp-6], ax
0x000065  ───┼─╯ │            eb ab                         jmp 0x12
0x000067  <──╯   │            d9 46 fc                      fld dword [bp-4]
0x00006a         │            d8 0e a3 00                   fmul dword [@@_$lc_2]
0x00006e89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x000070         │            5d                            pop bp
0x000071         │            c2 02 00                      ret 0x2
0x00007455                            push bp
0x00007589 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x00007783 ec 0c                      sub sp, 0xc
0x00007a68 f4 01                      push 0x1f4
0x00007d  ───────╯            e8 80 ff                      call 0x0
0x000080                      d9 56 f8                      fst dword [bp-8]
0x000083                      d9 5e fc                      fstp dword [bp-4]
0x000086                      d9 46 fc                      fld dword [bp-4]
0x000089                      df 5e f4                      fistp word [bp-12]
0x00008c                      8b 46 f4                      mov ax, word [bp-12]
0x00008f                      89 46 f6                      mov word [bp-10], ax
0x000092                      87 db                         xchg bx, bx
0x000094                      b8 00 00                      mov ax, 0x0
0x000097                      89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x000099                      5d                            pop bp
0x00009a                      c3                            ret
0x00009b                      00 00 00 00                   dd 0.0
0x00009f                      00 00 80 bf                   dd -1.0
0x0000a3                      00 00 80 40                   dd 4.0

Simple VA lists with primitive types

#include <stdarg.h>

int sum_vector(int total_args, ...) {
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, total_args);

  int sum = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < total_args; ++i) {
    sum += va_arg(ap, int);

  return sum;

void main() {
  int result = sum_vector(3, 5, 8, 10);
  asm("xchg dx, dx");
IR Output
# --- Block sum_vector ---
def sum_vector(total_args{0}: int*2B, ...): [ret: int2B]
  ap{0}: struct __builtin_va_list*2B = alloca struct __builtin_va_list2B
  %t{1}: struct __builtin_va_list**2B = lea ap{0}: struct __builtin_va_list*2B
  %t{2}: int**2B = lea total_args{0}: int*2B
  call label-offset __builtin_va_start :: (%t{1}: struct __builtin_va_list**2B, %t{2}: int**2B)
  sum{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(sum{0}: int*2B) = store %0: int2B
  i{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %0: int2B
  %t{3}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{4}: int2B = load total_args{0}: int*2B
  %t{5}: i1:zf = icmp %t{3}: int2B less_than %t{4}: int2B
  br %t{5}: i1:zf, true: L2, false: L3
  %t{9}: struct __builtin_va_list**2B = lea ap{0}: struct __builtin_va_list*2B
  %t{10}: char[2]*2B = alloca char[2]2B
  %t{11}: char[2]*2B = lea %t{10}: char[2]*2B
  call label-offset __builtin_va_arg :: (%t{9}: struct __builtin_va_list**2B, %2: int2B, %t{11}: char[2]*2B)
  %t{12}: int2B = load sum{0}: int*2B
  %t{13}: int2B = %t{12}: int2B plus %t{10}: char[2]*2B
  *(sum{0}: int*2B) = store %t{13}: int2B
  %t{6}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{7}: int2B = %t{6}: int2B plus %1: int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %t{7}: int2B
  jmp L1
  %t{15}: int2B = load sum{0}: int*2B
  ret %t{15}: int2B

# --- Block main ---
def main():
  result{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  %t{17}: int2B = call label-offset sum_vector :: (%3: char1B, %5: char1B, %8: char1B, %10: char1B)
  *(result{0}: int*2B) = store %t{17}: int2B
  asm "xchg dx, dx"
Binary output
0x000000  <──────╮            55                            push bp
0x00000189 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x00000383 ec 08                      sub sp, 0x8
0x000006         │            8d 5e fe                      lea bx, word [bp-2]
0x000009         │            8d 7e 04                      lea di, word [bp+4]
0x00000c89 3f                         mov word [bx], di
0x00000e         │            c7 46 fc 00 00                mov word [bp-4], 0x0
0x000013         │            c7 46 fa 00 00                mov word [bp-6], 0x0
0x000018  <────╮ │            8b 46 04                      mov ax, word [bp+4]
0x00001b       │ │            39 46 fa                      cmp word [bp-6], ax
0x00001e  ─╮   │ │            7c 02                         jl 0x22
0x000020  ─┼─╮ │ │            7d 25                         jge 0x47
0x000022  <╯ │ │ │            8d 5e fe                      lea bx, word [bp-2]
0x000025     │ │ │            8d 7e f8                      lea di, word [bp-8]
0x000028     │ │ │            8b 37                         mov si, word [bx]
0x00002a     │ │ │            83 c6 02                      add si, 0x2
0x00002d     │ │ │            8b 04                         mov ax, word [si]
0x00002f     │ │ │            89 05                         mov word [di], ax
0x000031     │ │ │            89 37                         mov word [bx], si
0x000033     │ │ │            8b 46 fc                      mov ax, word [bp-4]
0x000036     │ │ │            03 46 f8                      add ax, word [bp-8]
0x000039     │ │ │            89 46 fc                      mov word [bp-4], ax
0x00003c     │ │ │            8b 5e fa                      mov bx, word [bp-6]
0x00003f     │ │ │            83 c3 01                      add bx, 0x1
0x000042     │ │ │            89 5e fa                      mov word [bp-6], bx
0x000045  ───┼─╯ │            eb d1                         jmp 0x18
0x000047  <──╯   │            8b 46 fc                      mov ax, word [bp-4]
0x00004a89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00004c         │            5d                            pop bp
0x00004d         │            c2 02 00                      ret 0x2
0x00005055                            push bp
0x00005189 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x00005383 ec 02                      sub sp, 0x2
0x000056         │            6a 0a                         push 0xa
0x000058         │            6a 08                         push 0x8
0x00005a         │            6a 05                         push 0x5
0x00005c         │            6a 03                         push 0x3
0x00005e  ───────╯            e8 9f ff                      call 0x0
0x000061                      83 c4 06                      add sp, 0x6
0x000064                      89 46 fe                      mov word [bp-2], ax
0x000067                      87 d2                         xchg dx, dx
0x000069                      89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00006b                      5d                            pop bp
0x00006c                      c3                            ret

Advanced structures with recursive calls

int fibbonacci(int n)
  if (n == 1)
    return 0;

  if (n <= 3)
    return 1;

  return fibbonacci(n-1) + fibbonacci(n-2);

struct Vec2 { int x, y; };

struct Vec2 sum_vec(int k, struct Vec2 vec, int x) {
  struct Vec2 result = {
    .x = k + vec.x * vec.y - x,
    .y = vec.y * 3 + (fibbonacci(10) * 2 + fibbonacci(10) * 15)

  return result;

int main() {
  struct Vec2 vec = { .x = 4, .y = 3 };
  struct Vec2 k = sum_vec(2, vec, 5);

  int d = k.x + k.y;
  asm("xchg dx, dx");
IR Output
# --- Block fibbonacci ---
def fibbonacci(n{0}: int*2B): [ret: int2B]
  %t{0}: int2B = load n{0}: int*2B
  %t{1}: i1:zf = icmp %t{0}: int2B equal %1: char1B
  br %t{1}: i1:zf, false: L1
  ret %0: char1B
  %t{2}: int2B = load n{0}: int*2B
  %t{3}: i1:zf = icmp %t{2}: int2B less_eq_than %3: char1B
  br %t{3}: i1:zf, false: L3
  ret %1: char1B
  %t{5}: int2B = load n{0}: int*2B
  %t{6}: int2B = %t{5}: int2B minus %1: char1B
  %t{7}: int2B = call label-offset fibbonacci :: (%t{6}: int2B)
  %t{10}: int2B = %t{5}: int2B minus %2: char1B
  %t{11}: int2B = call label-offset fibbonacci :: (%t{10}: int2B)
  %t{12}: int2B = %t{7}: int2B plus %t{11}: int2B
  ret %t{12}: int2B

# --- Block sum_vec ---
def sum_vec(k{0}: int*2B, vec{0}: struct Vec2*2B, x{0}: int*2B, rvo: %out{0}: struct Vec2*2B):
  result{0}: struct Vec2*2B = alloca struct Vec24B
  %t{13}: int2B = load k{0}: int*2B
  %t{14}: struct Vec2**2B = lea vec{0}: struct Vec2*2B
  %t{15}: int2B = load %t{14}: struct Vec2**2B
  %t{17}: struct Vec2**2B = %t{14}: struct Vec2**2B plus %2: int2B
  %t{18}: int2B = load %t{17}: struct Vec2**2B
  %t{19}: int2B = %t{15}: int2B mul %t{18}: int2B
  %t{20}: int2B = %t{13}: int2B plus %t{19}: int2B
  %t{21}: int2B = load x{0}: int*2B
  %t{22}: int2B = %t{20}: int2B minus %t{21}: int2B
  *(result{0}: struct Vec2*2B) = store %t{22}: int2B
  %t{24}: struct Vec2**2B = %t{14}: struct Vec2**2B plus %2: int2B
  %t{25}: int2B = load %t{24}: struct Vec2**2B
  %t{26}: int2B = %t{25}: int2B mul %3: char1B
  %t{28}: int2B = call label-offset fibbonacci :: (%10: char1B)
  %t{29}: int2B = %t{28}: int2B mul %2: char1B
  %t{31}: int2B = call label-offset fibbonacci :: (%10: char1B)
  %t{32}: int2B = %t{31}: int2B mul %15: char1B
  %t{33}: int2B = %t{29}: int2B plus %t{32}: int2B
  %t{34}: int2B = %t{26}: int2B plus %t{33}: int2B
  *(result{0}: struct Vec2*2B + %2) = store %t{34}: int2B
  ret result{0}: struct Vec2*2B

# --- Block main ---
def main(): [ret: int2B]
  vec{1}: struct Vec2*2B = alloca struct Vec24B
  *(vec{1}: struct Vec2*2B) = store %4: int2B
  *(vec{1}: struct Vec2*2B + %2) = store %3: int2B
  k{1}: struct Vec2*2B = alloca struct Vec24B
  %t{36}: struct Vec2**2B = lea k{1}: struct Vec2*2B
  call label-offset sum_vec :: (%2: char1B, vec{1}: struct Vec2*2B, %5: char1B, %t{36}: struct Vec2**2B)
  d{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  %t{37}: struct Vec2**2B = lea k{1}: struct Vec2*2B
  %t{38}: int2B = load %t{37}: struct Vec2**2B
  %t{40}: struct Vec2**2B = %t{37}: struct Vec2**2B plus %2: int2B
  %t{41}: int2B = load %t{40}: struct Vec2**2B
  %t{42}: int2B = %t{38}: int2B plus %t{41}: int2B
  *(d{0}: int*2B) = store %t{42}: int2B
  asm "xchg dx, dx"
Binary output
0x000000  <──╮<╮<╮<╮          55                            push bp
0x000001     │ │ │ │          89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000003     │ │ │ │          83 7e 04 01                   cmp word [bp+4], 0x1
0x000007  ─╮ │ │ │ │          75 09                         jnz 0x12
0x000009   │ │ │ │ │          b8 00 00                      mov ax, 0x0
0x00000c   │ │ │ │ │          89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00000e   │ │ │ │ │          5d                            pop bp
0x00000f   │ │ │ │ │          c2 02 00                      ret 0x2
0x000012  <╯ │ │ │ │          83 7e 04 03                   cmp word [bp+4], 0x3
0x000016  ─╮ │ │ │ │          7f 09                         jg 0x21
0x000018   │ │ │ │ │          b8 01 00                      mov ax, 0x1
0x00001b   │ │ │ │ │          89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00001d   │ │ │ │ │          5d                            pop bp
0x00001e   │ │ │ │ │          c2 02 00                      ret 0x2
0x000021  <╯ │ │ │ │          8b 46 04                      mov ax, word [bp+4]
0x000024     │ │ │ │          89 c3                         mov bx, ax
0x000026     │ │ │ │          2d 01 00                      sub ax, 0x1
0x000029     │ │ │ │          53                            push bx
0x00002a     │ │ │ │          50                            push ax
0x00002b  ───╯ │ │ │          e8 d2 ff                      call 0x0
0x00002e       │ │ │          5b                            pop bx
0x00002f       │ │ │          83 eb 02                      sub bx, 0x2
0x000032       │ │ │          91                            xchg ax, cx
0x000033       │ │ │          51                            push cx
0x000034       │ │ │          53                            push bx
0x000035  ─────╯ │ │          e8 c8 ff                      call 0x0
0x000038         │ │          59                            pop cx
0x000039         │ │          01 c1                         add cx, ax
0x00003b         │ │          89 c8                         mov ax, cx
0x00003d         │ │          89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00003f         │ │          5d                            pop bp
0x000040         │ │          c2 02 00                      ret 0x2
0x000043  <╮     │ │          55                            push bp
0x000044   │     │ │          89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000046   │     │ │          83 ec 04                      sub sp, 0x4
0x000049   │     │ │          8d 5e 06                      lea bx, word [bp+6]
0x00004c   │     │ │          8b 07                         mov ax, word [bx]
0x00004e   │     │ │          89 d9                         mov cx, bx
0x000050   │     │ │          83 c3 02                      add bx, 0x2
0x000053   │     │ │          8b 17                         mov dx, word [bx]
0x000055   │     │ │          0f af c2                      imul ax, dx
0x000058   │     │ │          8b 7e 04                      mov di, word [bp+4]
0x00005b   │     │ │          01 c7                         add di, ax
0x00005d   │     │ │          2b 7e 0a                      sub di, word [bp+10]
0x000060   │     │ │          89 7e fc                      mov word [bp-4], di
0x000063   │     │ │          83 c1 02                      add cx, 0x2
0x000066   │     │ │          89 cb                         mov bx, cx
0x000068   │     │ │          8b 07                         mov ax, word [bx]
0x00006a   │     │ │          6b c0 03                      imul ax, ax, 0x3
0x00006d   │     │ │          93                            xchg ax, bx
0x00006e   │     │ │          53                            push bx
0x00006f   │     │ │          6a 0a                         push 0xa
0x000071  ─┼─────╯ │          e8 8c ff                      call 0x0
0x000074   │       │          5b                            pop bx
0x000075   │       │          d1 e0                         shl ax, 0x1
0x000077   │       │          91                            xchg ax, cx
0x000078   │       │          53                            push bx
0x000079   │       │          51                            push cx
0x00007a   │       │          6a 0a                         push 0xa
0x00007c  ─┼───────╯          e8 81 ff                      call 0x0
0x00007f59                            pop cx
0x000080   │                  5b                            pop bx
0x000081   │                  6b c0 0f                      imul ax, ax, 0xf
0x00008401 c1                         add cx, ax
0x00008601 cb                         add bx, cx
0x00008889 5e fe                      mov word [bp-2], bx
0x00008b   │                  8d 7e fc                      lea di, word [bp-4]
0x00008e   │                  8b 76 0c                      mov si, word [bp+12]
0x000091   │                  8b 15                         mov dx, word [di]
0x00009389 14                         mov word [si], dx
0x000095   │                  8b 55 02                      mov dx, word [di+2]
0x00009889 54 02                      mov word [si+2], dx
0x00009b89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00009d   │                  5d                            pop bp
0x00009e   │                  c2 08 00                      ret 0x8
0x0000a155                            push bp
0x0000a289 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x0000a483 ec 0a                      sub sp, 0xa
0x0000a7   │                  c7 46 fc 04 00                mov word [bp-4], 0x4
0x0000ac   │                  c7 46 fe 03 00                mov word [bp-2], 0x3
0x0000b1   │                  8d 5e f8                      lea bx, word [bp-8]
0x0000b453                            push bx
0x0000b5   │                  6a 05                         push 0x5
0x0000b7   │                  ff 76 fe                      push word [bp-2]
0x0000ba   │                  ff 76 fc                      push word [bp-4]
0x0000bd   │                  6a 02                         push 0x2
0x0000bf  ─╯                  e8 81 ff                      call 0x43
0x0000c2                      8d 5e f8                      lea bx, word [bp-8]
0x0000c5                      8b 07                         mov ax, word [bx]
0x0000c7                      83 c3 02                      add bx, 0x2
0x0000ca                      8b 0f                         mov cx, word [bx]
0x0000cc                      01 c8                         add ax, cx
0x0000ce                      89 46 f6                      mov word [bp-10], ax
0x0000d1                      87 d2                         xchg dx, dx
0x0000d3                      89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x0000d5                      5d                            pop bp
0x0000d6                      c3                            ret

Compound statements

GCC Docs

void main() {
  int dupa = (({
                int c = 3, k, d;

                k = 16;
                d = 20;
                c + k + d * 4;
              }) *
              2 * ({
                int k = 15;
                k * 2;
              })) *
             ({ 5 + 2; });

  asm("xchg dx, dx");
IR Output
# --- Block main ---
def main():
  dupa{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  c{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(c{0}: int*2B) = store %3: int2B
  k{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  d{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(k{0}: int*2B) = store %16: char1B
  *(d{0}: int*2B) = store %20: char1B
  %t{0}: int2B = load c{0}: int*2B
  %t{1}: int2B = load k{0}: int*2B
  %t{3}: int2B = load d{0}: int*2B
  %t{8}: int2B = %t{0}: int2B plus %t{1}: int2B
  %t{10}: int2B = %t{3}: int2B mul %4: char1B
  %t{11}: int2B = %t{8}: int2B plus %t{10}: int2B
  %t{12}: int2B = %t{11}: int2B mul %2: char1B
  k{1}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(k{1}: int*2B) = store %15: int2B
  %t{13}: int2B = load k{1}: int*2B
  %t{16}: int2B = %t{13}: int2B mul %2: char1B
  %t{17}: int2B = %t{12}: int2B mul %t{16}: int2B
  %t{20}: int2B = %t{17}: int2B mul %7: char1B
  *(dupa{0}: int*2B) = store %t{20}: int2B
  asm "xchg dx, dx"
Binary output
0x000000                      55                            push bp
0x000001                      89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000003                      83 ec 0a                      sub sp, 0xa
0x000006                      c7 46 fc 03 00                mov word [bp-4], 0x3
0x00000b                      c7 46 fa 10 00                mov word [bp-6], 0x10
0x000010                      c7 46 f8 14 00                mov word [bp-8], 0x14
0x000015                      8b 46 fc                      mov ax, word [bp-4]
0x000018                      03 46 fa                      add ax, word [bp-6]
0x00001b                      8b 5e f8                      mov bx, word [bp-8]
0x00001e                      c1 e3 02                      shl bx, 0x2
0x000021                      01 d8                         add ax, bx
0x000023                      d1 e0                         shl ax, 0x1
0x000025                      c7 46 f6 0f 00                mov word [bp-10], 0xf
0x00002a                      8b 4e f6                      mov cx, word [bp-10]
0x00002d                      d1 e1                         shl cx, 0x1
0x00002f                      0f af c1                      imul ax, cx
0x000032                      6b c0 07                      imul ax, ax, 0x7
0x000035                      89 46 fe                      mov word [bp-2], ax
0x000038                      87 d2                         xchg dx, dx
0x00003a                      89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00003c                      5d                            pop bp
0x00003d                      c3                            ret

Advanced array / pointers / ternary expressions

  int strlen(const char* str) {
    for (int i = 0;;++i) {
      if (*(str + i) == 0) {
        return i;

    return -1;

  typedef struct Box {
    int x, y;
    const char* str;
  } box_t;

  int max (int a, int b) {
    return a > b ? a : b;

  void main() {
    box_t vec[] = { { .y = 5 }, { .x = 4, .str = "ABC" } };

    vec[0].str = "Hello world!";
    vec[1].x += 3;

    int k = vec[1].x * vec[0].y + strlen(vec[0].str);
    int d = max(666, k * 20);

    asm("xchg dx, dx");
IR Output
# --- Block strlen ---
def strlen(str{0}: const char**2B): [ret: int2B]
  i{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %0: int2B
  %t{2}: const char*2B = load str{0}: const char**2B
  %t{3}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{4}: const char*2B = %t{2}: const char*2B plus %t{3}: int2B
  %t{5}: const char1B = load %t{4}: const char*2B
  %t{6}: i1:zf = icmp %t{5}: const char1B equal %0: char1B
  br %t{6}: i1:zf, false: L4
  %t{7}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  ret %t{7}: int2B
  %t{0}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{1}: int2B = %t{0}: int2B plus %1: int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %t{1}: int2B
  jmp L1
  ret %-1: char1B

# --- Block max ---
def max(a{0}: int*2B, b{0}: int*2B): [ret: int2B]
  %t{9}: int2B = alloca int2B
  %t{10}: int2B = load a{0}: int*2B
  %t{11}: int2B = load b{0}: int*2B
  %t{12}: i1:zf = icmp %t{10}: int2B greater_than %t{11}: int2B
  br %t{12}: i1:zf, false: L8
  %t{15}: int2B = load a{0}: int*2B
  %t{13}: int2B = assign:φ %t{15}: int2B
  jmp L6
  %t{16}: int2B = load b{0}: int*2B
  %t{14}: int2B = assign:φ %t{16}: int2B
  %t{9}: int2B = φ(%t{13}: int2B, %t{14}: int2B)
  ret %t{9}: int2B

# --- Block main ---
def main():
  vec{0}: struct Box[3]*2B = alloca struct Box[3]18B
  *(vec{0}: struct Box[3]*2B + %2) = store %5: int2B
  *(vec{0}: struct Box[3]*2B + %6) = store %4: int2B
  *(vec{0}: int*2B + %10) = store %16961: int2B
  *(vec{0}: int*2B + %12) = store %67: int2B
  %t{17}: struct Box[3]*2B = lea vec{0}: struct Box[3]*2B
  %t{20}: const char**2B = label-offset c{0}
  %t{21}: const char*2B = load %t{20}: const char**2B
  *(vec{0}: struct Box[3]*2B + %4) = store %t{21}: const char*2B
  %t{24}: int*2B = %t{17}: struct Box[3]*2B plus %2: int2B
  %t{25}: int2B = load %t{24}: int*2B
  %t{26}: int2B = %t{25}: int2B plus %1: int2B
  *(vec{0}: struct Box[3]*2B + %2) = store %t{26}: int2B
  %t{28}: struct Box[3]*2B = %t{17}: struct Box[3]*2B plus %6: int2B
  %t{29}: int2B = load %t{28}: int*2B
  %t{30}: int2B = %t{29}: int2B plus %3: char1B
  *(vec{0}: struct Box[3]*2B + %6) = store %t{30}: int2B
  k{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  %t{32}: struct Box[3]*2B = %t{17}: struct Box[3]*2B plus %6: int2B
  %t{33}: int2B = load %t{32}: int*2B
  %t{36}: int*2B = %t{17}: struct Box[3]*2B plus %2: int2B
  %t{37}: int2B = load %t{36}: int*2B
  %t{38}: int2B = %t{33}: int2B mul %t{37}: int2B
  %t{42}: const char**2B = %t{17}: struct Box[3]*2B plus %4: int2B
  %t{43}: const char*2B = load %t{42}: const char**2B
  %t{44}: int2B = call label-offset strlen :: (%t{43}: const char*2B)
  %t{45}: int2B = %t{38}: int2B plus %t{44}: int2B
  *(k{0}: int*2B) = store %t{45}: int2B
  d{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  %t{47}: int2B = load k{0}: int*2B
  %t{48}: int2B = %t{47}: int2B mul %20: char1B
  %t{49}: int2B = call label-offset max :: (%666: int2B, %t{48}: int2B)
  *(d{0}: int*2B) = store %t{49}: int2B
  asm "xchg dx, dx"

# --- Block Data ---
  c{0}: const char**2B = const { Hello world! }
Binary output
0x000000  <────╮              55                            push bp
0x00000189 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x00000383 ec 02                      sub sp, 0x2
0x000006       │              c7 46 fe 00 00                mov word [bp-2], 0x0
0x00000b  <──╮ │              8b 5e 04                      mov bx, word [bp+4]
0x00000e     │ │              03 5e fe                      add bx, word [bp-2]
0x000011     │ │              8a 07                         mov al, byte [bx]
0x000013     │ │              3c 00                         cmp al, 0x0
0x000015  ─╮ │ │              75 09                         jnz 0x20
0x000017   │ │ │              8b 46 fe                      mov ax, word [bp-2]
0x00001a   │ │ │              89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00001c   │ │ │              5d                            pop bp
0x00001d   │ │ │              c2 02 00                      ret 0x2
0x000020  <╯ │ │              8b 46 fe                      mov ax, word [bp-2]
0x000023     │ │              05 01 00                      add ax, 0x1
0x000026     │ │              89 46 fe                      mov word [bp-2], ax
0x000029  ───╯ │              eb e0                         jmp 0xb
0x00002b       │              b8 ff ff                      mov ax, -0x1
0x00002e89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x000030       │              5d                            pop bp
0x000031       │              c2 02 00                      ret 0x2
0x000034  <────┼─╮            55                            push bp
0x000035       │ │            89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000037       │ │            83 ec 02                      sub sp, 0x2
0x00003a       │ │            8b 46 06                      mov ax, word [bp+6]
0x00003d       │ │            39 46 04                      cmp word [bp+4], ax
0x000040  ─╮   │ │            7e 05                         jng 0x47
0x000042   │   │ │            8b 46 04                      mov ax, word [bp+4]
0x000045  ─┼─╮ │ │            eb 03                         jmp 0x4a
0x000047  <╯ │ │ │            8b 46 06                      mov ax, word [bp+6]
0x00004a  <──╯ │ │            89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00004c       │ │            5d                            pop bp
0x00004d       │ │            c2 04 00                      ret 0x4
0x000050       │ │            55                            push bp
0x000051       │ │            89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000053       │ │            83 ec 16                      sub sp, 0x16
0x000056       │ │            c7 46 f0 05 00                mov word [bp-16], 0x5
0x00005b       │ │            c7 46 f4 04 00                mov word [bp-12], 0x4
0x000060       │ │            c7 46 f8 41 42                mov word [bp-8], 0x4241
0x000065       │ │            c7 46 fa 43 00                mov word [bp-6], 0x43
0x00006a       │ │            8d 5e ee                      lea bx, word [bp-18]
0x00006d       │ │            a1 cc 00                      mov ax, ds:@@_c_0_
0x000070       │ │            89 46 f2                      mov word [bp-14], ax
0x000073       │ │            89 d9                         mov cx, bx
0x000075       │ │            83 c3 02                      add bx, 0x2
0x000078       │ │            8b 17                         mov dx, word [bx]
0x00007a       │ │            83 c2 01                      add dx, 0x1
0x00007d       │ │            89 56 f0                      mov word [bp-16], dx
0x000080       │ │            89 c8                         mov ax, cx
0x000082       │ │            83 c1 06                      add cx, 0x6
0x000085       │ │            89 cf                         mov di, cx
0x000087       │ │            8b 1d                         mov bx, word [di]
0x000089       │ │            83 c3 03                      add bx, 0x3
0x00008c       │ │            89 5e f4                      mov word [bp-12], bx
0x00008f       │ │            89 c1                         mov cx, ax
0x000091       │ │            05 06 00                      add ax, 0x6
0x000094       │ │            89 c6                         mov si, ax
0x000096       │ │            8b 14                         mov dx, word [si]
0x000098       │ │            89 c8                         mov ax, cx
0x00009a       │ │            83 c1 02                      add cx, 0x2
0x00009d       │ │            89 cf                         mov di, cx
0x00009f       │ │            8b 1d                         mov bx, word [di]
0x0000a1       │ │            0f af d3                      imul dx, bx
0x0000a4       │ │            05 04 00                      add ax, 0x4
0x0000a7       │ │            89 c6                         mov si, ax
0x0000a9       │ │            8b 0c                         mov cx, word [si]
0x0000ab       │ │            52                            push dx
0x0000ac       │ │            51                            push cx
0x0000ad  ─────╯ │            e8 50 ff                      call 0x0
0x0000b0         │            5a                            pop dx
0x0000b101 c2                         add dx, ax
0x0000b389 56 ec                      mov word [bp-20], dx
0x0000b6         │            8b 5e ec                      mov bx, word [bp-20]
0x0000b9         │            6b db 14                      imul bx, bx, 0x14
0x0000bc53                            push bx
0x0000bd68 9a 02                      push 0x29a
0x0000c0  ───────╯            e8 71 ff                      call 0x34
0x0000c3                      89 46 ea                      mov word [bp-22], ax
0x0000c6                      87 d2                         xchg dx, dx
0x0000c8                      89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x0000ca                      5d                            pop bp
0x0000cb                      c3                            ret
0x0000cc                      ce 00                         dw @@_c_0_@str$0_0
0x0000ce                      48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f       db "hello world!", 0x0
          72 6c 64 21 00 00

Dynamic alloca

  #include <alloca.h>

  int main() {
    int k = 10;
    char* buffer = alloca(k);
    return 0;
IR Output
# --- Block main ---
def main(): [ret: int2B]
  k{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(k{0}: int*2B) = store %10: int2B
  buffer{0}: char**2B = alloca char*2B
  %t{1}: int2B = load k{0}: int*2B
  %t{2}: char*2B = call label-offset __builtin_alloca :: (%t{1}: int2B)
  *(buffer{0}: char**2B) = store %t{2}: char*2B
  ret %0: char1B
Binary output
0x000000                      55                            push bp
0x000001                      89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000003                      83 ec 04                      sub sp, 0x4
0x000006                      c7 46 fe 0a 00                mov word [bp-2], 0xa
0x00000b                      2b 66 fe                      sub sp, word [bp-2]
0x00000e                      89 e0                         mov ax, sp
0x000010                      89 46 fc                      mov word [bp-4], ax
0x000013                      b8 00 00                      mov ax, 0x0
0x000016                      89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x000018                      5d                            pop bp
0x000019                      c3                            ret

Simple function calls with peephole optimization

  #define int16_t int

  int16_t sum(int x) {
    return x * 2 / 4;

  int16_t main() {
    return sum(3);
IR Output
# --- Block sum ---
def sum(x{0}: int*2B): [ret: int2B]
  %t{0}: int2B = load x{0}: int*2B
  %t{2}: int2B = %t{0}: int2B div %2: char1B
  ret %t{2}: int2B

# --- Block main ---
def main(): [ret: int2B]
  %t{4}: int2B = call label-offset sum :: (%3: char1B)
  ret %t{4}: int2B
Binary output
0x000000  <╮                  55                            push bp
0x00000189 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000003   │                  8b 46 04                      mov ax, word [bp+4]
0x000006   │                  d1 e8                         shr ax, 0x1
0x00000889 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00000a   │                  5d                            pop bp
0x00000b   │                  c2 02 00                      ret 0x2
0x00000e55                            push bp
0x00000f89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000011   │                  6a 03                         push 0x3
0x000013  ─╯                  e8 ea ff                      call 0x0
0x000016                      89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x000018                      5d                            pop bp
0x000019                      c3                            ret

Function pointers

  int sum(int x, int y) {
    return x + y * 2;

  int addPtr(int (*functionPtr)(int, int)) {
    return (*functionPtr)(2, 3);

  int main() {
    int sum = addPtr(sum);
IR Output
# --- Block sum ---
def sum(x{0}: int*2B, y{0}: int*2B): [ret: int2B]
  %t{0}: int2B = load x{0}: int*2B
  %t{1}: int2B = load y{0}: int*2B
  %t{2}: int2B = %t{1}: int2B mul %2: char1B
  %t{3}: int2B = %t{0}: int2B plus %t{2}: int2B
  ret %t{3}: int2B

# --- Block addPtr ---
def addPtr(functionPtr{0}: int(int, int)**2B): [ret: int2B]
  %t{4}: int(int, int)*2B = load functionPtr{0}: int(int, int)**2B
  %t{5}: int2B = call %t{4}: int(int, int)*2B :: (%2: char1B, %3: char1B)
  ret %t{5}: int2B

# --- Block main ---
def main(): [ret: int2B]
  sum{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  %t{7}: int sum(int, int)*2B = label-offset sum
  %t{8}: int2B = call label-offset addPtr :: (%t{7}: int sum(int, int)*2B)
  *(sum{0}: int*2B) = store %t{8}: int2B
Binary output
0x000000                      55                            push bp
0x000001                      89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000003                      8b 46 06                      mov ax, word [bp+6]
0x000006                      d1 e0                         shl ax, 0x1
0x000008                      8b 5e 04                      mov bx, word [bp+4]
0x00000b                      01 c3                         add bx, ax
0x00000d                      89 d8                         mov ax, bx
0x00000f                      89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x000011                      5d                            pop bp
0x000012                      c2 04 00                      ret 0x4
0x000015  <╮                  55                            push bp
0x00001689 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000018   │                  8b 5e 04                      mov bx, word [bp+4]
0x00001b   │                  6a 03                         push 0x3
0x00001d   │                  6a 02                         push 0x2
0x00001f   │                  ff d3                         call bx
0x00002189 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x000023   │                  5d                            pop bp
0x000024   │                  c2 02 00                      ret 0x2
0x00002755                            push bp
0x00002889 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x00002a83 ec 02                      sub sp, 0x2
0x00002d   │                  6a 00                         push 0x0
0x00002f  ─╯                  e8 e3 ff                      call 0x15
0x000032                      89 46 fe                      mov word [bp-2], ax
0x000035                      89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x000037                      5d                            pop bp
0x000038                      c3                            ret

Bubble sort

void bubble_sort(int a[], int n) {
  int i = 0, j = 0, tmp;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {   // loop n times - 1 per element
    for (j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++) { // last i elements are sorted already
      if (a[j] > a[j + 1]) {  // swop if order is broken
        tmp = a[j];
        a[j] = a[j + 1];
        a[j + 1] = tmp;
IR Output
# --- Block bubble_sort ---
def bubble_sort(a{0}: int[]*2B, n{0}: int*2B):
  i{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %0: int2B
  j{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(j{0}: int*2B) = store %0: int2B
  tmp{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  %t{0}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{1}: int2B = load n{0}: int*2B
  %t{2}: i1:zf = icmp %t{0}: int2B less_than %t{1}: int2B
  br %t{2}: i1:zf, true: L2, false: L3
  %t{5}: int2B = load j{0}: int*2B
  %t{6}: int2B = load n{0}: int*2B
  %t{7}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{8}: int2B = %t{6}: int2B minus %t{7}: int2B
  %t{9}: int2B = %t{8}: int2B minus %1: char1B
  %t{10}: i1:zf = icmp %t{5}: int2B less_than %t{9}: int2B
  br %t{10}: i1:zf, true: L5, false: L6
  %t{13}: int[]*2B = lea a{0}: int[]*2B
  %t{14}: int2B = load j{0}: int*2B
  %t{15}: int[]*2B = %t{14}: int2B mul %2: int2B
  %t{16}: int[]*2B = %t{13}: int[]*2B plus %t{15}: int[]*2B
  %t{17}: int2B = load %t{16}: int[]*2B
  %t{20}: int2B = %t{14}: int2B plus %1: char1B
  %t{21}: int[]*2B = %t{20}: int2B mul %2: int2B
  %t{22}: int[]*2B = %t{13}: int[]*2B plus %t{21}: int[]*2B
  %t{23}: int2B = load %t{22}: int[]*2B
  %t{24}: i1:zf = icmp %t{17}: int2B greater_than %t{23}: int2B
  br %t{24}: i1:zf, false: L7
  %t{25}: int[]*2B = lea a{0}: int[]*2B
  %t{26}: int2B = load j{0}: int*2B
  %t{27}: int[]*2B = %t{26}: int2B mul %2: int2B
  %t{28}: int[]*2B = %t{25}: int[]*2B plus %t{27}: int[]*2B
  %t{29}: int2B = load %t{28}: int[]*2B
  *(tmp{0}: int*2B) = store %t{29}: int2B
  %t{32}: int[]*2B = %t{26}: int2B mul %2: int2B
  %t{33}: int[]*2B = %t{25}: int[]*2B plus %t{32}: int[]*2B
  %t{36}: int2B = %t{26}: int2B plus %1: char1B
  %t{37}: int[]*2B = %t{36}: int2B mul %2: int2B
  %t{38}: int[]*2B = %t{25}: int[]*2B plus %t{37}: int[]*2B
  %t{39}: int2B = load %t{38}: int[]*2B
  *(%t{33}: int[]*2B) = store %t{39}: int2B
  %t{42}: int2B = %t{26}: int2B plus %1: char1B
  %t{43}: int[]*2B = %t{42}: int2B mul %2: int2B
  %t{44}: int[]*2B = %t{25}: int[]*2B plus %t{43}: int[]*2B
  %t{45}: int2B = load tmp{0}: int*2B
  *(%t{44}: int[]*2B) = store %t{45}: int2B
  %t{11}: int2B = load j{0}: int*2B
  %t{12}: int2B = %t{11}: int2B plus %1: int2B
  *(j{0}: int*2B) = store %t{12}: int2B
  jmp L2
  %t{3}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{4}: int2B = %t{3}: int2B plus %1: int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %t{4}: int2B
  jmp L1
Binary output
0x000000                      55                            push bp
0x000001                      89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000003                      83 ec 0a                      sub sp, 0xa
0x000006                      c7 46 fe 00 00                mov word [bp-2], 0x0
0x00000b                      c7 46 fc 00 00                mov word [bp-4], 0x0
0x000010  <────────╮          8b 46 06                      mov ax, word [bp+6]
0x00001339 46 fe                      cmp word [bp-2], ax
0x000016  ─╮       │          7c 04                         jl 0x1c
0x000018  ─┼─╮     │          0f 8d 89 00                   jge 0xa5
0x00001c  <╯<┼───╮ │          8b 46 06                      mov ax, word [bp+6]
0x00001f     │   │ │          2b 46 fe                      sub ax, word [bp-2]
0x000022     │   │ │          2d 01 00                      sub ax, 0x1
0x000025     │   │ │          39 46 fc                      cmp word [bp-4], ax
0x000028  ─╮ │   │ │          7c 02                         jl 0x2c
0x00002a  ─┼─┼─╮ │ │          7d 6d                         jge 0x99
0x00002c  <╯ │ │ │ │          8d 5e 04                      lea bx, word [bp+4]
0x00002f     │ │ │ │          8b 46 fc                      mov ax, word [bp-4]
0x000032     │ │ │ │          89 c1                         mov cx, ax
0x000034     │ │ │ │          d1 e0                         shl ax, 0x1
0x000036     │ │ │ │          89 da                         mov dx, bx
0x000038     │ │ │ │          01 c3                         add bx, ax
0x00003a     │ │ │ │          8b 07                         mov ax, word [bx]
0x00003c     │ │ │ │          83 c1 01                      add cx, 0x1
0x00003f     │ │ │ │          d1 e1                         shl cx, 0x1
0x000041     │ │ │ │          01 ca                         add dx, cx
0x000043     │ │ │ │          89 d7                         mov di, dx
0x000045     │ │ │ │          8b 1d                         mov bx, word [di]
0x000047     │ │ │ │          39 d8                         cmp ax, bx
0x000049  ─╮ │ │ │ │          7e 43                         jng 0x8e
0x00004b   │ │ │ │ │          8d 5e 04                      lea bx, word [bp+4]
0x00004e   │ │ │ │ │          8b 46 fc                      mov ax, word [bp-4]
0x000051   │ │ │ │ │          89 c1                         mov cx, ax
0x000053   │ │ │ │ │          d1 e0                         shl ax, 0x1
0x000055   │ │ │ │ │          89 da                         mov dx, bx
0x000057   │ │ │ │ │          01 c3                         add bx, ax
0x000059   │ │ │ │ │          8b 07                         mov ax, word [bx]
0x00005b   │ │ │ │ │          89 46 fa                      mov word [bp-6], ax
0x00005e   │ │ │ │ │          89 c8                         mov ax, cx
0x000060   │ │ │ │ │          d1 e1                         shl cx, 0x1
0x000062   │ │ │ │ │          89 d3                         mov bx, dx
0x000064   │ │ │ │ │          01 ca                         add dx, cx
0x000066   │ │ │ │ │          89 c1                         mov cx, ax
0x000068   │ │ │ │ │          05 01 00                      add ax, 0x1
0x00006b   │ │ │ │ │          d1 e0                         shl ax, 0x1
0x00006d   │ │ │ │ │          89 46 f8                      mov word [bp-8], ax
0x000070   │ │ │ │ │          89 d8                         mov ax, bx
0x000072   │ │ │ │ │          01 c3                         add bx, ax
0x000074   │ │ │ │ │          89 46 f6                      mov word [bp-10], ax
0x000077   │ │ │ │ │          8b 07                         mov ax, word [bx]
0x000079   │ │ │ │ │          89 d7                         mov di, dx
0x00007b   │ │ │ │ │          89 05                         mov word [di], ax
0x00007d   │ │ │ │ │          83 c1 01                      add cx, 0x1
0x000080   │ │ │ │ │          d1 e1                         shl cx, 0x1
0x000082   │ │ │ │ │          8b 56 f6                      mov dx, word [bp-10]
0x000085   │ │ │ │ │          01 ca                         add dx, cx
0x000087   │ │ │ │ │          89 d6                         mov si, dx
0x000089   │ │ │ │ │          8b 56 fa                      mov dx, word [bp-6]
0x00008c   │ │ │ │ │          89 14                         mov word [si], dx
0x00008e  <╯ │ │ │ │          8b 46 fc                      mov ax, word [bp-4]
0x000091     │ │ │ │          05 01 00                      add ax, 0x1
0x000094     │ │ │ │          89 46 fc                      mov word [bp-4], ax
0x000097  ───┼─┼─╯ │          eb 83                         jmp 0x1c
0x000099  <──┼─╯   │          8b 46 fe                      mov ax, word [bp-2]
0x00009c     │     │          05 01 00                      add ax, 0x1
0x00009f     │     │          89 46 fe                      mov word [bp-2], ax
0x0000a2  ───┼─────╯          e9 6b ff                      jmp 0x10
0x0000a5  <──╯                89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x0000a7                      5d                            pop bp
0x0000a8                      c2 04 00                      ret 0x4

Printing BIOS charset

Printing BIOS charset:

  const char* VRAM_ADDR = 0xB800;
  const char* KERNEL_INIT_MESSAGES[] = {
    "Tiny kernel!",
    "Charset table:"

  struct Vec2 {
    int x, y;

  struct Vec2 kernel_screen_cursor = {
    .x = 0,
    .y = 0,

  int strlen(const char* str) {
    for (int i = 0;;++i) {
      if (*(str + i) == 0) {
        return i;

    return -1;

  void kernel_screen_clear() {
      "mov cx, 0x7d0\n"
      "mov ax, 0xF00\n"
      "mov dx, 0xB800\n"
      "mov es, dx\n"
      "xor di, di\n"
      "rep stosw\n"

  void kernel_print_char_at(int x, int y, char color, char letter) {
    const int offset = (y * 80 + x) * 2;

      "mov gs, %[vram]\n"
      "mov dl, %[color]\n"
      "mov dh, %[letter]\n"
      "mov bx, %[offset]\n"
      "mov byte [gs:bx + 1], dl\n"
      "mov byte [gs:bx], dh\n"
        [vram] "r" (VRAM_ADDR),
        [offset] "m" (offset),
        [letter] "m" (letter),
        [color] "m" (color)
      : "dx", "bx", "gs"

  void kernel_screen_print_at(int x, int y, char color, const char* str) {
    const int len = strlen(str);

    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
      kernel_print_char_at(x + i, y, color, str[i]);

  void kernel_screen_newline() {
    kernel_screen_cursor.x = 0;

  void kernel_screen_println(char color, const char* str) {


  void main() {

    for (int i = 0; i < 0x2; ++i) {
      kernel_screen_println(0xF, KERNEL_INIT_MESSAGES[i]);


    for (int x = 0; x < 0xFF; ++x) {
      kernel_print_char_at(x, kernel_screen_cursor.y, 0xF, 0x1 + x);
IR Output
# --- Block strlen ---
def strlen(str{0}: const char**2B): [ret: int2B]
  i{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %0: int2B
  %t{2}: const char*2B = load str{0}: const char**2B
  %t{3}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{4}: const char*2B = %t{2}: const char*2B plus %t{3}: int2B
  %t{5}: const char1B = load %t{4}: const char*2B
  %t{6}: i1:zf = icmp %t{5}: const char1B equal %0: char1B
  br %t{6}: i1:zf, false: L4
  %t{7}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  ret %t{7}: int2B
  %t{0}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{1}: int2B = %t{0}: int2B plus %1: int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %t{1}: int2B
  jmp L1
  ret %-1: char1B

# --- Block kernel_screen_clear ---
def kernel_screen_clear():
  asm "mov cx, 0x7d0
mov ax, 0xF00
mov dx, 0xB800
mov es, dx
xor di, di
rep stosw

# --- Block kernel_print_char_at ---
def kernel_print_char_at(x{0}: int*2B, y{0}: int*2B, color{0}: char*2B, letter{0}: char*2B):
  offset{0}: const int*2B = alloca const int2B
  %t{9}: int2B = load y{0}: int*2B
  %t{10}: int2B = %t{9}: int2B mul %80: char1B
  %t{11}: int2B = load x{0}: int*2B
  %t{12}: int2B = %t{10}: int2B plus %t{11}: int2B
  %t{13}: int2B = %t{12}: int2B mul %2: char1B
  *(offset{0}: const int*2B) = store %t{13}: int2B
  %t{14}: const char**2B = label-offset c{0}
  %t{15}: const char*2B = load %t{14}: const char**2B
  %t{16}: const int2B = load offset{0}: const int*2B
  %t{17}: char1B = load letter{0}: char*2B
  %t{18}: char1B = load color{0}: char*2B
  asm "mov gs, %[vram]
mov dl, %[color]
mov dh, %[letter]
mov bx, %[offset]
mov byte [gs:bx + 1], dl
mov byte [gs:bx], dh

# --- Block kernel_screen_print_at ---
def kernel_screen_print_at(x{1}: int*2B, y{1}: int*2B, color{1}: char*2B, str{1}: const char**2B):
  len{0}: const int*2B = alloca const int2B
  %t{20}: const char*2B = load str{1}: const char**2B
  %t{21}: int2B = call label-offset strlen :: (%t{20}: const char*2B)
  *(len{0}: const int*2B) = store %t{21}: int2B
  i{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %0: int2B
  %t{22}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{23}: const int2B = load len{0}: const int*2B
  %t{24}: i1:zf = icmp %t{22}: int2B less_than %t{23}: const int2B
  br %t{24}: i1:zf, true: L7, false: L8
  %t{28}: int2B = load x{1}: int*2B
  %t{29}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{30}: int2B = %t{28}: int2B plus %t{29}: int2B
  %t{31}: int2B = load y{1}: int*2B
  %t{32}: char1B = load color{1}: char*2B
  %t{33}: const char*2B = load str{1}: const char**2B
  %t{35}: const char*2B = %t{29}: int2B mul %1: int2B
  %t{36}: const char*2B = %t{33}: const char*2B plus %t{35}: const char*2B
  %t{37}: const char1B = load %t{36}: const char*2B
  call label-offset kernel_print_char_at :: (%t{30}: int2B, %t{31}: int2B, %t{32}: char1B, %t{37}: const char1B)
  %t{26}: int2B = %t{29}: int2B plus %1: int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %t{26}: int2B
  jmp L6

# --- Block kernel_screen_newline ---
def kernel_screen_newline():
  %t{38}: struct Vec2*2B = label-offset c{2}
  *(%t{38}: int*2B) = store %0: char1B
  %t{40}: int*2B = %t{38}: struct Vec2*2B plus %2: int2B
  %t{41}: int2B = load %t{40}: int*2B
  %t{42}: int2B = %t{41}: int2B plus %1: int2B
  *(%t{40}: int*2B) = store %t{42}: int2B

# --- Block kernel_screen_println ---
def kernel_screen_println(color{1}: char*2B, str{1}: const char**2B):
  %t{44}: struct Vec2*2B = label-offset c{2}
  %t{45}: int2B = load %t{44}: int*2B
  %t{47}: int*2B = %t{44}: struct Vec2*2B plus %2: int2B
  %t{48}: int2B = load %t{47}: int*2B
  %t{49}: char1B = load color{1}: char*2B
  %t{50}: const char*2B = load str{1}: const char**2B
  call label-offset kernel_screen_print_at :: (%t{45}: int2B, %t{48}: int2B, %t{49}: char1B, %t{50}: const char*2B)
  call label-offset kernel_screen_newline :: ()

# --- Block main ---
def main():
  call label-offset kernel_screen_clear :: ()
  i{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %0: int2B
  %t{53}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{54}: i1:zf = icmp %t{53}: int2B less_than %2: char1B
  br %t{54}: i1:zf, true: L10, false: L11
  %t{58}: const char*[2]*2B = label-offset c{1}
  %t{59}: int2B = load i{0}: int*2B
  %t{60}: const char*[2]*2B = %t{59}: int2B mul %2: int2B
  %t{61}: const char*[2]*2B = %t{58}: const char*[2]*2B plus %t{60}: const char*[2]*2B
  %t{62}: const char*2B = load %t{61}: const char*[2]*2B
  call label-offset kernel_screen_println :: (%15: char1B, %t{62}: const char*2B)
  %t{56}: int2B = %t{59}: int2B plus %1: int2B
  *(i{0}: int*2B) = store %t{56}: int2B
  jmp L9
  call label-offset kernel_screen_newline :: ()
  %1_x{0}: int*2B = alloca int2B
  *(%1_x{0}: int*2B) = store %0: int2B
  %t{64}: int2B = load %1_x{0}: int*2B
  %t{65}: i1:zf = icmp %t{64}: int2B less_than %255: char1B
  br %t{65}: i1:zf, true: L13, false: L14
  %t{69}: int2B = load %1_x{0}: int*2B
  %t{70}: struct Vec2*2B = label-offset c{2}
  %t{71}: int*2B = %t{70}: struct Vec2*2B plus %2: int2B
  %t{72}: int2B = load %t{71}: int*2B
  %t{74}: int2B = %t{69}: int2B plus %1: char1B
  call label-offset kernel_print_char_at :: (%t{69}: int2B, %t{72}: int2B, %15: char1B, %t{74}: int2B)
  %t{67}: int2B = %t{69}: int2B plus %1: int2B
  *(%1_x{0}: int*2B) = store %t{67}: int2B
  jmp L12

# --- Block Data ---
  c{0}: const char**2B = const { 47104 }
  c{1}: const char*[2]*2B = const { Tiny kernel!, Charset table: }
  c{2}: struct Vec2*2B = const { 0, 0 }
Binary output
0x000000  <────╮              55                            push bp
0x00000189 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x00000383 ec 02                      sub sp, 0x2
0x000006       │              c7 46 fe 00 00                mov word [bp-2], 0x0
0x00000b  <──╮ │              8b 5e 04                      mov bx, word [bp+4]
0x00000e     │ │              03 5e fe                      add bx, word [bp-2]
0x000011     │ │              8a 07                         mov al, byte [bx]
0x000013     │ │              3c 00                         cmp al, 0x0
0x000015  ─╮ │ │              75 09                         jnz 0x20
0x000017   │ │ │              8b 46 fe                      mov ax, word [bp-2]
0x00001a   │ │ │              89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00001c   │ │ │              5d                            pop bp
0x00001d   │ │ │              c2 02 00                      ret 0x2
0x000020  <╯ │ │              8b 46 fe                      mov ax, word [bp-2]
0x000023     │ │              05 01 00                      add ax, 0x1
0x000026     │ │              89 46 fe                      mov word [bp-2], ax
0x000029  ───╯ │              eb e0                         jmp 0xb
0x00002b       │              b8 ff ff                      mov ax, -0x1
0x00002e89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x000030       │              5d                            pop bp
0x000031       │              c2 02 00                      ret 0x2
0x000034  <────┼─────╮        55                            push bp
0x000035       │     │        89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000037       │     │        b9 d0 07                      mov cx, 0x7d0
0x00003a       │     │        b8 00 0f                      mov ax, 0xf00
0x00003d       │     │        ba 00 b8                      mov dx, 0xb800
0x000040       │     │        8e c2                         mov es, dx
0x000042       │     │        31 ff                         xor di, di
0x000044       │     │        f3 ab                         repz stosw
0x000046       │     │        89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x000048       │     │        5d                            pop bp
0x000049       │     │        c3                            ret
0x00004a  <────┼─╮<──┼───╮    55                            push bp
0x00004b       │ │   │   │    89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x00004d       │ │   │   │    83 ec 02                      sub sp, 0x2
0x000050       │ │   │   │    8b 46 06                      mov ax, word [bp+6]
0x000053       │ │   │   │    6b c0 50                      imul ax, ax, 0x50
0x000056       │ │   │   │    03 46 04                      add ax, word [bp+4]
0x000059       │ │   │   │    d1 e0                         shl ax, 0x1
0x00005b       │ │   │   │    89 46 fe                      mov word [bp-2], ax
0x00005e       │ │   │   │    8b 1e 7e 01                   mov bx, word [@@_c_0_]
0x000062       │ │   │   │    8e eb                         mov gs, bx
0x000064       │ │   │   │    8a 56 08                      mov dl, byte [bp+8]
0x000067       │ │   │   │    8a 76 0a                      mov dh, byte [bp+10]
0x00006a       │ │   │   │    8b 5e fe                      mov bx, word [bp-2]
0x00006d       │ │   │   │    65 88 57 01                   mov byte [gs:bx+1], dl
0x000071       │ │   │   │    65 88 37                      mov byte [gs:bx], dh
0x000074       │ │   │   │    89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x000076       │ │   │   │    5d                            pop bp
0x000077       │ │   │   │    c2 08 00                      ret 0x8
0x00007a  <────┼─┼─╮ │   │    55                            push bp
0x00007b       │ │ │ │   │    89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x00007d       │ │ │ │   │    83 ec 04                      sub sp, 0x4
0x000080       │ │ │ │   │    8b 5e 0a                      mov bx, word [bp+10]
0x000083       │ │ │ │   │    53                            push bx
0x000084  ─────╯ │ │ │   │    e8 79 ff                      call 0x0
0x000087         │ │ │   │    89 46 fe                      mov word [bp-2], ax
0x00008a         │ │ │   │    c7 46 fc 00 00                mov word [bp-4], 0x0
0x00008f  <────╮ │ │ │   │    8b 46 fe                      mov ax, word [bp-2]
0x000092       │ │ │ │   │    39 46 fc                      cmp word [bp-4], ax
0x000095  ─╮   │ │ │ │   │    7c 02                         jl 0x99
0x000097  ─┼─╮ │ │ │ │   │    7d 2c                         jge 0xc5
0x000099  <╯ │ │ │ │ │   │    8b 46 04                      mov ax, word [bp+4]
0x00009c     │ │ │ │ │   │    03 46 fc                      add ax, word [bp-4]
0x00009f     │ │ │ │ │   │    8b 5e 0a                      mov bx, word [bp+10]
0x0000a2     │ │ │ │ │   │    03 5e fc                      add bx, word [bp-4]
0x0000a5     │ │ │ │ │   │    8a 0f                         mov cl, byte [bx]
0x0000a7     │ │ │ │ │   │    0f b6 d1                      movzx dx, cl
0x0000aa     │ │ │ │ │   │    52                            push dx
0x0000ab     │ │ │ │ │   │    8b 4e 08                      mov cx, word [bp+8]
0x0000ae     │ │ │ │ │   │    81 e1 ff 00                   and cx, 0xff
0x0000b2     │ │ │ │ │   │    51                            push cx
0x0000b3     │ │ │ │ │   │    ff 76 06                      push word [bp+6]
0x0000b6     │ │ │ │ │   │    50                            push ax
0x0000b7  ───┼─┼─╯ │ │   │    e8 90 ff                      call 0x4a
0x0000ba     │ │   │ │   │    8b 46 fc                      mov ax, word [bp-4]
0x0000bd     │ │   │ │   │    05 01 00                      add ax, 0x1
0x0000c0     │ │   │ │   │    89 46 fc                      mov word [bp-4], ax
0x0000c3  ───┼─╯   │ │   │    eb ca                         jmp 0x8f
0x0000c5  <──╯     │ │   │    89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x0000c7           │ │   │    5d                            pop bp
0x0000c8           │ │   │    c2 08 00                      ret 0x8
0x0000cb  <╮<──────┼─┼─╮ │    55                            push bp
0x0000cc   │       │ │ │ │    89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x0000ce   │       │ │ │ │    c7 06 a2 01 00 00             mov word [@@_c_2_], 0x0
0x0000d4   │       │ │ │ │    b8 a2 01                      mov ax, 0x1a2
0x0000d7   │       │ │ │ │    05 02 00                      add ax, 0x2
0x0000da   │       │ │ │ │    89 c7                         mov di, ax
0x0000dc   │       │ │ │ │    8b 1d                         mov bx, word [di]
0x0000de   │       │ │ │ │    83 c3 01                      add bx, 0x1
0x0000e1   │       │ │ │ │    89 1d                         mov word [di], bx
0x0000e3   │       │ │ │ │    89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x0000e5   │       │ │ │ │    5d                            pop bp
0x0000e6   │       │ │ │ │    c3                            ret
0x0000e7  <┼───╮   │ │ │ │    55                            push bp
0x0000e8   │   │   │ │ │ │    89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x0000ea   │   │   │ │ │ │    a1 a2 01                      mov ax, ds:@@_c_2_
0x0000ed   │   │   │ │ │ │    bb a2 01                      mov bx, 0x1a2
0x0000f0   │   │   │ │ │ │    83 c3 02                      add bx, 0x2
0x0000f3   │   │   │ │ │ │    8b 0f                         mov cx, word [bx]
0x0000f5   │   │   │ │ │ │    8b 7e 06                      mov di, word [bp+6]
0x0000f8   │   │   │ │ │ │    57                            push di
0x0000f9   │   │   │ │ │ │    8b 56 04                      mov dx, word [bp+4]
0x0000fc   │   │   │ │ │ │    81 e2 ff 00                   and dx, 0xff
0x000100   │   │   │ │ │ │    52                            push dx
0x000101   │   │   │ │ │ │    51                            push cx
0x000102   │   │   │ │ │ │    50                            push ax
0x000103  ─┼───┼───╯ │ │ │    e8 74 ff                      call 0x7a
0x000106  ─╯   │     │ │ │    e8 c2 ff                      call 0xcb
0x000109       │     │ │ │    89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00010b       │     │ │ │    5d                            pop bp
0x00010c       │     │ │ │    c2 04 00                      ret 0x4
0x00010f       │     │ │ │    55                            push bp
0x000110       │     │ │ │    89 e5                         mov bp, sp
0x000112       │     │ │ │    83 ec 04                      sub sp, 0x4
0x000115  ─────┼─────╯ │ │    e8 1c ff                      call 0x34
0x000118       │       │ │    c7 46 fe 00 00                mov word [bp-2], 0x0
0x00011d  <────┼─╮     │ │    83 7e fe 02                   cmp word [bp-2], 0x2
0x000121  ─╮   │ │     │ │    7c 02                         jl 0x125
0x000123  ─┼─╮ │ │     │ │    7d 20                         jge 0x145
0x000125  <╯ │ │ │     │ │    8b 46 fe                      mov ax, word [bp-2]
0x000128     │ │ │     │ │    89 c3                         mov bx, ax
0x00012a     │ │ │     │ │    d1 e0                         shl ax, 0x1
0x00012c     │ │ │     │ │    b9 80 01                      mov cx, 0x180
0x00012f     │ │ │     │ │    01 c1                         add cx, ax
0x000131     │ │ │     │ │    89 cf                         mov di, cx
0x000133     │ │ │     │ │    8b 15                         mov dx, word [di]
0x000135     │ │ │     │ │    53                            push bx
0x000136     │ │ │     │ │    52                            push dx
0x000137     │ │ │     │ │    6a 0f                         push 0xf
0x000139  ───┼─╯ │     │ │    e8 ab ff                      call 0xe7
0x00013c     │   │     │ │    5b                            pop bx
0x00013d     │   │     │ │    83 c3 01                      add bx, 0x1
0x000140     │   │     │ │    89 5e fe                      mov word [bp-2], bx
0x000143  ───┼───╯     │ │    eb d8                         jmp 0x11d
0x000145  <──╯─────────╯ │    e8 83 ff                      call 0xcb
0x000148                 │    c7 46 fc 00 00                mov word [bp-4], 0x0
0x00014d  <────╮         │    81 7e fc ff 00                cmp word [bp-4], 0xff
0x000152  ─╮   │         │    7c 02                         jl 0x156
0x000154  ─┼─╮ │         │    7d 24                         jge 0x17a
0x000156  <╯ │ │         │    b8 a2 01                      mov ax, 0x1a2
0x000159     │ │         │    05 02 00                      add ax, 0x2
0x00015c     │ │         │    89 c7                         mov di, ax
0x00015e     │ │         │    8b 1d                         mov bx, word [di]
0x000160     │ │         │    8b 46 fc                      mov ax, word [bp-4]
0x000163     │ │         │    89 c1                         mov cx, ax
0x000165     │ │         │    05 01 00                      add ax, 0x1
0x000168     │ │         │    51                            push cx
0x000169     │ │         │    50                            push ax
0x00016a     │ │         │    6a 0f                         push 0xf
0x00016c     │ │         │    53                            push bx
0x00016d     │ │         │    51                            push cx
0x00016e  ───┼─┼─────────╯    e8 d9 fe                      call 0x4a
0x000171     │ │              59                            pop cx
0x000172     │ │              83 c1 01                      add cx, 0x1
0x000175     │ │              89 4e fc                      mov word [bp-4], cx
0x000178  ───┼─╯              eb d3                         jmp 0x14d
0x00017a  <──╯                89 ec                         mov sp, bp
0x00017c                      5d                            pop bp
0x00017d                      c3                            ret
0x00017e                      00 b8                         dw 47104
0x000180                      84 01                         dw @@_c_1_@str$0_0
0x000182                      92 01                         dw @@_c_1_@str$0_1
0x000184                      54 69 6e 79 20 6b 65 72       db "tiny kernel!", 0x0
          6e 65 6c 21 00 00
0x000192                      43 68 61 72 73 65 74 20       db "charset table:", 0x0
          74 61 62 6c 65 3a 00 00
0x0001a2                      00 00 00 00                   dw 0, 0

ASM syntax

It's pretty similar to NASM syntax (including preprocessor), examples:


Multipass steps

X86 Arch support

  • 16bit real mode X86 arch support

    • X86 16bit Multipass Assembler compatible with NASM syntax (source)

      • Preprocessor (source) compatible with NASM that supports:
        • Conditions and definitions: %if, %ifn, %ifdef, %ifndef, %else, %elif, %elifndef, %elifdef, %elifn, %define, %undef
        • Macros: %macro, %define, %imacro
        • Predefined variables: __TIMES__
        • Inline expressions calls: %[__TIMES__]
    • X86 CPU 16bit Intel 8086 virtual machine (source)

      • VGA graphical mode support (source)
      • VGA text mode support (source)

Current progress

  • C compiler
    • Frontend
      • Syntax parser
      • Typechecker
      • IR code generator
    • Backend
      • IR optimizer
      • X86-16 Code generator
        • Register allocator
          • Basic allocation using ownership checking
          • Spilling regs and detection lifetime of IR vars
        • Compile math integer instruction
          • Compile *, +, -, /
          • Compile <<, >>
          • Compile xor / and / or / not
        • Compile if stmts
        • Compile loops while {}, do { } while, for (...) {}
        • Compile typedefs
        • Compile pointers
          • Basic pointer access *k = 5
          • Array access k[4]
        • Compile function calls
        • Compile asm tag
          • Basic asm tag without args
          • asm tag with arguments
        • Unions
        • Preprocessor
        • Stdlib
  • ASM Compiler
    • NASM syntax instruction compiler matcher with expression eval mov ax, byte [ds:label+bx+12+(1/3)]
    • Instruction prefix support rep movsw
    • Compiler bits/org config [bits 16], [org 0x7C00]
    • Labels support jmp_label:
    • Data define support db, dw, dd, dq, dt
    • EQU, times support
    • Floating point numbers support
    • Preprocessor
      • Basic lang keywords support: %if, %ifn, %ifdef, %ifndef, %else, %elif, %elifndef, %elifdef, %elifn, %define, %undef
      • Macros support: %macro, %define, %imacro
      • Predefined macros like __TIMES__
      • Inline expressions calls %[__TIMES__]
    • Output logger
      • Basic logger binary blob serializer helpers
      • Diassembler binary view
      • Branch arrows (for jmp, call, jz etc.)
  • CPU Emulator
    • Magic breakpoint support xchg bx, bx
    • Interrupts handlers support
    • Basic Intel ~80186 instructions set
    • ALU instructions support
    • FPU Support
      • Assembler
      • Emulator
    • Basic PIT/PIC support
      • PIT
      • PIC
      • IDE
      • PS2
    • Graphics mode
      • Basic canvas graphics driver
      • Text Mode
      • Graphics VGA
      • VGA IO ports bindings
    • BIOS
      • Basic bios interrupt handlers
  • App frontend
    • Basic front CSS UI
    • Debugger


C Compiler Hello World C Compiler Advanced Expressions C Compiler Assembly C Compiler IR C Compiler IR Pillman Space invaders Prototype Prototype Tetris ASM Preprocessor ASM Compiler C Compiler



The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2023/2024 Mateusz Bagiński

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.