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Add angular setup (#44)
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Add angular setup

Update bower versions
Disable auto-open browser on grunt:serve task
Remove almost all autogenerated and useless files
Update translation usage: prefer attribute 'translate' over the filter: it fixes UI issue.

- There was no need to update node depedencies versions due to
the use of ^ (last were already downloaded)
  • Loading branch information
MatiasComercio committed Jan 9, 2017
1 parent 9ed5a15 commit dc9fddd
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 22 changed files with 1,224 additions and 0 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions .editorconfig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
root = true

indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true

trim_trailing_whitespace = false
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions .eslintrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
"env": {
"browser": true
"globals": {
"require": true,
"define": true,
"$": true,
"angular": true,
"moment": true
"rules": {
"array-bracket-spacing": [2, "never"],
"block-scoped-var": 1,
"brace-style": [2, "1tbs"],
"camelcase": 2,
"comma-dangle": 2,
"comma-style": [2, "last"],
"computed-property-spacing": [2, "never"],
"consistent-this": [0, "self"],
"curly": 2,
"default-case": 2,
"dot-notation": 2,
"eqeqeq": 1,
"func-names": 0,
"func-style": 0,
"guard-for-in": 1,
"key-spacing": 1,
"max-nested-callbacks": [2, 5],
"new-cap": 2,
"new-parens": 1,
"no-alert": 2,
"no-array-constructor": 2,
"no-constant-condition": 1,
"no-control-regex": 2,
"no-debugger": 2,
"no-dupe-keys": 1,
"no-empty": 2,
"no-eval": 2,
"no-extra-bind": 1,
"no-extra-parens": 0,
"no-fallthrough": 1,
"no-floating-decimal": 1,
"no-func-assign": 0,
"no-implied-eval": 2,
"no-invalid-regexp": 2,
"no-labels": 2,
"no-lone-blocks": 1,
"no-lonely-if": 1,
"no-mixed-requires": [1, true],
"no-multi-spaces": 1,
"no-multi-str": 1,
"no-native-reassign": 2,
"no-nested-ternary": 2,
"no-new-object": 1,
"no-octal": 2,
"no-redeclare": 1,
"no-script-url": 2,
"no-sequences": 1,
"no-shadow-restricted-names": 0,
"no-spaced-func": 2,
"no-ternary": 0,
"no-underscore-dangle": 0,
"no-unreachable": 1,
"no-unused-expressions": 1,
"no-void": 1,
"object-curly-spacing": [2, "never"],
"one-var": 0,
"quote-props": 0,
"quotes": [1, "single", "avoid-escape"],
"radix": 2,
"semi": 2,
"semi-spacing": 2,
"sort-vars": 0,
"space-after-keywords": [2, "always"],
"space-before-blocks": [1, "always"],
"space-in-parens": [2, "never"],
"space-infix-ops": 2,
"space-return-throw-case": 2,
"space-unary-ops": [1, { "words": true, "nonwords": false }],
"spaced-comment": 2,
"strict": [2, "global"],
"use-isnan": 2,
"valid-jsdoc": 0,
"valid-typeof": 1,
"vars-on-top": 0,
"wrap-iife": [2, "inside"],
"wrap-regex": 2,
"yoda": [1, "never"]
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,3 +115,11 @@


# Front-End files

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