Simple weather station application for an ESP and a Matrix Orbital 4.3" Display.
Designed for Matrix Orbital EVE3-43 SPI TFT Displays
This code makes use of the Matrix Orbital EVE Library found here:
- While a copy of the library files (Eve2_81x.c and Eve2_81x.h) is included here, you may look for updated files if you wish. This is optional, but the Eve2-Library is likely to contain an extension of what you have here in case you wish to make some more advanced screens.
Matrix Orbital EVE SPI TFT display information can be found at:
- WEMOS D1 Mini (Most models of the ESP32/ESP8266 should work, but are untested)
- A Matrix Orbital EVE3-43 display
- A Matrix Orbital EVE-SPI2BBC Breakout board
- A Matrix Orbital EVE2-USB2SPI-KIT-A USB to SPI Adapter board
You need to upload the background image to the display Connect the EVE display to the USB2SPI board, be careful that the FFC is properly inserted in both headers Plug-in the USB2SPI to a USB cable and to your computer
To verify you can run the test program, you should see the Matrix Orbital logo
Download and install the EVE Asset Builder
With the EVE Asset Builder you will need to upload the images to the display
- a. Select Flash Utilities
- b. Select Flash Programmer
- c. Select MPSEE
- d. Click Detect
The software will connect to the display and verify the on-board memory
- e. Select the flash.bin file in the flash folder
- f. Click Update&Verify
- g. Verify the upload is successful
ESP | Breakout Board |
3.3V | 3.3V |
D5 | SCK |
D6 | MISO |
D7 | MOSI |
D8 | CS |
D0 | RST |
You will require the Arduino IDE
You may require to rename the folder to 'ESP-EVE3-Weather-Demo'
Load 'ESP-EVE3-Weather-Demo.ino'
Install the ESP8266 Board Manager
Configure the IDE by selecting the proper Board and COM Port.
to install Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries...
and installing the library
ESP8266 Weather Station
library by ThingPulse, version 2.0.1 was used during development.Json Streaming Parser
library by Daniel Eichhorn, version 1.0.5 was used during development.
The datasource for this demo is the OpenWeatherMap API, befoure you can use this API you'll need to obtain a free API key.
- Go to and sign up for the free account.
- Obtain your API key from
- Go to and search for the city of your choice.
- Click the link of the city of your choice and it will navigate to the weather page for this city. The last part of the URL will be the location code.
ie: If you Search for Calgary the page will be
in this example 5913490
will be the location code.
Before you can run the code a few edits will need to be made in esp_weather_demo.ino
Variable | Purpose |
WIFI_SSID | The name of the WIFI access point you would like to use |
WIFI_PWD | The password required for the WIFI access point |
OPEN_WEATHER_MAP_APP_ID | The API key obtained above |
OPEN_WEATHER_MAP_LOCATION | The Location Code obtained above |
UTC_OFFSET | The time offset from DST |