Install pre-requisites, then clone and run setup script. Setup script should be rerun on every subsequent update to ensure that any new dotfiles are configured correctly!
Set terminal of choice to login shell
Run the following in terminal of choice:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git cd ~ && git clone cd ~/dotfiles ./
(optional) Configure Solarized for gnome-terminal or your terminal of choice (xfce-terminal already pre-configured)
(optional) Setup patched fonts for powerline; Recommended font for Linux is Source Code Pro
(optional) For Linux virtual machines, you can pass your Git identity in to the machine via SSH if you modify your sshd config file's
directive as follows:# Allow client to pass locale and git environment variables AcceptEnv LANG LC_* GIT_*
Install iTerm2
Install Command Line Tools for XCode
Install MacVim and copy
CLI wrapper to/usr/local/bin
Install XQuartz for Mountain Lion/Mavericks (X11 is included by default on Lion)
Add XQuartz/X11 to "Login Items" for your account under System Preferences
In XQuartz/X11 preferences, check all boxes under "Pasteboard" to enable copy/paste sync
Fix Command Line tools
sudo xcode-select -switch /usr/bin sudo mv /usr/bin/xcrun /usr/bin/xcrun-orig Edit /usr/bin/xcrun and add: #!/bin/sh $@ sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/xcrun
Run the following in iTerm2:
cd ~ && git clone cd ~/dotfiles ./
(optional) Configure Solarized for iTerm2
(optional) Setup patched fonts for powerline; Recommended font for OS X is Inconsolata-dz
Install Cygwin and include git and wget packages
Run the following in Cygwin terminal (mintty)
cd ~ && git clone cd ~/dotfiles ./
For copy/paste integration through vim, with the same config as Linux/OS X, add a shortcut to the "Startup" group with the target
C:\cygwin\\bin\run.exe -p /usr/X11R6/bin XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error
(optional) Setup patched fonts for powerline; Recommended font for Cygwin/mintty is Consolas.ttf
- Support for Ubuntu Linux, Mac OS X, and Cygwin on Windows eases cross platform work
- Copy/paste integration inside vim/tmux, even bi-directional host-to-guest-VM using X11
- Simple bash prompt with host display over SSH and directory colors
- Git optimizations for settings and aliases and identity
- Solarized colorscheme optimizations for tmux, gnome-terminal, and vim
- Unified tmux/vim pane and split navigation with Ctrl-{h,j,k,l}
- Vim
- Copy/paste directly from vim to system clipboard (even inside a VM inside tmux)
- Command-T for fuzzy file opening
- Syntastic error checking support
- Powerline with fancy symbols (enable in vimrc.local)
- Exuberant ctags navigation plus Tagbar
- Whitespace detection and highlighting
- Run specs in tmux split using vim-dispatch and vim-rspec
- Other sane defaults for searching, surround, and tpope plugins
for keybindings, and personal settings~/.gvimrc.local
for guifont and other personal gui settings~/.vimrc.bundles.local
for personal vim bundles~/dotfiles/git_identity.local
for git identity environment variables
- Mac OS X
- Lion
- Mountain Lion
- Ubuntu Linux
- Lucid (10.04)
- Precise (12.04)
- Saucy (13.10)
- Cygwin on Windows