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Movie Watchlist Creator - Scrimba FEWD Project

This is a solution to the Movie Watchlist Creator solo project, as part of the Scrimba Frontend Developer Career Path, featuring the use of the Open Movie Database API. My solution incorporates the use of mobile-first design methodology, local storage, async/await, and other modern JavaScript methods.

Table of contents


Project requirements

  • Develop a two page website: index.html and watchlist.html
  • Design site according to supplied figma design comp
  • index.html: search page, calls to OMDB API with the term searched, displaying results
  • Each result should be displayed within page's results section
  • Each result should feature a button to save film to watchlist
  • watchlist.html loads and displays the watchlist, saved using local storage
  • Each result displayed should feature a button to remove film from watchlist page and local storage

Additional enhancements

  • Film result images link to the film's external IMDB page
  • Search result items already saved to watchlist are identified
  • Number of watchlist items saved displayed on home page via counter
  • Added a loading animation for film searches in-progress
  • Additional design customizations and enhancements



My process

Built with

  • Mobile-first methodology
  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • JavaScript, including async/await

What I learned

Nested loops have been something I've often tried to avoid. However, this particular implementation seemed like the most straightforward approach for the function I'm using to check if a search result item is already saved to the local storage watchlist.

function checkForSavedFilms() {
  const watchlist = getWatchlistFromStorage();

  const savedTagHtml = `
    <p class="saved-film">
      <i class="fa-solid fa-circle-check"></i> Film Saved
  // loop over searchResults to match films saved in watchlist
  for (let film of searchResults) {
    for (let savedFilm of watchlist) { // loop over watchlist for each film
      if (film.imdbID === savedFilm.imdbID) { // compare imdbID
        document.querySelector(`[data-btn-container="${savedFilm.imdbID}"]`).innerHTML = savedTagHtml;

It looks like a lot is going on in my handleSearch function, but earlier versions of this code were quite a bit more convoluted. Thanks to the helpful mentors at Scrimba (shoutout to Amy!) I was able to separate concerns in my code much more effectively and was able to implement Promise.all successfully in a project for the first time. Very excited about using these techniques and principles moving forward.

async function handleSearch(e) {
  const searchInput = document.getElementById('search-input'); 
  const searchTerm = searchInput.value.trim();

  if (!searchTerm) { // ensure a valid string was passed in
    alert('Enter a search term!');

  try {
    searchInput.value = '';
    clearResultsGrid(); // clear previous results
    errorToggle(); // error encountered?
    showLoader(); // show the loading animation
    // fetch search results:
    const data = await fetchOMDBData(`${BASE_URL}&s=${searchTerm}`);
    const searchResults = await Promise.all(data.Search
      .map(film => fetchOMDBData(`${BASE_URL}&i=${film.imdbID}`)));

    tempSearchResults = [...searchResults]; // populate temp array for other funcs
    renderFilmCards(searchResults); // render film cards
    checkForSavedFilms(searchResults); // check result films for those already saved
    hideLoader(); // hide loading animation
  } catch (error) {



A movie watchlist builder using local storage and the Open Movie Database API






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