Various tools to manage a C# solution.
✨ Update a solution to .NET 8 - updates csproj target versions and all Microsoft Nuget Packages. Ensure you update the global.json to use the latest SDK version, as this is not done for you.
The app feels quite self explanatory :)
compare <SolutionFolderPath>
Finds any missing C# projects in the solution file compared to the folder.
-l --logprojectfiles
logs all project files found in folder
format-csproj Formats a C# project file(s).
--folder <SolutionFolderPath>
--sln <SolutionFilePath>
--project <CsprojFilePath>
implicit-usings <SolutionFilePath>
Find projects in sln that don't have ImplicitUsings enabled. Optionally enables them.
adds missing implicit usings to all project files
enables disabled implicit usings in all project files
enables implicit usings in all project files
warnings-as-errors <SolutionFilePath>
Find projects in sln that don't have TreatWarningsAsErrors enabled. Optionally enables them.
adds missing TreatWarningsAsErrors to all project files
clear-bin-obj <SolutionFolderPath>
Deletes all bin and obj folders, and node_modules folders in the solution folder.
update-sln-net80 <SolutionFilePath>
Updates all projects and Microsoft NuGet packages in sln to .NET 8.0.
update-csproj-net80 <CsprojFilePath>
Updates project and Microsoft NuGet packages to .NET 8.0.