This project combines server- and client- side of Chinese Checkers game. It is being developed for Computer Science course and will be progressively updated with new requirements.
In Project directory, to execute client run:
java -cp target/classes org.example.ClientMain
To execute server run:
java -cp target/classes org.example.ServerMain
If the server starts correctly, you will see:
> java -cp target/classes org.example.ServerMain
Hello World from Server!
Binding at port 8045
Server bound
Similarly, in the client application you will see this popup:
> java -cp target/classes org.example.ClientMain
Welcome to the Client Application!
1. Connect to server
2. Exit
Enter your choice:
you can then connect to the server:
Enter your choice: 1
Enter server host: localhost
Enter server port: 8045
Connected to the server successfully.
Once another client is connected (there are two players connected to the server), you can start the game:
Enter your choice: 1
Enter your message: /start_game
Message sent: COMMAND [start_game]
Command sent successfully.
1. Send Message
2. Disconnect from Server
3. Exit
Message received: STRING Game started!
Once the game is started, your next message will be the move you want to perform, which will be synchronized with all clients:
Enter your choice: 1
Enter your message: a1 b2
Message sent: MOVE [a1, b2]
Move sent successfully.
Message received: GAMESTATE Game is running.
Last move: a1 -> b2
a1 -> b2
You can change the amount of players by using /set_player_count
command followed by the amount of players (default board allows 2, 3, 4 or 6 players).
Enter your choice: 1
Enter your message: /set_player_count 2
- Connecting to the server
- Setting desired player count
- Starting the game
- Synchronizing mock up moves across the server to other clients