A set of decorators and helper methods for adding statsd metrics to applications.
You can use pip to install statsdecor:
pip install statsdecor
You must use statsdecor.configure
to configure the internal statsd client before
calling other methods:
import statsdecor
statsdecor.configure(host='localhost', prefix='superapp.')
Configuration is generally setup during your application's bootstrap. Once
set configuration values are re-used in all clients that statsdecor
You can track metrics with either the module functions, or decorators. Incrementing and decrementing counters looks like:
import statsdecor
statsdecor.gauge('sessions.active', 9001)
Counters and timers can also be set through decorators:
import statsdecor.decorators as stats
def save(self):
def attempt():
def perform_request(self, req)
When using decorators, metrics are only tracked if the decorated function does not raise an error.