This module contains Python implementation of TRAP MUSIC multi-source localization algorithm. The module contains three functions trapmusic_presetori trapmusic_optori trapmusic_example
The implementation is based on
Makela, Stenroos, Sarvas, Ilmoniemi. Truncated RAP-MUSIC (TRAP-MUSIC) for MEG and EEG source localization. NeuroImage 167(2018):73--83.
For further information on the TRAP MUSIC approach, please see the publication. I also kindly ask you to cite the paper, if you use the approach and/or this implementation. If you do not have access to the paper, please send me a request by email.
I share the programs hoping that they would be useful for EEG/MEG data analysis, method development and learning. This is my second Python program, so I am happy to receive constructive critique and syntax / style tips.
trapmusic_python is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License. Copyright (c) 2020, Matti Stenroos. All rights reserved. The software comes without any warranty.
Release notes: v0.9 (v200424) First public release