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Nubank Dark Mode 📱


Project that adds functionality in an obscure way in the Nubank app, my goal is to practice my knowledge with this project.


  • React Native - A lib that provides a way to create native apps for Android and iOS. about

  • Styled components - Visual primitives for the component age. about

  • Template rocketseat - Template created by the rocketseat team to streamline the process of installing necessary packages, so as not to hinder the development flow. about

Getting started

  • Clone this repo using
  • Enter directory: cd nubank-app-dark
  • Run yarn to install dependencies

Run app

  • Run react-native run-android if you use it on the android simulator;
  • If you use simulator IOS, run react-native run-ios;

⚠️ First of all, start the simulator in the case of android.