BEEP is open source combination of a bee monitoring app + automatic bee hive measurement device. It's key feature is to integrate a user friendly responsive web app for manual inspections with automatically measured sensor data. Check the website for more information.
You are free to use our BEEP app and API.
The BEEP app is a VUE app, communicating with a (Laravel PHP) BEEP API (this repository).
NB: The BEEP VUE (v3) app replaced the BEEP Angular JS (v2) app in 2021.
The BEEP app is publicly available at: It has about 5000+ users worldwide and is available in 9 languages (Jan 2022).
This repository. Serving both app v3 as app v2. Publicly available at
The BEEP base v3 is an open source ultra low power automatic hive monitoring system. Design of the device and PCB (with accompanying firmware) be found at [this repository]]( It measures weight, temperature and sound. We produce a yearly batch of BEEP bases for the European (868MHz LoRaWAN) market, that are sold via the BEEP webshop. The BEEP base sends it's data through The Things Network LoRaWAN to the BEEP API.
You can also use your own measurement device with the BEEP app by POSTing your measurement data to the BEEP API.
The BEEP base can be configured by Bluetooth using our native BEEP base apps for Android and iOS.
If you would like to install this BEEP API (the code in this) repo on your own server, or contribute; please read on below.
- Linux Debian (8+)
- Software installed
- PHP 7.4+
- MariaDB/MySQL
- Apache 2 (or Nginx, creating Nginx 'server blocks' in step 4)
- InfluxDB (
- Composer - Installation tool for PHP/Laravel dependencies for API
- Optional: Letsencrypt SSL certificate generation
NB: We recommend to use Laravel Forge to easily install all the software you need on any Linux based server
git clone
Create a MySQL database (type: InnoDB, encoding: UTF_8, collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci) called:
NB: Make sure to pass the user and credentials to the newly made .env file after step 3.
if [ ! -f '.env' ]; then cp .env.example .env && php artisan key:generate; fi
composer install && sudo chmod -R 777 storage && sudo chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache && php artisan storage:link && php artisan migrate --force
NB: To stick to a certain PHP version (on the server e.g. 7.1.25), use composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
or composer update --ignore-platform-reqs
Simply use the default Nginx template and install Let's Encrypt SSL certificate via the interface.
Install the desired config files from /apache to your apache/sites-available
folder and enable them with a2ensite [config file name]
Install SSL certificates to your endpoints with Let's Encrypt
Install InfluxDB or set up an account at InfluxCloud
- NB: If you have inlfux already installed, use
for the commands from inside the installation folder
tar xvfz influxdb2-client-2.0.6-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd influxdb2-client-2.0.6-linux-amd64
./influx config create --config-name beep-cloud-test --host-url --org [your-email] --token [copy-from-influx-cloud] --active
./influx v1 dbrp create --db [influx-v1-db-name] --rp autogen --bucket-id [copy-from-influx-cloud] --default
sudo influx_inspect export -datadir /var/lib/influxdb/data -waldir /var/lib/influxdb/wal -database test_beep_nl -retention autogen -start 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z -end 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z -out test_beep_nl_temp.lp
sudo tail -n +4 test_beep_nl_temp.lp > test_beep_nl.lp
./influx write --bucket-id [copy-from-influx-cloud] --file test_beep_nl.lp --rate-limit "300 MB / 5 min" --skipRowOnError
Create a databse and user
> exit
NB: Make sure to pass the user and credentials to the .env file that has been created in step 3. NB: If your Influx version was < 1.1.x (no TSI support), when using backups to transfer data: first install the old version that you are currently using on a new server, import the backups, then update to the newest Influx version!
a. Set up e-mail credentials in the .env
config file
b. (Angular JS webapp v2) For the webapp to reach the API, rename the file 'public/webapp/js/constants.js.example' to 'public/webapp/js/constants.js' and edit it to change the 'api_url' to your own back-end API end-point
c. To enable schedules (e.g. for loading weather data), install a crontab with sudo crontab -e
and add: * * * * * cd /home/bitnami/apps/appdir && /opt/bitnami/php/bin/php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
a. Go to api.[your_domain]/webapp#!/login/create
b. Create a new user
c. Promote the user to 'superadmin'
Open your database (with a database viewer like PhpMyadmin, Sequel Pro, MySQL Workbench, etc.), or just do a command line query:
Define a relation in table role_user
with (1,1)
(linking user_id 1 to role_id 1).
Your user has just been promoted to the super administrator of the system, so you can use the back-end management interface to configure the complete system.
d. Go to api.[your_domain]/admin
to log in with the same credentials that you created your app user with in step 3b.
e. You should see the back-end dashboard, looking like this:
A simple setup for small installations can be achived with docker-compose. The tool will spinn up a mysqldb, influd, a webserver and initialize the beep database.
- Install docker-compose
- Checkout BEEP and switch into the code repository
- Adjust
(set suitable environment variables). - Run
docker-compose up
. During the first start, you might see some database connectivity issues. Docker compose will restart the BEEP Server component untill a database connection is available. So don't worry. - Register as a new user: http://localhost:8000/webapp.
- Grant user administrator rights:
docker-compose exec mysql mysql -h localhost -P 3306 -ppass -u user -D bee_data -Bse "INSERT INTO role_user (user_id,role_id) VALUES(1,1);"
- Login to mamagement interface: http://localhost:8000/admin
To upgrade beep to the latest version, simply stop and start docker-compose.
As the setup is based on docker containers, code changes inside the repository will not have an effeact till the underlying docker image is updated.
- Create a TTN account at (or other LoRa network) and create an HTTP integration pointing to, or point your own measurement device data stream HTTP POST to (please refer to our Slack channel for API description)
- Use the native Android / iOS app to configure your BEEP base by Bluetooth.
- With the app, connect the BEEP base to the BEEP TTN network (auto configuration), or connect the BEEP base (manually) to your own LoRa network
- The native app adds a BEEP base measurement device to your BEEP account
- You can see the measurement data at the Measurements menu item of the webapp
Thank you for considering contributing to the BEEP framework! If you would like to contribute, please fork this repository, edit on your Github account, and finally send Pull Requests to this repository to include new features.
Please request access to our slack community at if you would like to know more, or cooperate.
- Create a Beep user account at!/login/create
- Send an e-mail to with you user e-mail address, asking to become a translator for a certain language
- Log into the backend to start translating
- Many new features for health checking and sensor measurements (2019 Q3 - 2023 Q3)
- BEEP base v3.3 - December 2021
- App v3 (VUEjs) development - 2020-2021
- Alerts (e-mail, app)
- Many improvements
- BEEP base v3.2 - April 2021
- App v2.2.1 - Continuous App improvements - 2020-2021
- App v2.2 - January 2020
- Photo addition
- Weather data
- Research
- Helpdesk integration
- BEEP base v3.1 (2019 Q3-Q4)
- App v2.1.0 - May 29 2019
- Collaborate: Hive, data and inspection list sharing (2019 Q2)
- User feedback improvements (2019 Q1 + Q2)
- App v2.0.2 - April 30 2019
- Integration sensor data / hive inspections (2018 Q4)
- BEEP base v2 - December 2019
- Hardware weighing scale + temperature + audio measurement kit v3 development (2018 Q2-Q4)
- App v2.0 - July 10th 2018
- Apiary and hive overview improved
- Dynamic inspection list
- Create your own inspection list and order
- Automatic measurement view improvement
- App v1.0 - June 15th 2017
- One click creation of apiaries with multiple hives
- Manual hive inspections
- Display automatic measurements
Documentation and manual of the app can be found at
API documentation of the BEEP API can be found at
If you discover a security vulnerability within BEEP, please send an e-mail to
The BEEP framework is open-sourced software licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 license.