Indexed collection is an extended version of dictionary collection for cases where Dictionary is not enough and full fledged database is too much.
Indexed collection allows you to create one-to-one and one-to-many indexes with a o(1) retrival and forcibly or lazyly rebuild indexes.
Available indexes:
Type | Description |
Index By Key | Groups all values by key retrieved by a selector |
Index One To One | Creates dictionary where every value has a unique calculated key retrieved by selector |
Index By Type | Lazily creates indexes for the whole type hierarchy of values |
class Dispatcher
private readonly IndexedCollection<Subscription> _untargetedSubscriptions = new();
private IndexedCollection<Subscription>.IndexByKey<IListener> _untargetedByListener;
private IndexedCollection<Subscription>.IndexByType _untargetedByForType;
public Dispatcher()
_untargetedByListener = _untargetedSubscriptions.CreateIndexByKey(p => p.ListenerContext.Listener);
_untargetedByForType = _untargetedSubscriptions.CreateIndexByType(p => p.ForType);
public void AddSubscription(Subscription subscription)
public void InjectSubscriptions(IEntity entity)
foreach(var entry in _untargetedByForType.Get(entity.GetType()))
AddSubscriptions(entity, entry.Item);
internal void RemoveListener(IListener listener)