- Pokemon-themed App: A visually appealing application that displays Pokémon in a scrollable list by demonstrating modern Android development with Jetpack Compose Navigation, Lifecycle, Coroutines, Flow, ViewModel, and Material Design based on MVVM architecture.
- Data Fetching: Utilizes the PokeApi to fetch data using Retrofit, ensuring efficient and reliable data retrieval.
- Type Change Functionality Using Chips: Allows users to easily search for Pokemon with a robust search filter feature.
- Detailed Pokemon Stats: Clickable items reveal detailed Pokémon stats, including:
- Pokemon’s sprite
- Pokemon's name
- Type
- Number (called order in api response)
- Description
Pokedex is built using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) Architecture, a design pattern that separates the user interface logic from the business logic. This architecture enhances code organization, maintainability, and testability.
- Represents the data and business logic of the application
- Handles data retrieval, storage, and manipulation
- The user interface that displays data from the model
- Observes and reacts to state changes in the ViewModel
- Acts as a bridge between the Model and the View
- Prepares and manages data for display in the View
- Handles UI-related tasks such as:
- Data validation
- Error handling
- Provides a clean API for the View to interact with
- Handles dependency injection.
- Separation of Concerns: Clear distinction between UI, data, and business logic
- Testability: Easier to write unit tests for ViewModels and Models
- Maintainability: Changes in one component have minimal impact on others
- Scalability: Facilitates easier addition of new features and modifications