Just a fun script to test automating keystrokes in different ways
- put the stuff the code will do into a config file and run from that instead
- instead of starting direct there should be a small gui with a start/stop button
- update requirements
- give you a 5 second countdown to be able to tab over to the window you want it to interact with
- press left or right arrow for a random amount of seconds
- then pressing w/a/s or d for a few random seconds
- sleep for a tiny bit
- then press the "oposite" key from the first keys for almost the same time as the initial pressing ie:
w -> s
s -> w
a -> d
d -> a - then it will sleep for a few random seconds between the key-presses
- lastly it will will sleep for a random amount of time
- quickly press the space bar in the middle of holding the keys down
- press nr 9 before pressing the keys
The project has a compiled exe file uploaded in the binary folder. It's compiled with PyInstaller, use it or don't the code runs just as well as just python. Or run the compile.py to compile it yourself