This application demonstrates the Angular 9+ based admin template having 1 module of line-chart in which pure d3 is used.
It has been implemented with below aspects,
- Cloned the latest core.ui free Angular admin template with Bootstrap 4.
- Integrated the d3.js version 4 library in the application, without any wrapper.
- Created an angular module that contains a linechart within the core.ui template
- Provided the local json file(batteryData.json) via an Angular service that is available only within the module.
- The methods within the service are created with proper typings in such a way that it can be subscribed to via observable only.
- Created the linechart component, and added it to above module and provided data to it
- Integrate d3.js v4 to create the chart
- Implemented "dumb" component that contains the linechart and renders based on data
- Displayed the voltage (y-axis) vs. the time (x-axis) for one battery cell.
- There are 72 different battery cells value in each element of array witihin batteryData.json file, ploted co-ordinates basis of respective cell value c1/c2/..../c72
- Added a dropdown menu for the linechart where you can select the cell that should be displayed and redrawn line on the basis of repective co-ordinates
- Main module
- LineChart
- DataService
In the project directory, you can run:
Installs all the dependencies
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:4200 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.