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Frontend Documentation: Android

Anthony Dagher edited this page Nov 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

Documentation & Demo

Check out the app code (or preview via gifs below)

NOTE : Clicking the back arrow on your phone will take you back to the previous page.

1. Discover Artwork

  • Load a list of completely random artworks with the push of a button from the app's main page.
  • Once inside, you can scroll down to take a look at all of the available artworks for purchase.
  • Clicking on an artwork will take you to its details such as price, artist, description, etc. Clicking "BUY" will lead you to the checkout process for this artwork.

Below you will find the Discover Artwork page, followed by the checkout process.

1.1 Discover Artwork page

discover artwork

1.2 Checkout process

checkout process

2. View Artists

  • Load a list of all the different artists with the push of a button from the app's main page.
  • Once inside, you can scroll down to take a look at the list of artists who share their art with the gallery.
  • Clicking on an artist will take you to their artist page, where you'll find a list of their personal work available for purchase.
  • Similarly to the Discover Artwork page, clicking on an artwork will provide its information and offers the possibility of purchase.

Below you will find the View Artists page and its ability to view profiles with artwork.

view artists

3. My Purchases

  • Loads a login portal for customers, followed by a list of all the purchases done by said customer after they login, all with the push of a button from the app's main page.
  • Once inside, you can scroll down to take a look at all the artworks purchased, with their respective details such as price, artist, date, shipment option, etc.

Below you will find the My Purchases page and its ability to view all of a customer's purchases.

purchases gif

4. Upload Artwork

  • Loads a login portal for artists, followed by an artwork uploading page, all with the push of a button from the app's main page.
  • Artists will be prompted to select an image from their phone photo library depicting their desired artwork.
  • Once a picture has been selected, the artists can input all the information regarding their artwork piece, such as price, description, commission, weight, etc.
  • Clicking "UPLOAD" will proceed with the artwork upload to the online gallery, making it available for purchase and viewing!
  • make sure that you have images recognized in the emulator's internal DCIM storage. This can be tricky and would require some experimentation

Below you will find the Upload Artwork page and its ability to upload art for artists.

upload artwork gif

5. Sign Up

  • Loads a registration form for users all with the push of a button from the app's main page.
  • Users will be asked to input their desired username, their first & last name, email and a strong password (capital letter, special characters i.e. #$!, and at least 8 characters).
  • Clicking "CLEAR" will empty with all the input fields, essentially re-setting the registration form.
  • Clicking "REGISTER" will open a pop-up, where the user will be prompted to select if they are a customer, followed by a pop-up asking them if they are an artist.

Below you will find the Sign Up page with an example of an artist registration.

registration form gif