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BenMacnaughton edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 12 revisions

Meeting #1

Friday, September 25th 4:30-5:30 pm

1. Attendees:

  • Aidan Williams
  • Luke Barber
  • Ben Macnaughton
  • Minh Quan Hoang
  • Gregory Walfish

2. Minutes prepared by:

Gregory Walfish

3. Summary

Introductions - everyone introduced themselves and spoke about previous experiences. (10 mins).

Discussing project - went through documentation together to look at teachers requirements. (10 mins)

Organizing GitHub - Set up a project board and started to add some issues. Added some custom labels and made a timeline for the sprint. Also set up 4 milestones. (10 mins)

Set up Slack - everyone joined slack and integrated our GitHub repository for relevant updates and notifications. (10 mins)

Game plan - for next meeting (10 mins).

4. Key decisions

  • Deliverable timeline:
    • Sept 28: Rough requirements and domain model
    • Oct 1: Main model finalized and on GitHub
    • Oct 5: Persistence layer finished
    • Oct 7: Testing suite completed

5. Game plan for next meeting: Monday Sept 28th 6:15 pm

Read in detail all documentation for the project. Bring ideas for Domain Model and System Requirements. Set up Heroku, GitHub, Travis CL if you haven't already.

Meeting #2

Friday, September 25th 6:15-7:00 pm

1. Attendees:

  • Aidan Williams
  • Luke Barber
  • Ben Macnaughton
  • Minh Quan Hoang
  • Gregory Walfish

2. Minutes prepared by:

Ben Macnaughton

3. Summary

Introductions - Brief review of last meeting, state any progress. (10 mins)

Review requirements - Reviewed brainstormed requirements and added to GitHub. (20 mins)

Look over domain model - Brief review of domain model so far. (10 mins)

Game plan - for next meeting (5 mins)

4. Key decisions

  • Requirements finished and posted
  • Make User an abstract superclass of Buyer and Artist

5. Game plan for next meeting: Monday Sept 30th 8:00 pm

Finalize domain model Generate model code

Meeting #3

Friday, September 30th 8:00-11:00 pm

1. Attendees:

  • Aidan Williams
  • Ben Macnaughton
  • Gregory Walfish

2. Minutes prepared by:

Ben Macnaughton

3. Summary:

Introductions - Review of past meetings, members update on progress since last meeting. (10 mins)

Discussing domain model - Review current domain model and add methods to classes. (20 mins)

UML Lab - Replicate DM in UML Lab and generate code. (60 mins)

Heroku - Set up. (60 mins)

Game plan - For next meeting (10 mins)

4. Key decisions

  • Added Administrator class to offer oversight to gallery

5. Game plan for next meeting: Friday Oct 2nd 6:15 pm

Work on persistence tests Create use case diagrams

Meeting #4

Saturday, October 3rd 4:00-7:00 pm

1. Attendees:

  • Aidan Williams
  • Ben Macnaughton
  • Gregory Walfish

2. Minutes prepared by:

Gregory Walfish

3. Summary

Set up project wiki - with custom sidebar (60 mins)

Set up persistence layer and touch up domain model (120 mins)

4. Key decisions

  • Add cart association between Buyer and Purchase to keep track of active Purchase
  • Manually adjusted JPA annotations: primary keys, associations, cascade types, etc. to provide greater control over data tables

5. Game plan for next meeting: Sunday October 4th 6:00 pm

Work on use cases and requirements

Meeting #5

Saturday, October 6th 6:30-7:30 pm

1. Attendees:

  • Aidan Williams
  • Ben Macnaughton
  • Gregory Walfish
  • Luke Barber
  • Minh Quan Hoang

2. Minutes prepared by:

Luke Barber

3. Summary

Reviewed persistence table implementation (15 mins)

Reviewed Use Case Diagram (5 mins)

Reviewed Requirements and Altered them (20 mins)

Updated Member Roles and Member Hours for Deliverable 1 (10 mins)

Reviewed UML Class Diagram (10 mins)

4. Key decisions

  • Minor requirements alterations
  • Assigned hours committed

5. Game plan for next meeting: Wednesday Oct. 7th/Thursday Oct. 8th, Review Submission