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Domain Model

Ragheed Qasmieh edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 7 revisions

Class diagram

The decisions we made in creating our domain model were based on key concepts:

  • An application class acts as the main container class.
  • Modeling the User class as a superclass for Customer, Artist, and Admin classes as it holds the common attributes that are shared by all these users.
  • An address class was added that models a customer's address in the context of an order. This would be used for delivering the artwork(s) to the customer's house if they opt to choose a shipped delivery method.
  • Order and Artwork are key in modeling a customer's order and artwork with multiple copies created by an artist. They have a many-to-many relationship as the same artwork can be purchased in different orders.
  • A review class was created that models a customer's review for an artist. The review class is contained in the artist class as no review would exist for a non-existing artist.
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