using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program { // P/Invoke declarations [DllImport("Netapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)] private static extern int NetUseAdd( string UncServerName, int Level, ref USE_INFO_2 Buf, out int ParmError );
[DllImport("Netapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int NetUseDel(
string UncServerName,
string UseName,
int ForceCond
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
private struct USE_INFO_2
public string ui2_local;
public string ui2_remote;
public string ui2_password;
public uint ui2_status;
public uint ui2_asg_type;
public uint ui2_refcount;
public uint ui2_usecount;
public string ui2_username;
public string ui2_domainname;
static async Task Main()
string sourceDrive = @"\\sourceServer\sourceShare";
string destinationDrive = @"\\destinationServer\destinationShare";
string username = "serviceAccountUsername";
string password = "serviceAccountPassword";
// Get the current date in the required format
string currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MMM_yy");
// Construct the file name based on the date
string sourceFileName = $"{currentDate}.txt";
// Construct the full paths of the source and destination files
string sourceFilePath = Path.Combine(sourceDrive, sourceFileName);
string destinationFilePath = Path.Combine(destinationDrive, sourceFileName);
// Establish network connections to the source and destination drives asynchronously
bool isConnectedToSource = await ConnectToNetworkDriveAsync(sourceDrive, username, password);
bool isConnectedToDestination = await ConnectToNetworkDriveAsync(destinationDrive, username, password);
if (isConnectedToSource && isConnectedToDestination)
// Check if the source file exists asynchronously
bool isSourceFileExists = await FileExistsAsync(sourceFilePath);
if (isSourceFileExists)
// Copy the file to the destination asynchronously
await CopyFileAsync(sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath);
Console.WriteLine("File copied successfully.");
Console.WriteLine("Source file does not exist.");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to copy the file: " + ex.Message);
// Disconnect from the network drives asynchronously
await DisconnectFromNetworkDriveAsync(sourceDrive);
await DisconnectFromNetworkDriveAsync(destinationDrive);
Console.WriteLine("Failed to establish network connections.");
static Task<bool> ConnectToNetworkDriveAsync(string drivePath, string username, string password)
return Task.Run(() =>
// Create a USE_INFO_2 structure for the network drive
USE_INFO_2 driveInfo = new USE_INFO_2
ui2_remote = drivePath,
ui2_username = username,
ui2_password = password,
ui2_domainname = null,
ui2_asg_type = 0
int result = NetUseAdd(null, 2, ref driveInfo, out _);
return result == 0;
static Task DisconnectFromNetworkDriveAsync(string drivePath)
return Task.Run(() =>
int result = NetUseDel(null, drivePath, 2);
if (result != 0)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to disconnect from the network drive: " + drivePath);
static Task<bool> FileExistsAsync(string filePath)
return Task.Run(() => File.Exists(filePath));
static Task CopyFileAsync(string sourceFilePath, string destinationFilePath)
return Task.Run(() => File.Copy(sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath, true));