MediaConch is an open source software project consisting of a toolset that aims to further develop the standardization and validation of preservation-level audiovisual files used within various memory institutions and communities. The software consists of an implementation checker, policy checker, reporter and fixer that will work together to offer its users an advanced level of ability to validate, assess and find solutions to repair the digital files within their collections. Accessible via either the command line, a graphical user interface (GUI), or web-based shell, the MediaConch project will serve to provide detailed individual and batch-level conformance checking analysis using its adaptable, flexible and interoperable software application interface. With a project focus dedicated to furthering the longevity of Matroska, Linear Pulse Code Modulation (LPCM) and FF Video Codec 1 (FFV1) as recommended digital preservation audiovisual formats, MediaConch will anticipate and contribute to the further development of the standardization of these formats. The MediaConch open source project was created and is currently under development by MediaArea, notable for the creation of MediaInfo, an open source media checker software application.
Website: 🐚 MediaConch project.
The original repository for the MediaConch project, this repository holds all public documentation related to Phase I of the project (the design phase) and some metadata-related work.
This repository hosts the source code for MediaConch, the GUI.
This is the source code for MediaConchOnline, the online version of the MediaConch shell.
This is the repository for content hosted on
This repository holds XSD (XML Schema Definitions) for MediaConch, MediaInfo, and MediaTrace.
This repository contains sample files used to test MediaConch.
This repository holds a research corpus used in the development of the MediaConch.
This project has received funding from PREFORMA, co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme. All software and source code developed by MediaArea during the PREFORMA project will be provided under the BSD-2-Clause License.
All open source digital assets for the software developed by MediaArea during the PREFORMA project will be made available under the open access license: Creative Commons license attribution 4.0 International (CC BY v4.0). All assets will exist in open file formats within an open platform (an open standard as defined in the European Interoperability Framework for Pan-European eGovernment Service (version 1.0 2004)).
First, you must create a directory which will receive the MediaConch directory, and some of its dependencies depending on your configuration: ZenLib and MediaInfoLib if you decide to compile them yourself, and under Mac libxml2 and libxslt.
In this document, this directory will be referred as $BUILD_DIR.
Some dependencies are available with macport. To install macport:
port install autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig zlib
libxml2 and libxslt must be manually compiled.
Download, and then:
mv libxml2-2.9.2 $BUILD_DIR/libxml2
cd $BUILD_DIR/libxml2
./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --disable-ipv6 --without-ftp --without-http --without-c14n --without-catalog --with-xpath --without-xptr --without-xinclude --without-iconv --without-icu --without-iso8859x --without-zlib --without-lzma --without-mem_debug --without-run_debug --without-regexps --without-modules --with-tree --without-writer --with-pattern --with-push --without-valid --with-sax1 --without-legacy --with-output --without-schemas --with-schematron --without-python
Download, and then:
mv libxslt-1.1.28 $BUILD_DIR/libxslt
cd $BUILD_DIR/libxslt
touch libtoolT
./configure --with-libxml-src=$BUILD_DIR/libxml2 --without-crypto
To install Qt, download and execute:
Build tools
- git
- automake
- autoconf
- libtool
- pkgconfig
- make
- g++
MediaArea tools
- libzen0
- libmediainfo0
CLI and GUI dependencies
- zlib
- libxml2
- libxslt
GUI only dependencies
- qt4
- qtwebkit
Optional dependency (for online checker)
- libcurl
Build tools and CLI/GUI dependencies
apt-get install git automake autoconf libtool pkg-config make g++ zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev liblzma-dev libgcrypt20-dev libsqlite3-dev libevent-dev libjansson-dev
Or (less advisable) install the packages contained in with
dpkg -i *
MediaArea tools
Go to and download the libmediainfo0, libmediainfo-dev, libzen0 and libzen-dev packages corresponding to your Ubuntu version. Then install them with :
dpkg -i libmediainfo* libzen*
GUI only dependencies
apt-get install libqt4-dev libqtwebkit-dev
Optional dependency (for online checker)
apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
Build tools and CLI/GUI dependencies
sudo yum install git automake autoconf libtool pkgconfig make gcc-c++ zlib-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel sqlite-devel libevent-devel jansson-devel
Or (less advisable) install the packages contained in with
dnf --allowerasing install *
MediaArea tools
Go to and download the libmediainfo0, libmediainfo-devel, libzen0 and libzen-devel packages corresponding to your Fedora version and CPU architecture. Then install them with :
sudo yum install libmediainfo*.rpm libzen*.rpm
GUI only dependencies
sudo yum install qt-devel qtwebkit-devel desktop-file-utils
Optional dependency (for online checker)
sudo yum install libcurl-devel
Build tools and CLI/GUI dependencies
apt-get install git automake autoconf libtool pkg-config make g++ zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev liblzma-dev libgcrypt20-dev libsqlite3-dev libevent-dev libjansson-dev
Or (less advisable) install the packages contained in with
dpkg -i *
MediaArea tools
Go to and download the libmediainfo0, libmediainfo-dev, libzen0 and libzen-dev packages corresponding to your Debian version. Then install them with :
dpkg -i libmediainfo* libzen*
GUI only dependencies
apt-get install libqt4-dev libqtwebkit-dev
Optional dependency (for online checker)
apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
Build tools and CLI/GUI dependencies
zypper install git automake autoconf libtool pkgconfig make gcc-c++ zlib-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel sqlite3-devel libevent-devel libjansson-devel
Or (less advisable) install the packages contained in with
zypper install *
MediaArea tools
Go to and download the libmediainfo0, libmediainfo-devel, libzen0 and libzen-devel packages corresponding to your OpenSuse version. Then install them with :
rpm -i libmediainfo* libzen*
GUI only dependencies
zypper install libqt4-devel libQtWebKit-devel update-desktop-files
Optional dependency (for online checker)
zypper install libcurl-devel
Unzip the corresponding, and then launch
in order to compile, respectively, the CLI, the server and the GUI.
When you have done all the prerequisite for you configuration, you can build MediaConch. We start with the CLI.
git clone
cd MediaConch_SourceCode/Project/GNU/CLI
./configure --enable-staticlibs
If you also build ZenLib and MediaInfoLib:
./configure --enable-staticlibs
Or, with shared ZenLib and MediaInfoLib:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$BUILD_DIR/ZenLib/Project/GNU/Library/.libs:$BUILD_DIR/MediaInfoLib/Project/GNU/Library/.libs
If you have already build the CLI, no need to run git twice. In fact, if you re-run git with an existing MediaConch_SourceCode directory, git will complain and exit.
To compile MediaConch GUI under Mac and Linux:
git clone
cd MediaConch_SourceCode/Project/Qt
Under Mac, or if you also build ZenLib and MediaInfoLib, run:
./prepare STATIC_LIBS=1
With shared ZenLib and MediaInfoLib:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$BUILD_DIR/ZenLib/Project/GNU/Library/.libs:$BUILD_DIR/MediaInfoLib/Project/GNU/Library/.libs
You must install the online checker dependencies. Then run:
Under Mac, or if you also build ZenLib and MediaInfoLib, run:
./prepare STATIC_LIBS=1
With shared ZenLib and MediaInfoLib:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$BUILD_DIR/ZenLib/Project/GNU/Library/.libs:$BUILD_DIR/MediaInfoLib/Project/GNU/Library/.libs
Under Mac:
Under Linux:
To compile ZenLib under Mac and Linux:
git clone
cd ZenLib/Project/GNU/Library
./configure --enable-static
To compile MediaInfoLib under Mac and Linux:
git clone
cd MediaInfoLib/Project/GNU/Library
./configure --enable-static
Under Mac:
./configure --enable-static --with-libcurl=runtime
Under Linux:
You must install the online checker dependencies. Then run:
./configure --enable-static --with-libcurl
You need to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.