AspDeck provides a object oriented approach to structure and simplify the process of building an asp web application.
Opposed to the common building patterns of ASP, which - as the app grows - often result in a long and confusing setup file, you compose the app by reusable objects.
new WebApp( //the app container that wraps it up
new Url("http://localhost:5001"), //configures the given url
new Routes( //wraps all the routes
new Get("/readme", async context => //adds a get route
new HttpResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK) //uses WHyLL, another object oriented messaging library with http support. But you can use whatever you want.
.WithBody("Use AspDeck!")
.To(new AspResponse(context))
new Post("/stuff", async context => //adds a post route
// ... process stuff ...
context.Response.StatusCode = 200;
return context;
).StartAsync(); //runs the webapp