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NirNitzani edited this page May 8, 2017 · 10 revisions

GA Release

Binary rpm's of VMA are distributed as an integral part of the MLNX_OFED installation package (install with '--vma' flag).
Download and install latest VMA GA release rpm as part of MLNX_OFED GA package from

MLNX_OFED installation package that includes VMA is available for most RHEL, SLES, Ubuntu and Fedora distributions.

For VMA main page on Mellanox website click here

Source Distribution

Pull the latest stable VMA source tag from github releases and follow the VMA build instruction.

VMA for inbox drivers

You can use VMA on several different distributions with the inbox drivers.
That means without installing MLNX_OFED on the box, just pulling the packages coming from RedHat or Ubuntu.
Follow these instructions for preparing a machine with VMA on: RHEL-7.x, Ubuntu-16.04.

Additional Information

For the ConnectX latest firmware versions click here.