I'm attempting to make a self-contained AngularJS Directive which will allow you to crop an image before it's uploaded to the server.
- Touch support, swipe to move and drag handle to zoom - see known issues
- Add any image file from your device/machine
- Output as a base64-encoded data uri
- Uses HTML5 Canvas to display image in a flexible context, to allow dragging and zooming.
- Note that regardless of the shape of the cropping guideline, resulting images will be square. For example, using the 'circle' shape parameter will show a circular guide, but the resulting images will have to be masked when rendering to the user.
- IE10+, Android 3+, iOS 6+, basically all modern browsers!
- Add the dependency :
- Include the stylesheet
- Initiatlise the directive see standalone JSBin for example code.
- width (string) - the width of the cropper
- height (string) - the height of the cropper
- shape (string) - the cropping guideline shape (circle/square)
- result (bound string) - the variable which will have the resulting data uri bound to it
- step (bound integer) - the variable which dictates which step the user will see (used for resetting purposes)
Note that the last 2 parameters shown must exist as variables in the scope of the controller.
- Currently not working with images captured on some mobile devices, due to orientation exif data being used mobile browsers. Other images on mobiles, including downloaded images are working fine.
- Now works with multiple instances